An encounter, symbolic yet truthfull, accompanied by a quire of wolves...
William Shakespeare wrote once long ago on a planet known as Terra, "If we are marked to die, we are enough to do our country loss; and if to live, the fewer men, the greater share of honor."
I am full of quotes today.
A Warrior's way needs to be questioned from time to time, as well as his teachings to the ones he commands. I have extinguished more than thousand lives, bounties have been put on and taken off my head.. I survived battles, I lost and gained riches worthy of Kings of Old. I have restored the glory of the Osiris resurrected as Ampoliros. I have commanded battlegroups of ships successfuly. I fought against cowardice and dishonour. I have became an Admiral of the Asgards. I have became a Teacher of the Asgards.
That's where I failed!
That's where my teachings have failed. I have to meditate upon my own ways of teaching my subordinates. I need time away...
I will be returning to Malta and my brethren.
Note: Namechanges for my chars will be posted shortly (need the certs first).
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Hey Night ... Sorry to hear you feel your principles have been compromised.
The AW, and in the long run the WA, have lost a valuable member.
Your reasons are sound ...
The ba.. office is always open ...
Fellow Hoodlum
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
As an acting leader of the Phantoms, we would like to confirm Bloodfrenzy's message. You are now safe from Phantom attacks. Of course, that is only after your IFF is correctly changed from AW to Outcast. Until then, there may be mistakes made.
-Lord Virus
(Sorry ta hear this. Yeah, that's about the best I can do. I've never been good with sympathy. Or empathy for that matter.)
oh. . . . . . i thought that because you didnt post ths yesterday that maybe you were changing your mind but thats all hope out of the window now. Im sure that me, korrd, gezza and even dab will miss you but you have made your decision and i respect that. But omicron Alpha is right next to theta so we will still see you around out there. Hope your time (well MOST of your time) with the AW was fun. Cya in Space.
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
People, it's not like I'm leaving the server or the forums nor the end of the
world as we know it. :lol:
There will still be battles and fun :)
And, Alpha, you all did well without me the last month, I wasn't much on as AW.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
:P Nightfall I hope this is all some massive joke! ( you know im joking dont get all serious on me :P)
You better keep in contact with me even though you ain't in AW anymore. :P I gota remeber to annoy the hell out of Dab as soon as possible on the AW chan.. >.> <.< Dab you better be watchin your back... I'm comming to get you annoyed! bwhahahahhahah! -.-
I wasn't hanging on xfire listening to you guys just because I was AW, I still have xfire :lol:
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor