It is me one more time, Jin斤Raiden, Nebula Shipping Express Marketing Department Manager. The NSE trading terminal is announcing the arrival of 40,000 crates of Beryllium Ore. We have one of the highest qualities found around the Sirius sector. Our Logistics Terminal Manager, Sakura咲良Takahashi is selling each beryllium ore crate for 4,000 credits starting from today, the 20th of November, 829 A.S until the available batch is sold.
The Nebula Shipping Express (NSE) installation is located in the orbit of Planet Cambridge. Be advised that docking to NSE modular station requires docking permission which can be requested here from our Nebula Docking Master, Hina陽菜 Nakamura following the suitable docking permission template. We recommend delivering those beryllium ore crates to Planet New Tokyo, Kusari house space for the highest price available at the moment. Feel most welcome to visit our Nebula Neural Network for more information.
Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo system, Kusari house space - [ 10,240 ]
Planet New Paris, Saint-Denis, Ile de France, Gallia house space - [ 9,488 ]
Feel welcome to visit our Logistics Delivery Hub for reporting any shipped materials to the NSE industrial terminal. The NSE trading terminal accepts materials almost all the time since our industrial complex is in production almost 24/7. We also welcome you to visit our Nebula Grand Plaza - The Home of Good Times and enjoy a drink or two on the house. We will try our best to give our guests the most luxurious and comfortable services around. Thank you for your time and we wish you good fortune,
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Billy Garand,
Location: Med Force Omega 3 Hospital, Omega 3
To: NSE administration
I have quietly been bringing you reinforced alloy over time and today I delivered 3,000 units of robotic hardware. I can attach photo proof if you need it. As the food, water and oxygen is inexpensive for us on Planet Cambridge, we make this trip, delivering you some goods you need locally available to us. I can continue doing this as long as you need.
With respect,
Billy Garand
Hospital Administrator
Captain, [MFE]Reclusive
In the beginning, let me thank you on behalf of Nebula Shipping Express board CEO, Sara冴咲Tanaka, for the shipments delivered. We appreciate all the business we can have with your respected group. The MFE has been always a great helper and we are always looking forward to expanding our business with you. The current shipments of Reinforced alloys are most welcome indeed, but we already require other materials which can be found on nearby systems. Feel welcome to bring in any of the materials shown on the list below.
I would like to remind you that you are welcome to visit our Nebula Plaza where you can have a drink or two while our employees take care of unloading and loading your cargo with goods, and our finance managers fill your bank account with supplier payments. Also, feel welcome to use our Logistic Delivery Hub for reporting the delivered shipments. We also welcome you to check our Nebula Neural Network which got most of the information needed for a continuous successful business with the NSE station. Thank you for your time and visit.
We are gladly announcing the return of some of our industrial crew from vacation. It is not the full crew but some who will manage to run some of the industrial complexes at the moment until our entire crew is back from vacation by Christmas time. We are gladly announcing the refill of one of our gold ores depots by 50,000 crates at the moment so feel welcome to bring your haulers and transports. The administration decided to put the high alert status down and remove the current defense arrays for now. The construction of 2 storage depots is currently on and the trading terminal is gladly accepting Hull Segments, Robotic hardware, Industrial hardware, and Reinforced alloys.
The NSE administration is studying the re-run of our cloaking devices factory as soon as possible but the rest of the factories might take some time before it can be 100% like before since a large segment of our crew is still on annual vacation. We think that all the information you would want is found in the tables shown below. Feel most welcome to visit our Nebula Neural Network and interact with our Nebula bot which can provide almost all the data you might need as a client or a supplier. Thank you for your time, and have a good day.
In the beginning, let me thank you on behalf of Nebula Shipping Express board CEO, Sara冴咲Tanaka, for the latest shipments delivered. We appreciate all the business we can have with you all. We are open to more business all the time and here are some good chances for our clients and suppliers. Feel welcome to ship any of the materials shown on the list below to our installation for a good fee.
I would like to remind you that you are welcome to visit our Nebula Grand Plaza where you can have a drink or two while our machines can take care of unloading and loading your cargo with goods, and our finance managers fill your bank accounts with supplier's payments. Also, feel welcome to use our Logistic Delivery Hub for reporting the delivered shipments. We also welcome you to check our Nebula Neural Network which got most of the information needed for a continuous successful business with the NSE station. Thank you for your time and visit.
