SOURCE: Bochum Depot, New Berlin
Guten tag Executives at Kusari's Kishiro Techologies,
My name is Ernst Hermann, recently named Direktor of ALG Waste Disposal operating out of Bochum Depot, New Berlin... when I'm not attending to Sirius wide affairs from our Wichter Station HQ in Sigma-15.
It is my goal and hope to re-establish and renew many of the positive working relationships ALG has created with many groups across Sirius. Our business relationship with Kishiro Technologies has great impact on ALG interests in many ways, and I am hoping our open channel can enhance that further to strengthen our mutual business interests.
We may have some supply contracts coming up in the future as part of our efforts to help clean up the Osaka wreck in Honshu. As a local company of great technical abilities, we would very much appreciate any supply help in that regard.
We also have been appreciating the steady supply of Sigma-21's Uranium to Belvedere Refinery in New London. This material is quite valuable once processed and made available for building applications, either civilian generation or military ships and weapons. The Uranium flow is very important to our operations in many ways.
This being said, it could be improved. ALG has noted at times some hiccups in recovering these ores from the Da Nang Field and wants to help out with operations to collect these valuable minerals. GMG has granted Kishiro unprecedented sole access to the field without competition, therefore any efforts to tap into this resource to further enhance supply flow seems to go through Kishiro offices.
ALG would like to propose establishing a business contract with Kishiro Technologies under which we would be permitted to mine the field given it will be under your umbrella of operations. This would allow ALG- miners access to the field lawfully, given we have your approval.
If this type of arrangement is a satisfactory proposal, especially given we'd require no additional resources from Kishiro and it would generate profits to support your company via intellectual rights involved, then we'd just need the following:
1. Your formal written contracted approval for ALG- vessels to use and exploit the Uranium resources, and, as part of this contract, ALG- vessels would be in all ways considered as 'Members of Kishiro Technologies' during such operations,
2. An estimate on what such a contract would cost ALG as payment for these rights and temporary membership.
Such a contract in no way would jeopardize your rights given by GMG as you'd still maintain control of the operations on paper, nor does it give ALG any rights to installations or access to Sigma-21, just the permission to be working the field without fear of destruction at the hands of our friends, GMG.
I look forward to further conversation on this topic and business together in Kusari.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Direktor Ernst Hermann, ALG Waste Disposal
Direktor Ernst Hermann
Arakan Yukimura
Yukawa Shipyard █ █ █
RE: A renewal of relations and a proposal
Konichiwa Direktor Hermann.
It is good to meet your acquaintance.
Allow me to begin by apologizing for the delay in response, though I'm sure a busy man such as yourself can understand the hardships of busy corporate life.
You provide an unorthodox offer to say the least, most in Kusari would likely not give it a second glance. Fortunately Kishiro is as succesful as it is by thinking outside of the box.
It is regretful to hear that the output of the Uranium fields in Sigma-21 do not meet foreign customer demand.
Before we continue, I would like to hear what the desired output would be and in what locations.
Based on those numbers, we could potentially look into some arrangement.
TO: Arakan Yukimura, Kishiro Technologies
FROM: Direktor Ernst Hermann, ALG Waste Disposal
SUBJECT: Uranium supply
SOURCE: Bochum Depot, New Berlin
Guten tag Arakan Yukimura at Kishiro Techologies,
It is a pleasure to meet you as well. We value our relationship with Kusari and its Corporations, in the interests of mutually beneficial trade that no doubt enhances the Kusari economy in turn.
Our recent experiences with Mekong Station that GMG maintains has unfortunately usually been disappointing, with the station regularly empty.
Maybe we are often late to the sale, but unlikely given our headquarters is only one system over. I've had confirmed reports that the station does accept supply for the moment, but we are forbidden by law to provide it, despite our good relations with GMG - a most frustrating position that in our outside opinion doesn't support true resource development initiatives by utilizing all assets available, both foreign and domestic.
Since law is unlikely to change, and your reply indicating it is unlikely the Kusari government would entertain Kishiro doing business with some outside company on resources it basically fully controls, my final play would be to request increased monthly productivity to at least 100,000 units, so our haulers have a viable commodity to return with when doing business next door in Sigma-15. We often stockpile this product safely at Bochum Depot in New Berlin until it is ready for Texas or New London depending on market demands.
Thank you for your out of the box thinking and being open to discussing the business issue at hand. We hope for many future interactions.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Direktor Ernst Hermann, ALG Waste Disposal