Today I'm contacting you on behalf of both me and Tyrone Harrison. As you all undoubtedly gathered, are we in the middle of moving two recently aquired modular bases to our headquarters in the Dublin-System. Attached to this message, you will find the schedule for this project. Because as of me sending this to you, we have recieved no word from engineering-companies across Sirius whom would be willing or able to assist us with this endeavour.
Finding a possible towing-vessel. (Possibility: Hercules)
Testing said vessel
Aquiring the necessary amount of these vessels
Phase 2
Chief of Logistics / Chief of Security
Plotting the safest route with the least amount of obstacles
Phase 3
House Directors to Bretonia and Liberty
Contacting the respective Governements asking for:
-Approval of the plotted route
-Safety Escort with both protection against unlawfuls, aswell as protection for civilians and property along the route of travel
Phase 4
Chief of Security
Assembling an escort-wing of our own for aditional security
In accordance with the latest transmission and a meeting between myself and Tyrone, I hereby give you the green-light to commence Phase-1 of the Modular-Base-Relocation-Plan.
You have a free hand as how you want to handle it, however I expect regular updates.
TCL Sending Operative : Chief of Logistics David Jamison
TCL Recipient : Teresa Grand
Message Details : Phase-1
Encryption : Extremely high
In accordance with this directive, I have assembled a team of Scientific advisors, survey teams and recon teams with their associated equipment into a specialized craft that will be commencing route tracing operations in support of this pending base movement.
A second ship with a matrix beacon will be sent the specific coordinates and vectors gained from these efforts in order that it can provide us the ability to move our base segments in precise corridors which allow the safest routing and clearances. This project will have begun immediately by your receipt of this communication.
While in Liberty and Bretonia house space, I will liaison with the appropriate authorities with respect to advice and consent regarding this project and hereby request the assistance of the Directors of Liberty and Bretonia House relations in providing contact with the relevant persons for this purpose.
I will also be meeting with Ageira specialists at Pueblo Station in order to ascertain the best practices for safely transiting our base segments through Jump Gates, without which this project would literally take years to complete.
D. Jamison
Chief of Logistics
User was banned for: Possibly compromised account.
TCL Recipient : TCL Vice President - CC : House Directors - Members of the Board
Message Details : Base Movement
Encryption : Progress
Good day to you all,
I see that we are progressing nicely with the plans for our base movements and I very much appreciate the work and effort that is being put into this plan, and I am sure that we can progress further very soon.
Obviously, we must make sure that the plan is really solid and is capable of being complete hopefully by the end of the year, and if it can be done quicker will be an obvious bonus. As long as the momentum for the planning carries on in this manner, then it will please me greatly, and things will continue to progress as the year goes on.
Once we can establish the movements then we can concentrate on our main focus of incorporating financial security and more services within our organisation and help this Interspace company to grow to higher heights.
TCL Sending Operative : Chief of Logistics David Jamison
TCL Recipient : Tyrone Harrison - CEO
Message Details : Phase-1 progress
Encryption : Extremely high
Dear Sir,
This communique is to inform you that the initial routing scans in Galileo and Colorado have been completed by my team.
As with all scans relevant to this operation, they will be re-scanned and verified well in advance of any base movement commencing.
Also, my first of many meetings with Ageira engineers at Pueblo Station has occurred as of this morning and discussions regarding the process of partially deconstructing the bases into manageable pieces consistent with safely transiting jump gates have begun.
Also, I have requested that transport TCL|Cypriot and Dunlin TCL|Iron_Phoenix join me in Galileo in order to assist with supplying and securing our work there.
I will keep you and the Board members apprised any further progress in these endeavours.
D. Jamison
Chief of Logistics
Team arrival at Ulster Annex1
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TCL Sending Operative : Chief of Logistics David Jamison
TCL Recipient : CEO, VP, Senior Directors
Message Details : Phase-1
Encryption : Extremely high
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to report that Phase One preparations for the Ulster Annex's movement is progressing well.
Complete route scans for the path from Galileo have progressed successfully as far as Baltimore Shipyards, NY with initial scans begun in the remainder of the New York system.