First of all. We are honored by your visits all the time. I am Sara冴咲Tanaka, CEO of Nebula Technologies®Cambridge. I would like to thank you all for being our clients and suppliers. I am here to introduce our summer festival of discounts. The NSE is gladly announcing the beginning of the summer discounts this year. A great discount including all the elite codename guns that are sold on the NSE market.
Scientific data files - 3,000,000 Credits
Supersonic Codename - 65,000,000 Credits
THUNDERWAVE Codename - 65,000,000 Credits
TGDWM5K Codename - 65,000,000 Credits
TRIPLETE Codename - 65,000,000 Credits
ACROBAT Codenames - 65,000,000 Credits
LAMIA Codename - 65,000,000 Credits
Manticore Beam Codename - 65,000,000 Credits
The addition of new guns is limited for a certain time, and then those guns won't be available for sale on the NSE markets unless we can get enough supplies of guns from our usual arms dealers all around the Sirius sector. Feel welcome to buy those elite guns now for a very good discounted price of 65,000,000 credits. We would like to inform our clients that they are most welcome to visit our Nebula Grand Plaza and have a drink or two at the house. We are always happy to see you around. We are also gladly announcing the arrival of 46 pieces of codenames to our market which are being on sale at our installation. Visit us now at the Orbit of Planet Cambridge at the Cambridge system to view our collection of new codenames.
Concerning arms dealers and weapons suppliers, please feel most welcome to contact us anytime about more elite codename guns and normal codenames for fighters and bombers. You would be happy to hear that we have refilled our tanks with 60,000 Gold ore and 30,000 Beryllium orefor our suppliers, so you never leave our installation after delivering supplies, empty. We do not work in capital ship's codenames so do not expect that we would buy or sell any of those at the time being. The Nebula Board is discussing the addition of capital guns and did not reach a decision. On the other hand, we are more specialized in codenames for snubs, whether these codenames are for light fighters, heavy fighters, very heavy fighters, Super heavy fighters, Fighter-Bombers new class, or bombers class.
See you at our installation soon.
Nebula Board CEO
Nebula Shipping Express
It is me one more time, Jin斤Raiden, Nebula Technologies ® Cambridge Marketing Department Manager. The NSE trading terminal is announcing the arrival of 30,000 crates of the finest gold ore and 30,000 crates of Beryllium ore found around the Sirius sector. Our Logistics Terminal Manager, Sakura咲良Takahashi is selling each gold ore and beryllium ore crate for 4,000 credits starting from today, the 03rd of May, 830 A.S until the available batch is sold.
The Nebula Shipping Express (NSE) installation is located in the orbit of Planet Cambridge. Be advised that docking to NSE modular station requires docking permission which can be requested here from our Nebula Docking Master, Hina陽菜 Nakamura following the suitable docking permission template. We recommend delivering those gold ore crates to Planet Honshu, Kusari house space for the highest price available at the moment. Feel most welcome to visit our Nebula Neural Network for more information.
Planet Honshu, Honshu system, Kusari house space - [ 9,929 ]
The Ring, New Berlin system, Rheinland house space - [ 9,272 ]
Feel welcome to visit our Logistics Delivery Hub for reporting any shipped materials to the NSE industrial terminal. The NSE trading terminal accepts materials almost all the time since our industrial complex is in production almost 24/7. We also welcome you to visit our Nebula Grand Plaza - The Home of Good Times and enjoy a drink or two on the house. We will try our best to give our guests the most luxurious and comfortable services around. Thank you for your time and we wish you good fortune,
This is Nebula Technologies Neural Network Announcement. I am Sara冴咲Tanaka, CEO of Nebula Technologies®Cambridge. It is an honor to have you as our client, and we are glad to serve you the best technology we can afford and craft here. I would like to announce the arrival of a new collection of equipment and guns to our installation. We always use lower prices than any other locations, as much as we can. The prices of the new shipment are unique and we hope that you will find what you want here. ❄ NEW SHIPMENT ARRIVED
There are also a newly crafted number of high-tech devices on the market. The current high demand for Jump Drive Mk IV and Mk II is cause our market to be out of stock for some time, but this situation has been controlled. The current hyperspace and jump drive crafting processes are increased and will cover the current demands. We believe that our great clients understand that we are trying our best to increase the production size to fulfill all client's demands. Thank you for your time. Good fortune.