Upper Omicron Communication Node
March 25th, 830 A.S.
Sender:Sarita Ybañes. Recipient:Fiorella A. de Marco. Topic:Curiosities.
Buenos dias.
My name is Sarita Ybañes, and while it is bad form, I must introduce myself to you to ask for a favor, that of your charity.
I am one of Malta's many wandering children, though lately I have been doing significantly less wandering and significantly more keeping my head down while staying firmly put. Perhaps neglectfully, I've become so absorbed in my studies and mundanities that I've entirely failed to keep up on current affairs.
The reason I believe you might be interested in generously giving me a crash course regarding the order of the day on Malta, and indeed why I bother you for this rather than simply checking the holofeeds, is because an old contact of mine informed me about your Kepler Accords. Your position in relation to such makes me think it better to get the news straight from the source, especially given my own economic interests vis-à-vis the Xenos of Liberty.
In short, while we do not know each other yet, I believe we share a common vision, and if I'm correct, perhaps we should collaborate. A lone soul can often more easily tread where a Don's fleet might struggle, and as you're party to accords of foreign relations, certainly you know that we children of Hispania have had far too many unnecessary struggles already.
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Sarita Ybañes Subject: RE: Curiosities Signora Ybañes
I am willing to update you on current events, but it depends on how long you have been out of the loop. Quite a lot has changed for some of our people. The Nomads, their thralls and the Technocrats have become our enemies. Malta has finally given up trying to conquer more territory in the manner of the Corsairs and perhaps we have even stopped being ashamed of producing and selling Cardamine. The last stain remaining on Malta, at least in my opinion, is the outdated and now obsolete slavery that only brings Sirian misery to our own paradise.
I should warn you - although I have signed the Kepler Accords with Xeno Alliance, we are business partners - nothing more, nothing less. They are not our friends at this moment and you should keep it in mind if you decide to do business with them.
I agree with you that there are conflicts in which we do not need to be involved, at least not directly. Our resources are immeasurable and Sirius is full of mercenaries and freelancers willing to risk their lives for us for a few credits - whether they know it or not. The game we have played with Cardamine is a long-term one and there is no rush. However, this does not mean that we should submit to someone just to coexist peacefully with them. That is beneath us in my opinion. They will either accept who we are or they will not. Long-term posturing is unsustainable, hypocritical - and sooner or later - will inevitably become a problem in any diplomatic relations.
My vision for our people is to stand somewhat aloof from direct action, not to interfere in matters by brute force unless absolutely necessary. After all, aside from securing the borders of our own territory or organizing retaliation against those who have grossly damaged our own interests - there is a little reason to risk our otherwise long and pleasant lives. Cardamine with a positive image sells itself and there is no need to scare off our potential customers any further.
Now, if I have satiated your curiosity about our affairs, I would like to know your own views on how we should deal with the obstacles ahead of us, Signora Ybañes. There might be a common ground for us to cooperate more closely.
Upper Omicron Communication Node
March 25th, 830 A.S.
Sender:Sarita Ybañes. Recipient:Fiorella A. de Marco. Topic:ʀᴇ: Curiosities.
I'm delighted to hear back from you so soon.
I have been removed from the bigger picture since 826 A.S. Aside from these recent years of retreat, most of my life has been spent, frankly, as a footsoldier and mercenary, and I have more skill with tactics than strategies. Despite that, don't think I view the Xenos with any special affection; they're desperate, which makes them useful. If it weren't them, it'd be some gang of Rogues or another.
Speaking of such, have the ragtag ruffians in Liberty been as blind to their position in the food chain these past three years as they were prior? There was a time when no Outcast would take orders from a Lane Hacker, let alone an alcoholic Alcatrazite, and yet my last several interactions with them gave me the distinct impression that they thought the Orange Dream flowed from somewhere other than Malta's fields. In this regard, the Xenos serve as an effective wedge to drive between them. They must be made to attribute their successes to their cooperation with us and their failures to their own inherent weaknesses if we want to see worthwhile return on our investment. If the profits they gain from serving as middlemen in the cardamine, arms, and slave trades are then returned to us somehow, say in the form of bounties on the inept corpocops, all the better.
As for the slave trade itself, I am not from a rich familia, nor am I an economist. The question of its abolition or preservation is fundamentally not up to me to decide; whereof one cannot speak, thereof must one be silent. That caveat aside, I generally agree with your outlook; it seems to me that the most harm has been done to our people either via the hands of revolutionaries or from unpredictable black swan events... most notably the revelation of Gallia and all the ensuing catastrophes. Malta is too far away from any foreign fleets besides those of the Gauls to be seriously threatened, and those lot are more prone to civil wars than we've been in the past decade. So long as the smuggling lanes remain open, cardamine does its own work in furthering our hegemony.
Ideally, northwestern powers such as the Crayterians and the Gauls will continue their feuding, and when the tensions die down, perhaps covert action could be taken to manufacture flashpoint incidents and create further mistrust between them. So long as the Cretans remain subdued to our south, it seems to me logical to focus on cautiously but assertively expanding the cardamine markets in Kusari and Liberty. I don't know what is or isn't going on with the Chrysanthemums, and as concerns Liberty, well, we're back where we started.
As a last note, the years of the Crimson Cross and the National Council saw an explosion in Maltese research and manufacturing productivity. As far as I know, these have utterly stagnated since then. This trend seems worrisome. I'm currently investigating a potential lead towards rectifying this situation; in all probability, it comes to nothing, but every avalanche starts with a single rock's fall.
