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AVIANA "VIXEN" FISHER Date of Birth: 10 DECEMBER 803 AS Place of Birth: Planet Erie, Pennsylvania
Once a respectable denizen of the autonomous colony of Erie seeking to chase a brighter future in the prospect of higher education in Liberty to achieve a standing in economics, gradually corrupted by the reality of Libertonian life. As time went on, as the debts began to weigh heavily upon the psyche, the unshakable craving of narcotics sent them over the edge. Their sheer dependency groomed into them during university held its repurcussion. Barely scraping by in terms of funds - being unable to indulge on their cravings, the long hours at Interspace Commerce drove them to a breaking point, resorting to petty crimes and murder to get a chance at the narcotic relief, turning from the respectable upbeat optimistic young individual seeking to make the big leagues, to a desperate lowlife with no regard for life, driven insane by rapacity.
The descent into the madness was gradually put on a stopping point. Or at least the Liberty Police had thought. During their indenture on Sugarland, the episodes spun out of control as the maddening withdrawals clawed in to what little sanity remained, even as going as far to relentlessly attack others who dared to look at them "wrong". Punishment after punishment, their sentence was extended. Mindless and tormented, they began to experiment, hoping to find any "droplet" of relief from the fields they worked in, attempting to go as far as to ravage through the work material to make a subsitute. Naturally, to no avail, no progression was made from trying to make scrap palatable. In the midst of the madness, a sudden raid ensued during one of the prime time working shifts in the eastern fields. With a stroke of luck, or unluck, 'Vixen' was one of the fortunate few who survived the raid, taken away by the mysterious band of crimson marooners.
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MADISON "MADDIE HATTER" HATCHETT Date of Birth: 03.21.808 AS Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan, New York
I ain't really the type to tell sob stories, so I'll keep this part short. My folks got hauled off to Texas when I was six- no clue why, they were totally clean- and since then, I've been my own woman!
Some people tell me that livin' on the undercity streets, robbin' food stands and bein' alone all the time drove me crazy, and... Ha ha ha, they're absolutely right! I'm mad as a hatter! Hence the name.
'Least I know that though, not like those high-society freaks, sippin' martinis in their ivory towers... Anyway!
While I was tryin' to survive, I discovered my love for explosives... Grenades, mines, missiles, rockets, torpedoes- there's no finer feelin' than blowing shit up!
A year ago, I got enough scratch to get into space, and I pretty much came straight to Buffalo. Life's been good! I get to blow up almost anything I want, and make a little cash on the side!
But honestly? For real? It ain't about the credits. As long as ya give me something to blow up and/or steal, I'm a happy camper! Hee hee!
Long as I don't hafta get hooked on that Cardamine stuff- 'cuz a junkie's too easy to control- I'll fly with ya!
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
Played a little bit back when Gallia was new, but I only started playing again several days ago. I do, however, have 4 years of one-on-one RP experience.
Clark "MeisterZim" Wilson Date of Birth 08.15.799 AS Place of Birth:Denver,Colorado
Born on Denver to an Ageira Pilot in well-enough family I had everything it took to make it big in the corporate world. Until I messed up a shipment and got taken
to Texas for "Retraining". I thought keeping my head low would get me out of this but I was so wrong. They don wanna make you a better pilot or worker. Staying cheap and obedient is
all they want. So I had to make a choice. Be ok with whatever scraps I was deemed worth or take what I want with my own hand.
So I took all what was left of my money and got a flying brick to claw my way to where I want to be. And smash some cops on the way.
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
Played first a few years back and restarted in november this year
Have you ever been sanctioned?
No Your Discord name and ID:
James "Scrappa" Fawkes Date of Birth: 03.09.799 AS Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan, New York system.
Born thirty one years ago amidst the loathsome heaped slums of Manhattan, James Nithercott Fawkes was among the dregs and the rejects and the failures of society, like countless others before him.
He lived a life without the grace of a comfortable environment, with concepts such as stability and happiness for him and his folks seemingly always beyond his soot covered grasp. He had young parents, the kind who bred him without ever knowing what it means to parent or teach anything in this merciless dog-eat-dog world full of squalor, and nearly failed to find a reason to push it past of the age of ten, were it not for a riveting discovery.
Unlike his throat cutting and pick pocketing burglar peers, he was blessed with a gift, if there is even such a thing. His hands were nimble and crafty, his mind was in constant overthinking about the next piece of equipment he could haphazardly stack on top of another equally dangerous one, an itch to rummage gutted ships and trash bins alike for the next transistor he could turn into a spark bomb or anything that would cause bodily harm. The aptitude present in brutish overclocking techniques came to him with trial and error. His ambitions grew limitless after he handled his first gun, realizing that there are never enough ways to protect oneself in Liberty.
In a brisk pulse of excitement and hubris, a young James, now armed with a dangerously overtuned pistol held practically held together by duct tape and nails, was finally determined to pull the trigger on the detestable police and any passersby that would glare at their impoverished situations down in the slums from up above, spitting and throwing cigarette butts from their namby-pamby overpass views. It did not have any logicality behind it, except sheer ignorant psychotic rage. The human id made manifest.
After managing to grievously injure an unsuspecting LPI officer in the back, he was sent to rigorous and harsh labour in Sugarland, forced to ponder over his crime through ceaseless smelting.
