⧫ IW
⧫ From: Inquisitor 'Machiavelli'; Order Overwatch HC; Wedjat
⧫ To: Vigil-7
Inquisitor 'Machiavelli' relaying the message.
In reference to your inquiry concerning accessing the private exchanges between codename "Hellreaver" and subject "Caliban," Wedjat expresses a deep captivation in conducting an all-inclusive analysis of your undisclosed interactions with the subject that currently lack official documentation. The cases of Agent harassment targeting our operatives (by your inefficient personnel) within the Order Overwatch have acquired our attention (Kepler), as they have been extensively flagged across various sources. Additionally, the "Division Eight's" improper adherence to Order protocols has been a subject of significant concern to the integrity of the Order.
Following query targets the "death" of an individual codenamed "Vincent Abrams." We require your submission of untampered COMM Logs, alongside detailed documentation, pertaining to the operation. Let me advise you, any fabrication of the truth will be met with severe consequences. Wedjat possesses intricate validation material regarding the same incident. We anticipate you to provide clarification, as well as to submit comprehensive records referring to the subject in question, in view of your suspicious instincts regarding the content of the private conversation that left you concerned.
We deem it needless to provide evidence, as you are acutely aware of your actions. A time waste that we wish not to conduct.
In the event that you generate a carbon copy or dare allocate communication to foreign sources, Wedjat's Sections will be thoroughly versed in your maneuvers, and aftereffects will be duly imposed.
Sender ID:Odysseus Receiver ID:Inquisitor 'Machiavelli'; Order Overwatch HC; Wedjat Encryption:Fortress
Re: Request
I am Odysseus. Your communique has been forwarded to Section 8 command and I have been tasked with responding.
You accuse Section 8 of incompetence and disloyalty while in the same breath refusing to present any evidence to support your accusations. This is frankly unjust even by our – the Order’s – standards. Further, you demand access to what would be classified intelligence while at the same time refusing our request regarding Operative Hellreaver’s communications with Caliban in spite of our gesture of goodwill and show of good faith. You are hardly providing the basis for fruitful cooperation between our organizations.
Which leaves Section 8’s command rather confused. One day, Section 8 and Overwatch cooperate in a cordial and constructive manner in pursuit of our common goals, the next we are accused and antagonized. We are unsure where this hostile attitude towards Section 8 stems from, nor how deeply it permeates Overwatch, but I can assure you that it is unjustified, unconstructive, and unappreciated.
Of course, our operatives will continue to work side-by-side with Overwatch agents in the field, as – regardless of what petty grievances our organizations may have with each other – we are, ultimately, brothers and sisters in arms, joined by oath to face the Nomads. However, until Overwatch remembers that we do in fact fight for the same cause and approaches Section 8 with the same respect that we display towards your organization, we have no choice but to abstain from further communications with you.
Once Overwatch has come to its senses, it is welcome to contact Section 8 again in a more cordial manner. Might I - personally - suggest you take a page out of Colonel Einar Lundgren’s book in that regard.
It is no secret that our line of work requires a particular kind of ambiguity, both for the safety of our operatives and for the people around us.
The Overwatch, while not particularly keen on operatives reporting in so sporadically, acknowledges this as an occasional unavoidabilty.
However, due to the nature of our work trust between Order operatives is paramount and frankly the trust in Section-8 has started to diminish.
I'll be blunt with you to avoid any misunderstandings and confusion. While the communication from Wedjat is admitively hostile in tone, your response to these concerns being raised is laced with half-truths and ommissions rather than addressing and debunking the points. This is not a reassuring sign.
One such example of Section-8 acting 'cordial' with Overwatch operatives in the field:
Now I understand the defensive reaction one gets while being approached with such harsh language, but accusations and intelligence gathered over time have compromised the Overwatches faith in the integrity of Section-8. The evidence...'requested' by Wedjat will help alleviate this, if you provide it.
Until such concerns are addressed we will be unable to continue providing Section-8 with classified intel or, should things further deteriorate, assistance.