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Sarita Ybañes Subject: RE: Curiosities Signora Ybañes
I would not worry too much about our level of technology. The current most influential faction on Malta, the Malta Hyperspace Fleet, is investing its efforts in exploring new technologies and improving existing ones. As I recall, they maintain contacts with other science-oriented factions in Sirius and have even researched technologies originating from the planet Gammu. I am not sure how far along they are in their projects, yet if you find yourself interested in some technological collaboration, I am quite certain that you can ask them if you wish. I myself am currently experimenting with quantum computer systems from Kusari and Ingenuus-type energy cores.
As for our current intermediaries, I agree with you that one of the main reasons for the Kepler Accords was conflicts with the Liberty Rogues. The Lane Hackers, although considerably more reliable, are still somewhat nostalgic for the Orange Treaty, which is quite unfortunate in my opinion. I have only had one or two diplomatic misunderstandings with the Golden Chrysanthemums and we have managed to overcome them. So, quite naturally, I still consider them to be our most loyal vassals. I am currently working on expanding our network into Gallia, but talks with Unione Corse have been very slow - and so far - I have not been able to make a major breakthrough. It seems that I will have to make contact with the Gallic Brigands eventually, despite their rather chaotic nature.
How do you envision our closer cooperation, Signora Ybañes?
Upper Omicron Communication Node
March 28th, 830 A.S.
Sender:Sarita Ybañes. Recipient:Fiorella A. de Marco. Topic:ʀᴇ: Curiosities.
Señora de Marco,
Until some promising prospect appears, I envision our cooperation to be rather simple and low-level. View me as someone you can outsource various jobs to, if desired; assassinations, bounty work, and cargo transit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume, given the Kepler Accords, that you represent a familia or consortium of some kind, and as such primarily seek to expand your influence. The similarity of our visions convinces me that you are intelligent, reserved, and probably good to work for, and that your influence isn't to be feared. It's been a long time since my old boss was around, so for now I'm just going after what work I can find while trying to hedge against any possible unforeseen events.
At this moment, the only assets of note at my disposal are my fighter ship and my transport, the Especulador. I've also established a comms server hosted on Ouray via special agreement with señor Cobra of the Xenos. Naturally, I can give you and your people access to the comms server. It has no access to any of Ouray's networks and mostly just serves as a reliable relay for any transmissions into and out of Liberty. I'm also seeking to re-establish a similar communications server on Freeport 11. Again, naturally, you and your people would have access to such when I succeed.
Beyond that, there are a few projects I have in mind that I'd rather not spoil, but if I find myself needing assistance, it would be nice to know that I could count on you so long as I make it worth your while. It's always good to have capable friends.
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Sarita Ybañes Subject: RE: Curiosities Signora Ybañes
I signed the Kepler Accords with the blessing of the other Dons, yet outside of their authority - I act on behalf of the De Marco clan, a smaller clan loosely affiliated with the Wenceslau Cartel. The revival of the Cardamine market after the short-lived, but disasterous crippling of Rochester and the trade agreement with the Xenos has allowed me to amass enough resources and influence for my own plantation. If all goes well, my plantation will continue to grow, expand and gain more market share. Who knows, perhaps in time - I will even have enough resources and influence to start a new Cartel, although it will require some careful political maneuvering first.
At the moment, I have primarily my own personal ship, the Amalfi, and a fleet of Borderworld fighters and Dromedaries at my disposal. As the gap in my own fleet is certainly apparent, your Especulador and my vessels can complement each other. The bulk purchase of robotic workers for my plantation has depleted my resources, thus I cannot acquire additional larger ships until I recoup my expenses.
I am open to working with you, Signora Ybañes. Our visions and values are similar enough to avoid unnecessary, ideological disputes.
Sender:Sarita Ybañes. Recipient:Fiorella A. de Marco. Topic:ʀᴇ: Curiosities.
Señora de Marco,
We can compliment each other very well indeed. If you're short on reliable distributors, I'm happy to buy any and all cardamine I ship out from Malta from your plantation specifically; I'm sure you have a very quality product. If you need any violent or electronic-slash-technical work done, my prices are reasonable and your satisfaction is assured. As a show of goodwill, I've attached a small script to this message. Run it on any device you intend to send messages from, and it will grant you user access to my comms server at Ouray, which will ensure the quality and security of any comms you send to anybody in Liberty or the adjacent Border Worlds. I've modified the script to ensure that I have no read-access to any messages sent via the credentials it utilizes—feel free to have any of your own tech people analyze it to verify.
Elsewise, I don't think we have anything more to discuss right now, but I'd like to keep a line open. I'll track down your plantation and stop by to pick up some crop. Let me know if you need anything, I look forward to working together going forward.
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Sarita Ybañes Subject: First Steps Signora Ybañes
Grazie for providing me with the access.
Yet, I believe it would be mutually beneficial for us to implement similar technical measures to those currently in place at Ouray at other strategically located stations within the sector. Stations such as Noshima Freeport in Shikoku, Barrier Gate Station in Coronado, and Halifax Freeport in Leeds are essential facilities for our interests and influence.
Unlike the Zoner Freeports, which are unyielding in their unwillingness to tolerate my vessel in their vicinity, these stations offer us greater flexibility. Investing more resources and efforts into the Zoner Freeports would be futile under these circumstances.
Would it be possible for you to arrange this, Signora Ybañes? I am willing to cover all the necessary expenses you might have.
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Sarita Ybañes Subject: First Steps Signora Ybañes
As an addendum to my previous questions, I would like to ask you - how far and wide are your contacts in Sirius?
My new business ventures will require some harder to find raw materials for us Outcasts and the first order of business for me is obviously you. It will probably be larger quantities in uniform, commercial quality.