But the heaps of industrial dregs and scraps only made his brain tingle with new possibilities, every single rusted object he would force his thin arms into the roaring furnaces was nothing more than an idea for another death trap he could implement another day. A day which never seemed to arrive behind the bars of Sugarland.
Years of scheming and avoiding interactions in the prison like the plague were cut short by the ruckus of other prisoners boarding a supply shuttle down the hall in an attempt for the umpteenth prison break. A golden opportunity he boarded, fleeing from the LPI sponsored forced labour camp for good.
In the packed shuttle, he overheard talk of two escapees planning to meet in the illusive Buffalo base, to seek aid from the Rogues, becoming grunts in their work force. With that in mind, he took transit cargo ships, one shadier than the next, to board the Rogue base and offer his services to any who would need a reckless tinkerer with a steady hand.
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
David "Klepto" Shaffer Date of Birth: 09.22.786 AS Place of Birth: Crichton Springs, Planet Denver, Colorado
David was a former cubicle jockey, working in a Synth Foods subsidiary's Human Resources department. However, David's past has been dotted with a series of minor thefts, which eventually caught up to him, as he was suspended, and then arrested, for the theft of several items of company property, including a company shuttle that was reported missing. As punishment, David was sentenced to seven months on LPI Sugarland, but was released after two months, a hefty fine, and a probationary sentence for the remainder of his term. Upon attempting to return to work, he was dismissed due to 'administrative changes', and could not acquire another line of reasonable employment.
After all of his personal belongings, both legitimate and stolen, were repossessed to cover the civil fine and cost of his stay on Sugarland, David became a vagrant, barely making a livable wage any way he could. As a result, their favored pastime of theft began to creep back into his life. The rush of excitement, the thrill of the act, was the reason David started to become more bold in their action. Eventually, this evolved into minor piracy, and resulted in David being lured into the criminal underbelly of Liberty.
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
Have you ever been sanctioned?
I have been banned 12 times including in the Heavy Decision.
Jake "TwoFace" Jackson Date of Birth: Birth Certificate Lost. Estimate date 795 something. Place of Birth: In a dirty ally between a pile of trash bags on Planet Manhatten
Jake Jackson or as some calls him now "TwoFace" was found by a "Unknown Pirate" or "so people claimed he was" in an ally way down on Manhatten while he was on his way to do a "deal". Both his parents was found dead along side him, His birth certificate torn with only his name visible. This stranger took him in, fed him, clothed him and took care of him as his own and showed him the ways of how he survives. After some years that he stayed in his ship, seeing him do shady deals, stealing from others and running from the authorities he started putting the pieces together and found out that this man is actually a smuggler for the Liberty Rogues supplying them with whatever they need. Things took a stange path after that. He wanted to the same. His now called "father" started showing him the ways, letting him be incharge of doing the shady deals and flying the ship. After a few more years of doing this back and forth they came across an opportunity that they couldn't resist. They went to the given destination, but it was all a trap! They ran but in the crossfire his fathers ship haul blew and his father was instantly lost. The explosion was so bad that it burned half of his face away. Luckily he escaped with the escape pod. He went on doing what he was taught for a couple of more years earning him the nickname "TwoFace" through the people be did his dealings with. Now his looking for even more and came across a group that he hopes will take him in and show him there ways, or is this face not pretty enough for ya?!
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
Have you ever been sanctioned?
Yes once, but who hasn't?
Your Discord name and ID:
Fhoxi#8815 or fhoxi
Blessed in he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
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Darren "Haymaker" Hayward Date of Birth: 04.01.804 AS Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles, California
Apparently my family used to be farmers, decades ago, before the Great Californian Drought. But by the time I was born, Synth had taken over all the agriculture on Los Angeles, so my family's a bunch of janitors and garbagemen now. I grew up swiping tubes of paste when the clerks weren't looking at the grocery store. Juvie kinda sucked, and I didn't wanna end up on the Wall. After I got out of highschool, some dude asked if I wanted to join the Hellfire Legion. I'd heard about them on the news, and figuring that free rations, not having to pay to play billiards, and not ending up on the Wall was a good deal, I said yes. I didn't mind fighting a war in exchange for all that, on account of I was good enough at it not to die.
Flash forward several years. I'm still a lieutenant -- not that I mind, note -- and I'm the king of the pool hall. But I haven't heard back from my squad lead for two days and everyone at base is too busy to answer my questions about it, so I shrug and just go out on a lone patrol. When I come back, the comms guy at Hesperia is gone and some chick with a Houston accent tells me it's called "Fontana" now. I get a bad feeling so I just go to Rochester instead. I'm a little afraid of getting shanked on account of I have two functioning kidneys, but apparently I'm good enough at pool that the scrappers think I'm a stand-up guy. I think they were betting on me every time some noobie came around, but that's just a guess, I don't really know.
Anyway, flash forward another three years, and uh, I guess the Legion, or Insurgency or whatever, is definitely done for. I definitely don't think my squad leader's alive. One of the guys at Rochester said I was "wasting my talent ripping off freelancers at Rochester" and "would get a great reception at Buffalo". I asked him where "Buffalo" was, and he laughed at me and sent me this neural net address. So, uh, if anyone wants to roll out the red carpet for me, now's your chance, here I am.
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
Technically since 2007, but really on and off since August 2009.
Have you ever been sanctioned?
Yes; several dozen times. But apparently it was long enough ago that it didn't stop me from becoming a moderator