You undoubtably know that one of Wedjats main purposes is to investigate potential internal threats to the Order.
While I personally find the aggressive tone struck with you to be unneeded, I suggest you cooperate within the provided time frame and do so truthfully so that everyone can move on and focus on the alien threat. The last thing we need is the Nomads trying to exploit a blindspot in the Orders network.
On behalf of Section 8 command, I thank you for your much more tonally appropriate response.
It is with a heavy heart that I must confess that Section 8’s trust in Overwatch has likewise been shaken. Incompetence in the field – such as when two of your agents blindly stumbled through a barely understood hyperspacial anomaly in Kepler despite a Section 8 operative’s warning – and complete disregard for calls for aid – such as when Issoudon Shipyard in Orkney was attacked and ultimately destroyed by Nomad warforms – have left a sour taste in our mouths.
We freely admit that we do not share every detail of what we do with Overwatch – just as Overwatch does not share every operation it undertakes with us. We, like you, conduct our operations independently of other Order cells. And that, you may need to remember, is what Overwatch is. A cell within the greater Order with no more authority over Section 8 than any other. Section 8 is bound only by commands from the Order’s High Command.
However, where trust has been broken, trust can be rebuilt. We will, in the coming days, share with you a summary report of Section 8’s presumed execution of the individual Vincent Abrams – now going by the moniker Caliban. In return, we expect Overwatch to honor our request and share the communications between Operative Hellreaver and Caliban.
As for the example of cordial interactions you have provided, the irony is almost palpable. Inquisitor Machiavelli demands Section 8 to hand over untampered communications under threat of harsh consequences, yet, when providing evidence against us, you present heavily edited logs that maliciously hide any and all context. For transparency’s sake, I will attach the complete logs of that encounter to this message.
Admittedly, our operative’s behavior was discourteous. But as is clear from the logs, he cooperated openly with the Overwatch agent-in-command. Nevertheless, I can assure you that the Section 8 operative was reprimanded for his language at the time.
We hope that, once our two organizations have shared the requested data of intelligence with each other, this sorry matter can be concluded.
[21.11.2021 17:07:12] Vigil-1|S8: What's going on here?
[21.11.2021 17:07:14] Order|Starfire.: Uh, another Order operative, good to see
[21.11.2021 17:07:39] Order|Starfire.: Wait, Section Eight? Now I am all interested
[21.11.2021 17:07:52] Vigil-1|S8: We have company.
[21.11.2021 17:08:14] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Never heard about section eight.
[21.11.2021 17:08:16] Order|Starfire.: Better to get away from open space
[21.11.2021 17:08:28] Ridge: I'm not. Didn't you guys throw ***** at Cobra and then left?
[21.11.2021 17:09:16] =KUI=Azuri: Konichiwa Order.
[21.11.2021 17:09:21] Vigil-1|S8: Kusarian.
[21.11.2021 17:09:32] Ridge: Five Gamma.
[21.11.2021 17:10:12] Vigil-1|S8: Would still like to know what's going on.
[21.11.2021 17:10:22] Ridge: Going on where? What?
[21.11.2021 17:10:41] Order|Starfire.: Nothing interesting, honestly. But I would like to same the ask
[21.11.2021 17:10:52] Order|Starfire.: Where have you been during attack on Freeport 11?
[21.11.2021 17:11:22] Vigil-1|S8: Attack on Freeport 11?
[21.11.2021 17:11:30] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: So you don't know about it.
[21.11.2021 17:11:47] Vigil-1|S8: Not exactly our area of operations.
[21.11.2021 17:11:57] Order|Starfire.: Yes, Nomads. Gladly we repeled them, but Apophis and Taphanhes units have been alerted
[21.11.2021 17:12:06] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Do you know that order operates everywhere.
[21.11.2021 17:12:18] Vigil-1|S8: Oh. Sorry.
[21.11.2021 17:12:23] Vigil-1|S8: Didn't realize they'd sent idiots.
[21.11.2021 17:13:30] Vigil-1|S8: What's an attack on Eleven got to do with interrogating Abrams in Galileo?
