Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Xenos
From: Office of the Admiralty, BAF
To whom this may concern,
The Admiralty Board of the Bretonian Armed Forces wants to submit a formal request to the public representative(s) of the Xeno movement for a temporary agreement within the Independent Worlds due to recent moves by the Republic of Liberty.
We propose an exchange consisting of modern weaponry, materials and ship parts in return for information regarding the Liberty Navy's movements within the Kansas system and for a guarantee that the supplied systems and materials will be utilized directly against the efforts of the Liberty Navy.
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☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
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Sender:Communications Officer J. Royce Recipient:Office of the Admiralty, BAF Subject:Re: Formal Request
The misfortune of handling this is mine. And since I'm sure you can read I won't bother with an introduction. Not that you'd care from behind that thinly veiled facade of politeness anyway.
I have been authorized to provide you with a counter-proposal:
The Liberty Free Republic humbly petitions the Kingdom of Bretonia to dispatch more of its forces to serve as target practice, the current kill-counts against your military and commercial vessels are reported as being thoroughly unsatisfactory.
We are eternally grateful to know that the pride of our compatriots in being able to help its brother-House during the war with Gallia was woefully misplaced, as were the precious lives wasted to save you. You will find that we are quite unlike our fellow Libertonians.
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Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Story Developer
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☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
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Sender:"Ember" Recipient:Office of the Admiralty, BAF Subject:Re: Formal Request
Reverend Admiral's office, savior of our lives and protector of our future,
I have summoned all my senior lords and we have discussed at length your polite offer. We have tasted more than a respectable amount of gin and watched several plays during the intervals of our long and deliberative deliberations. After weighing up all known and unknown variables, taking into account the colour of our Cambridge 755s drinks, we finally came to the following verdict:
Thank you for contacting us about your generous offer, which highlights and respects our long-term goals above yours. Everyone here looks forward to further fruitful conversation and collaboration between our esteemed organizations.
I would sooner use a dull beaver as a fleshlight than stand shoulder-to-shoulder with dime-a-dozen, backstabbing scumbags (like you). Hell, I'd sooner walk back aboard Ramsey with a bouquet of roses and an "I'm Sorry" card addressed to Cobra than even justify this with more than a flippant "go fuck yourself."
Liberty should've fed you to the wolves, but the wolves probably would've gotten indigestion. That's a joke about you making me sick, in case you didn't get it.