i need your help with something and it is rather urgent. I won't go into too much detail here, but it isn't something i take lightly or could afford to neglect for too long. Do you happen to have time on friday maybe? And where are you located currently? If needed i could venture past Rheinland and its borders, but i'd prefer not to if possible.
Comm ID ..... Sonja Wilke
Location ....... [MFE]~Healing.Heart, Nephilim Class, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Habermeyer, Traudel
Subject .......... I Have time for you
Hello Traudel
Whatever it is that Bothers you i am sure that we will find a Solution for it. Niki and I are curently at the Medforce Academy in Omicron Theta, but we should be back to Sigma 15 by Friday. You are more than Welcome to Visit us at any time that you need us. We await you on our Ship.
Oh thank whatever higher power is responsible for that.
Wunderbar, i'll be around in Sigma-15 on friday then. Presumably evenings. You have no idea how much that already helps, Sonja.
And should you be listening Niki, your most devout follower already got tribute stashed away for this. Worship shan't be forgotten!
More problems on the horizon, something came up for me i am unable to miss out on.
I'll be late, very late. Or potentially not there at all today. We might have to postpone this to tomorrow. Unless you are available on short notice, should i be lucky enough. Just wanted you to know.