Additionally, load testing of the Hercules Base Construction Ships as possible Tugs for the base movement have begun at Southampton Wreck, New London and are looking promising thus far.
The crews are also taking the opportunity to train and test procedures for module disassembly since similar construction materials and methods were used on both Southampton and the Ulster Annexes.
D. Jamison
Chief of Logistics
User was banned for: Possibly compromised account.
I am very well pleased with the progress our project is taking. I didn't yet have to opportunity to swing by the project-site, however I cannot wait to see everything in action for myself.
Both Directors of Liberty- and Bretonia House relations will open communications their respective partners and get the ball rolling for the mountain of paperwork still to come.
TCL Sending Operative : Chief of Logistics David Jamison
TCL Recipient : CEO, VP, Senior Directors
Message Details : Phase-1/Route Scanning
Encryption : Extremely high
Ladies and Gentlemen,
While awaiting the liaison with Liberty representatives regarding the scanning within their territory, I took the initiative to improve the capabilities of our Taurus Scanning Shuttle in order to make up the lost time. (and then some)
The optronics suite is now 4 arrays with each running on 6 optical chips and was also was upgraded to include laser assisted focal guidance with the relevant data now being handled by 4 arrays of 6 bio-neural processors.
This has more than doubled our optical scanning speed.
Our gravimetrics are now running via 4 Robotic, gravity-stabilized, energy field emitter pods, Each has a dedicated pair of Magnetic Superconductors managing their particle flows. Again, easily doubling our prior capacity.
We have friends at Ageira to thank for this development.
Of course, all of this increased input speed needed some serious power behind it to handle the necessary data processing and storage. We are now using 6 Quantum Arrays, each with a dedicated superconductor & running a total of 24 Quantum Multiplexors. This capacity is well in excess of even the needs of the improved data speeds and allows us a path redundancy which insures valuable data will not be lost.
These systems are enclosed in a radiation-shielded Faraday cage for additional protection from damage by either radiation or EMP spikes.
In order to assure uninterrupted power during operations, both the shuttle's power core and 4 deployable Solar Panels can store energy via nanocapacitors.
All this activity is the work of a dedicated team of technicians and scientists aboard either the shuttle or other support vessels working in tandem with us.
All this being said, our new Taurus Shuttle is quite a sight to behold.
The team resumes work immediately after the sending of this message, having been well rested on Planet Curacao during the recent delay, at my insistence.
With this increased capacity, I am certain that our team will make quick work of the remaining route scans.
D. Jamison
Chief of Logistics
User was banned for: Possibly compromised account.
TCL Sending Operative : Chief of Logistics David Jamison
TCL Recipient : CEO, VP, Senior Directors
Message Details : Phase-1/Route Scanning
Encryption : Extremely high
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is to report that the scanning of the Colorado system has been completed and the New York system has begun.
The new systems aboard the Taurus Shuttle have performed wonderfully and the scans are taking place at a swift pace. We fully expect to complete scans of New York and California yet this day.
Ms. Grand, please advise the Bretonian officials that we intend to begin scans in Bretonia at approximately mid-day tomorrow, beginning at the Cortez/Manchester Jumpgate.
This is a scan summary of the Colorado system.
And here we show the Taurus Shuttle in action after entering the New York system.
I hope to send more news of successful scans within a few hours time.
Respectfully Yours,
D. Jamison
Chief of Logistics
User was banned for: Possibly compromised account.
TCL Sending Operative : Chief of Logistics David Jamison
TCL Recipient : CEO, VP, Senior Directors
Message Details : Phase-1/Route Scanning
Encryption : Extremely high
Board members and Esteemed Directors,
I am delighted to report that scanning of the New York system has been completed as well as the California system as far as Planet Los Angeles, where myself and the ship and crew are overnighting in comfort before beginning anew come the morning.
This easily puts us in reach of beginning scanning of Bretonia at Manchester by tomorrow afternoon.
Here is the summary of our New York waypoints.
I will submit the California scans ASAP when the system is completed.
As always, I am
Respectfully Yours,
D. Jamison
Chief of Logistics
User was banned for: Possibly compromised account.