It is me one more time, Hina 陽菜 Nakamura, The Nebula Shipping Express docking master and member of the board. The NSE administration is gladly announcing the arrival of special codename guns and equipment shipment to its shops. We are offering one of the most special and unique collections around the Sirius sector for great prices. You are always welcome to visit us at the Nebula Neural Network for more information. Thank you for your business.
Nebula Special Equipment
Scientific data files - 3,000,000 Credits
Berserker VHF shield - 180,000,000 Credits
Furnace Thruster - 150,000,000 Credits
Bluebird Thruster - 150,000,000 Credits
Capital Armor Upgrade Mk VIII - 750,000,000 Credits
Capital Armor Upgrade Mk VI - 160,000,000 Credits
Minified Spyglass Scanner - 250,000,000 Credits
Battleship Scanner - 250,000,000 Credits
Jintrusiki Scanner - 250,000,000 Credits
Nomad Derelict Artifact - 100,000,000 Credits
Nomad Remains - Prices are negotiatable
The NSE Armory is replenished and you can find your special codename now easier than before. The collections arrived are including heavy fighters and light fighters codename guns for 20,000,000 credits per gun. The collection also includes bombers codenames for 25,000,000 credits per gun. The unique special equipment is also available for special prices which can be negotiated in case of bulk purchases. We would like to inform our clients that they are most welcome to visit our Nebula Grand Plaza and have a drink or two at the house. We are always happy to see you around.
First of all, I would like to thank you all for being our clients. We are honored by your visits all the time. I am Sara冴咲Tanaka, CEO of Nebula Shipping Express. I am here to introduce to you, one of our unique discount plans. The NSE is gladly announcing a great discount including all the elite codename guns that are sold on the NSE market. The discount plan includes the unifying of all elite codename weapons to 75,000,000 credits per gun until the current stock is out.
Nebula Sci-data Codenames
Scientific data files - 3,000,000 Credits
Supersonic Codename - 75,000,000 Credits
THUNDERWAVE Codename - 75,000,000 Credits
TGDWM5K Codename - 75,000,000 Credits
TRIPLETE Codename - 75,000,000 Credits
ACROBAT Codenames - 75,000,000 Credits
LAMIA Codename - 75,000,000 Credits
Manticore Beam Codename - 75,000,000 Credits
The addition of new guns is limited for a certain time, and then those guns won't be available for sale on the NSE markets unless we can get enough supplies of guns from our usual arms dealers all around the Sirius sector. Feel welcome to buy those elite guns now for a very good discounted price of 75,000,000 credits. We would like to inform our clients that they are most welcome to visit our Nebula Grand Plaza and have a drink or two at the house. We are always happy to see you around.
Concerning arms dealers and weapons suppliers, please feel most welcome to contact us anytime about more elite codename guns and normal codenames for fighters and bombers. We do not work in capital ship's codenames so do not expect that we would buy or sell any of those. On the other hand, we are more specialized in codenames for snubs, whether these codenames are for light fighters, heavy fighters, very heavy fighters, or bombers classes.
- ENCRYPTION »»❄❄⚝❄❄ - RECIPIENT »»Matthew Mckinley - SENDER »»Hina 陽菜 Nakamura - LOCATION »»Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge - SUBJECT »»Docking Permission Request Mr. Matthew Mckinley, Gateway Shipping Inc. pilot,
In the beginning, Please let me introduce myself to your respected corporation. My name is, Hina 陽菜Nakamura, Nebula Shipping Express (NSE) Docking Master & Nebula Technologies board member. We received your request and we would like to inform you that your vessel TheMindless has been added to the NSE docking permission list. Thank you for trusting NSE and we are looking forward to future business with you. You can dock starting today 14th of October, 829 AS.
I would like to remind you that you are welcome to visit our Nebula Plaza where you can have a drink or two. Thank you for choosing Nebula Technologies.
