Base Name: Salt Lake Station (to be updated from prior Salt Lake Station HQ)
Base's Affiliation (IFF): Interspace Commerce (to be updated from prior Liberty Navy IFF)
Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): All Worlds Enterprises & Securities - CEO Don Vega
Owner's or organization's affiliation and a brief description of the owner's or the organization's activities: Interspace Commerce faction doing business throughout Sirius.
System and exact location for base (coordinates can be sent privately): New York system, 3E near Baltimore Shipyard.
Reason(s) for Construction: This was a purchased station from the Liberty Navy 46th fleet.
See attached communication Sale of Station proof
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests: Currently headquartered in Shikoku in a Freelancer constructed base, we were quite excited to purchase this base from the 46th fleet for repurpose to our HQ - bringing us back to Liberty House Space for central operations.
By filling this application you hereby agree to the taxation and complying with the regulations as stated by the Laws of Liberty and will be held responsible for any violation.
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be adding your license after you choose your payment plan (25 millions per month or 250 millions per year due to modular station being valid for visual discount) and forward it to Liberty-Bank-001 with evidence attached to this transmission.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center