Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Navy Guard Lieutenant Commander Eddy Looper
Well, today I launched to find a Xeno (-Spear-) on long range scanners. Searching, I found him between Fort Bush and Manhattan and engaged for quite a few minutes. He launched a sum total of 82 (2 launchers) missiles at me, but luckily I dodged most of them. In the end, I took him out with a nuke mine.
Next, per orders of my Guard CO, I scouted out Alaska, as it was possible that the Navy Guard was going to deploy some ships there to help with defense, and he wanted some info he knew he could trust. All went well, saw everything, sent back the scans and my thoughts ((and fixed my Order rep)), and on the way back, I saw a Xeno attempting to enter an apparently unguarded Zone 21. I engaged, and quickly destroyed him.
The LSF were very upset that I even thought of going near Zone 21, and when I informed them of their lack of security, they came and enforced it on me. Hello, you missed the enemy? I killed him for you, remember? Well, I was this close to teaching them a lesson, but knew that I could get a dishonorable discharge... so I swallowed my pride. Can't wait til the authorization papers go through and I get to rub it in their faces that I was, in fact, permitted to be there. The jump gate accepted the codes I transmitted...
Lieutenant Commander, Your story is quite funny indeed. I had no problem with you in zone 21, as i already guessed you had access to be there in the first place.
I did however, have a problem with the attitude you showed, It seemed to wanted to start a fight, by making all kinds of disrespectful remarks regarding the LSF. After the incident was over, you stated that you would no longer be guarding the place.
So, before you dish out excuses and accusations, dish out some respect. Good work with the xeno by the way. Copeland out.
***Incoming transmission***
***Source ID: Navy Recruit Ryan MacTavish***
***Target ID: Liberty Navy Command***
My first day in the navy had a lot more action than expected. After commissioning my ship at Radford, I was sent to Colorado to meet up with an Ageira Engineer which would equip the remaining hard-points of my ship,with some high energy shield-piercing weapons. On my way back, I encountered an outcast named "Chaos.Reaper" between Huston and NY Gate. He opened fire on me, and I only had 3 weapons and a missile launcher. I was assisted by a Navy Gunboat which showed up, and after a few minutes of fight I managed to breach the hull of his Sabre with a missile, and blow it to dust. I tractored his escape pod, delivered him to Huntsville and continued to my destination.
I arrived at Pueblo Station, met up with the Ageira engineer and equipped the ship correspondingly. However, I was told that some parts we're out of stock, but I could find them at Detroit Munitions. As I was undocking, with my ship not even calibrated, a Xeno terrorist named " -Spear- "came out of nowhere and attacked me. Caught by surprise, my ship received multiple critical hits. I requested backup on the system comms and luckily, the Ageira engineer heard it and sent a mercenary to assist me. After several minutes of fighting, the mercenary encountered some engine problems, and had to emergency dock on Pueblo. With my ship about to lose integrity, I was forced to retreat to Rio Grande and announce the rest of the navy, so they could send some backup out there.
At the moment, my ship is having repairs at Battleship Rio Grande and in a short while I will return to Detroit Munitions in order to finalize my ship's weapon systems.
***End transmission***
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Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Navy Guard Lieutenant Commander Eddy Looper
Well, if that's how it came off Copeland, then I'm... a tad sorry. I told you that I had shot down a Xeno, and questioned the security, you and a buddy came in and 'escorted' me out of Zone 21, saying that if I wanted a fight I should just turn around. You're the one coming across as lacking respect... The remark on no longer guarding it came, again, from you escorting me out. If I'm not welcome there, I'm not going to help in the defense, simple as that.
We did not come to escort you out, we had other matters to attend to, and while my statement may not have been too respectful, you will only get respect if you show respect back. That you should know for being that high in the ranks.
I do think we should move on from this matter, as there are more important things to worry about. Good Day Lt. Cmdr. Copeland out
Comm ID: Liberty Dreadnought Independence
From: Vice Admiral Simon Marshall
To: Navymen McTyre, Perkins, Robin and Ypsilanti
I am hereby promoting Joe McTyre to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant, Elvis Perkins to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant, Christopher Robin to the rank of Ensign and finally Mike Ypsilanti to the rank of Ensign. Congratulations gentlemen. You hereby have all the rights and powers associated with your new ranks.
Greetings pilots. Matt Pregur reporing for duty. I'll speak freely and straight to the point. 2 days ago NY was under atack by hackers. I soposed thats not a big trouble, since there were only 3 sabres. 10 minutes after the atack 2 spyglass class battleships came to NY. I think you all know wath happned after that.
So heres my question: Where is our heavy fire suport?? We cant defend Liberty only with VHFs
All pirates take advantage of this and even 1 BS is enough.