[21.11.2021 17:14:05] Order|Starfire.: He's aware of...so-called 'sentinels'. It's normal to ask him
[21.11.2021 17:14:26] Vigil-1|S8: Was it a Sentinel attack?
[21.11.2021 17:14:36] Ridge: I've got a fair amount of experience with Sentinels. How they operate. And especially well-- you know the rest.
[21.11.2021 17:14:42] Order|Starfire.: Major Sentinel attack. They brought entire fleet there
[21.11.2021 17:15:26] Vigil-1|S8: Was Abrams involved?
[21.11.2021 17:15:52] Ridge: I don't visit the Omicrons for obvious reasons.
[21.11.2021 17:15:57] Order|Starfire.: Overwatch is ready to deploy its fleet now to every corner in the Sirius. We are in high-alerted conditions until crisis ends
[21.11.2021 17:16:08] Ridge: If I would. Both Order and Sentinels would come crashing down on me.
[21.11.2021 17:16:37] Vigil-1|S8: Overwatch would be stretching itself too thin. Don't bother.
[21.11.2021 17:16:53] Vigil-1|S8: Section 8 is on the Kepler situation. Leave it to us.
[21.11.2021 17:17:00] Vigil-1|S8: We'll inform you if assistance is required.
[21.11.2021 17:17:06] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Nah, you won't deal with it
[21.11.2021 17:17:21] Vigil-1|S8: Come again?
[21.11.2021 17:17:31] Order|Starfire.: Section Eight. Since you are obseving Kepler, you are strongly recommended to inform us about every single rumor or fact in
[21.11.2021 17:17:34] Order|Starfire.: Kepler
[21.11.2021 17:17:59] Vigil-1|S8: Which one of you two geniuses is in charge of the other?
[21.11.2021 17:18:16] Ridge: You should choose your words carefully, Vigil.
[21.11.2021 17:18:21] Ridge: One of them is way out of your league.
[21.11.2021 17:19:03] Order|Starfire.: Operative Starfire, Commodore of The Order Overwatch, Vigil One
[21.11.2021 17:19:38] Vigil-1|S8: Good. Now I know whose frequency to mute.
[21.11.2021 17:19:55] Vigil-1|S8: Starfire, Section 8 will inform you of anything deemed necessary.
[21.11.2021 17:20:10] Vigil-1|S8: We want to avoid unnecessary activity in the Kepler system.
[21.11.2021 17:20:30] Ridge: So first you throw off the Xenos's support. Then you wave me off every single time. And now you also wave off Storgen?
[21.11.2021 17:20:32] Ridge: *****...
[21.11.2021 17:20:40] Order|Starfire.: Use Atum relays to contact, but we would know to about everything there
[21.11.2021 17:20:53] Order|Starfire.: It's an order
[21.11.2021 17:21:06] Vigil-1|S8: I will be sure to relay it to my superiors.
[21.11.2021 17:21:13] Order|Starfire.: Good for you
[21.11.2021 17:21:34] Vigil-1|S8: Be advised not to put too much trust in Abrams.
[21.11.2021 17:21:38] Order|Starfire.: Vincent, same goes to you. Contact us once Sentinels shows up on the arena
[21.11.2021 17:21:38] Vigil-1|S8: Or any, for that matter.
[21.11.2021 17:21:51] Order|Starfire.: We'll keep it in mind, Vigil
[21.11.2021 17:22:18] Order|Starfire.: Dark Warrior, cloak out. We're done here
[21.11.2021 17:22:22] Ridge: Don't ask me for that, man. I usually run into Sentinels in a space between spaces.
[21.11.2021 17:22:23] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Roger.
[21.11.2021 17:22:30] Ridge: Ask Section 8
[21.11.2021 17:22:40] Ridge: Or Section 8's new friends. I don't know.
[21.11.2021 17:22:43] Order|Starfire.: We'll see. Godspeed, gentlemen
[21.11.2021 17:22:49] Vigil-1|S8: Copy that.