In the beginning, I would like to present myself to you. My name is Jin斤Raiden, The Nebula Shipping Express Marketing Department Manager and Nebula Technologies board member. The NSE administration is gladly announcing the arrival of a new codename shipment. We are offering one of the most special and unique collections around the Sirius sector for great prices. You are always welcome to visit us at the Nebula Neural Network for more information. Thank you for your business.
- ENCRYPTION »»❄❄⚝❄❄ - RECIPIENT »»Johannes P - SENDER »»Hina 陽菜 Nakamura - LOCATION »»Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge - SUBJECT »»Docking Permission Request Mr. Johannes P,
Interspace Commerce pilot,
In the beginning, Please let me introduce myself to you. My name is, Hina 陽菜Nakamura, Nebula Shipping Express (NSE) Docking Master & Nebula Technologies board member. We received your request and we would like to inform you that your vessel Classified has been added to the NSE docking permission list. Thank you for trusting NSE and we are looking forward to future business with you. You can dock starting today 08th of November, 829 AS.
I would like to remind you that you are welcome to visit our Nebula Plaza where you can have a drink or two while our employees take care of unloading and loading your cargo with goods, and our financial managers fill your bank account with supplier payments. Thank you for your time and visit.
Reason: We would like to help protect Bretonia from the genocidal former and present Gallic Royalists that are responsible for Leeds. We are also attempting to open Gallia to Sirius and initiate long-term trade relationships and commerce - trading with you could assist us in both goals.
- ENCRYPTION »»❄❄⚝❄❄ - RECIPIENT »»Front de Liberation de Gallia - SENDER »»Hina 陽菜 Nakamura - LOCATION »»Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge - SUBJECT »»Docking Permission Request Front de Liberation de Gallia representative,
In the beginning, Please let me introduce myself to you. My name is, Hina 陽菜Nakamura, Nebula Technologies (NSE) Docking Master & Nebula Technologies board member. We received your request and we would like to inform you that your organization tag [FLG] has been added to the NSE docking permission list. Thank you for trusting NSE and we are looking forward to future business with you. You can dock starting today 11th of November, 829 AS.
Reason: We would like to help protect Bretonia from the genocidal former and present Gallic Royalists that are responsible for Leeds. We are also attempting to open Gallia to Sirius and initiate long-term trade relationships and commerce - trading with you could assist us in both goals.
I would like to remind you that you are welcome to visit our Nebula Plaza where you can have a drink or two while our employees take care of unloading and loading your cargo with goods, and our finance managers fill your bank account with supplier payments. We strongly advise being civil and abiding by the safety and security regulations and rules onboard the Nebula Shipping Express. Thank you for your time and visit.
It is me one more time, Jin斤Raiden, Nebula Shipping Express Marketing Department Manager. The NSE trading terminal is announcing the arrival of 80,000 crates of the finest gold ore found around the Sirius sector. Our Logistics Terminal Manager, Sakura咲良Takahashi is selling each gold ore crate for 4,000 credits starting from today, the 12th of November, 829 A.S until the available batch is sold.
The Nebula Shipping Express (NSE) installation is located in the orbit of Planet Cambridge. Be advised that docking to NSE modular station requires docking permission which can be requested here from our Nebula Docking Master, Hina陽菜 Nakamura following the suitable docking permission template. We recommend delivering those gold ore crates to Planet Honshu, Kusari house space for the highest price available at the moment. Feel most welcome to visit our Nebula Neural Network for more information.
Planet Honshu, Honshu system, Kusari house space - [ 9,929 ]
The Ring, New Berlin system, Rheinland house space - [ 9,272 ]
Feel welcome to visit our Logistics Delivery Hub for reporting any shipped materials to the NSE industrial terminal. The NSE trading terminal accepts materials almost all the time since our industrial complex is in production almost 24/7. We also welcome you to visit our Nebula Grand Plaza - The Home of Good Times and enjoy a drink or two on the house. We will try our best to give our guests the most luxurious and comfortable services around. Thank you for your time and we wish you good fortune,