I hope that actions will be taken for this. And 1 more thing if someone can tell me some info about the ranks and promotions PM me.
[[incoming message]]
[[location Bs Missouri crewquaters]]
[[From: Sub-Lt Joe Mctyre]]
[[too: All navy personell]]
Joe looks in the mirror at is new insignia on his shoulders and smiles.
*my god that feels good, i have worked so hard for it and now i have them* he thinks.
*ill have too trow a party* he thinks *there goes my money*
He walks too the messhall.
As he enters the messhall is filled with military personell from shipscrew too officers and he anounces:
*Tonight i will give a party all drinks will be on me for 1 hour*
*I want too thank the officers too have the trust in me for this job, and i will do my best too live up too my rank.*
Than he turns around and walks back too his quaters with a big grin on his face.
From: LSF Flint
Location : Battleship Mississippi, Medical Bay
To: LSF Headquarters
Subject: Patrol Report
Time(OET) 30July2008, 2100-2230z
Launched from the Missouri with reports of a RH Cruiser in the system. Joined up with Vape12 and some Navy guys trying to find her. There was also a RH fighter (under lvl) in the area. I did a quick ship scan and noticed the lvl and continued to scan for that cruiser that was to be in the area. From what I could understand on comm the RH Fighter attacked one of the Navy guys and then disappeared. During out search of the Texas system several of us had caught {SOB}Obnoxious on long range scans and could not get closer. Then a report of a RH vessel in Bearing heading to Texas got everyone moving to Bearing. Vape12 got to the JG first and by the time I got through he was off my scanners. I headed to FP2 and held there. Vape12 announced that he had lost the guy and would meet me at FP2. While we were there at FP2 between it and the FP4/Hamburg TL, {SOB}Obnoxious came out of the TX/FP2 trade lane. A quick scan showed he had a hold full of light arms. He could have speed docked at FP2 and waited for us to leave but he made a dash for the FP2/Hamburg TL. I ordered him to halt, hit him with a SN cannon, then CDed the TL to stop him. At this time the LNS-Yorktown arrived from the TX/FP2 trade lane and took up position to cover us. {SOB}Obnoxious asked why and I told him he was in violation of the Trade Embargo with RH. {SOB}Obnoxious made the statement that these arms was going to Planet Malta not to RH. At this time I further scanned and found that he had a Pirate ID reading on his transponder. I kept asking him to drop his cargo in violation of the Embargo. Knowing this was a sticky situation with FP2 just over our shoulder. I was fully ready to overlook the ID and just have him drop the cargo and leave with his ship to not cause a ruckus with the Zoners due to weapons fire by the station. I finally asked {SOB}Obnoxious to drop the cargo and pay the fine of 2 million credits. Through all of this he kept saying No to all demands. If I remember his final statement he said something like I am not going to win and commenced firing on us. We returned fire and destroyed him. LNS-Yorktown recovered all survivors and some of the cargo. I have no idea if the pirate captain was one of the survivors.
We returned to Texas and split up to do patrols in other systems. I stayed in Texas and commenced scanning for contraband and Embargoed goods. I was shocked to have the ship Vladimier Harkonnen arise from the Houston dock. I hailed him and asked if he knew that his ship was on the Ship Series Ban in Liberty. He said that he did not know that and asked where it was in the law and his options. Knowing that I didnt have a chance to take him out, told him where it is written in the law and his options of leaving Liberty and if he returned that the Navy would probably shoot on sight. He then proceeded to leave the Texas system towards NY.
A few minutes later I came across a Rogue GB under the name The-Lupus and a LH Gunship under the name [Merc]Sindroms both reading OC tags. A scan of the Lupus showed an usually assortment of cargo and a couple of Bounty Hunter pilots and a couple of Liberty Navy Pilots. The-Lupus had a Pirate ID and [Merc]Sindroms had a Mercenary ID. Knowing that I was out gunned I continued to ask for the Lawful Pilots in their holds. After a fairly long argument it came to the shooting part. I was taken out pretty quickly but did get some hull bangers off on them.
From the guys on the Mississippi I learned that The-Lupus picked up my escape pod and delivered it along side the Mississippi along with the other Navy pilots in his hold. So I must say that he is an outlaw but an honorable one. There was no word on the Bounty Hunter Pilots though. I believe that they will be slaves in Outcast territory soon.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Navy Guard Lieutenant Commander Eddy Looper
Keeper attack... there were three of them, blew up the Gafwmn, the LNX Yellowstone, and a few other ships. They came down hard, and near the end I was the only Navy ship there. However, they ran... because they were being beaten. I chased them all the way to Omicron Minor.