I conducted myself professionally, just one thing - maybe you are wondering why the charring on my Defender I just got back - well wouldn't you know it I have run into a gas pocket, seems like my logs got lost too, just a minor inconvenience! I certainly didn't get shot down again while inattentive, no sir.
I hope for more assignments, I think I am ready to be a Crewman again!
SENDER: Lt.Commander - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral Van-Leer
SUBJECT: Argonaute Refit
Salutations Admiral,
It has been an Honor to finally take command of the 1st|LNS-Argonaute, as this ship has such an iconic history as being the Flagship of my late father James Horatio Creed. I am sure my father would be watching down on me and feeling so proud to see me in command of this superb vessel.
Operation GUARDIAN has ended and Argonaute has suffered some light damage, but some of the score marks on the hull from those Nomad warforms seems to have severely depleted the integrity of certain hull sections, which is concerning. These weapons seem to have an intensity that could literally break through a hull section if these lasers are trained on a hull for some time. Luckily we remained some distance from the warforms and volleyed mortar fire to support our vessels.
It appears that some of the enemy vessels were not so lucky as I watched on, and the onslaught from these warforms was extremely violent and aggressive. I have only encountered a Nomad vessel once, and am glad to say that it was repelled by a group of three of us.
Argonaute is under repair in dry dock at Norfolk, after we were able to hyperspace jump her there safely, and no further ruptures or hull breaches were recorded during the severity of the jump.
In its current form, the Argonaute has a weapons system with the following combination :-
3 x TL-25 Mortar Cryogenic Antimatter Projector 1 x RA-20 Battleship gale Cannon 2 x MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turrets 2 x LDH-24v Collapser Liberty Battleship Turret 2 x LDF-5a Meson Liberty Battleship Flak Turret 9 x LDL-14v Jacjhammer Liberty Battleship Light Turret
This weapons setup has been passed down to me when I was given the command of the vessel, so now I will be asking for funding from the Armada to improve the vessel even more and make her the dominant force that she should be within the fleet of the 1st| Armada.
This refit will take some time, and also I will wait for your response on the funding of the new weapons systems. The weapons that will be purchased will be mounted and tested before she becomes operational again.
The amount of funding I am asking for will be - REDACTED - and I can assure you the funding will be used to improve the vessel to a high standard.
At present the vessel has already been fitted with some Docking Modules, but it seems there are some available within the Armada, which can also be installed to improve the Carrier's strike capabilities. Cloaking technology is already installed for very dangerous situations, and is an ideal peace of equipment. The Jump Drive sustained slight damage and will be looked at by the enigineers at Norfolk and hopefully they can also improve its capabilities.
Also we have a Hyperspace Beacon Matrix fitted, which will be a much needed piece of equipment for summoning reinforcements if needed during our operations.
Thankyou for your time Admiral, and I hope you are well and not too exhausted after Operation GUARDIAN.
Lt.commander - Libby Harrison
Libby Harrison - Lt.commander - 1st Armada
46th|Hazel: I best call every single Atlantis on the First Armada to help out with this MAXIMUM LEVEL THREAT.
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Manhattan
RECIPIENT: Personal Log
SUBJECT: Busy and successful few days
Fellow Officers
Corsair Smuggler Intercepted
With the help of Officer Jack.Lancer and the drone 1st|ONI-Probe-00 we have intercepted Corsair transport DTR-CCS-NAPOCA. Of all things, it was smuggling HELIUM. Our Pegasus Train the Interceptor engaged the vessel in battle. The Corsairs were defeated and 3,000 units of Helium were transferred to now firmly controlled Erie for forensic analysis.
When working with the Core on the Willard Restoration, our escorts were engaged by a huge Rogue fleet. The Core vessel Core|APM-Carl.Furlain has safely delivered the ordered hardware to Willard, but the rogues were too strong for our light escorts and our forces had to retreat after the successful mission.
Birdie goes down
The Rogue just won't stop! We took him down every time.
New Crewman
I have witnessed an impressive feat by the Navy officer Miranda Nur that has previously undertaken our classified Colorado mission. Miranda relatively easily finished damaged Xeno Bevan Harrison and promptly joined the First Armada, kicking my old ass in the simulator repeatedly right after. Miranda Nur will be a great asset, and will undoubtedly heavily bolster our Snubcraft performance.
Cooperation with Core
First, we repelled Order Warships OCV-Cognito and OCV-Dunov that were spotted in Omicron Nu.
To later cooperate with the Core vessel WV-Lockdown in first taking down massive Nomad Warforms and many Nomad battlecruisers, only to be later engaged by an Outcast Fleet.
Omicron Nu continues to be an issue after Saturday - I am more and more confident that opening the system to all civilians was simply a premature move that might bite us in the, well...
Despite the Heavily contested Nu, I am very satisfied. We continue to be the by far most active and present lawful entity in Liberty, the First Armada has gained several high-potential crewmen over the last few days. Next for us is to see the ONI complete the Willard restoration, integrate new crewmen, finally finish off the Insurgents, and see to it that the Cortez-Coronado gate is finished without hostile interference, and many more
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Virginia
RECIPIENT: Personal Log
SUBJECT: Old man gets an ego boost
To my dusty personal log.
I have served in the Navy for decades, what I didn't expect is in my old age to actually reach the peak of my snubcraft combat prowess! I know the conservative Fleets would frown upon me taking to the field and facing the enemies, but we are the First Armada - if we leaders don't lead by example despite the dangers, who will?
The latest Simulator incentive has suckered in us high-ranked officers as well, and the results are starting to show. For year after year, the Lane Hackers have given me huge headaches. Hard to catch, very skilled pilots, and very annoying to track down. for the first time ever I have managed to take one down when piloting a fighter! The LH~Koskov hacker was spotted in Virginia, 46th|Alpha-2 arrived to assist but it wasn't needed! I have used my newly honed skills to take the Hacker down all by myself. And I won't lie - it's good to know that being beaten over and over in the Simulator like when I was a young cadet at West Point can actually bring in results even in my advanced age!
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Virginia
RECIPIENT: Office of Naval Intelligence, First Armada
SUBJECT: Aliens reappear
Office of Naval Intelligence, First Armada
It seems like war forms similar to Omicron Nu have appeared now in Kepler...it is possible that the anomalies work as singularities of sorts.
More data will be needed to figure out what's going on there.
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Alaska
RECIPIENT: Office of Naval Intelligence, First Armada
Office of Naval Intelligence, First Armada
What we predicted happened - aliens assaulted Colorado, Pueblo stations and were repelled. Large amount of Order operatives appeared and attacked the Aliens. That they didn't shoot us this time is a positive, how they infiltrated Liberty in such large numbers is a definite negative.
SCRA infiltrate Alaska
Four SCRA bombers were spotted in Alaska, they were all taken down, one of them by Luke Lukas. Again, how they managed to penetrate Alaska's defenses remains a mystery. LSF and ONI have a job to do!
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: New York
SUBJECT: Escort Mission and a Nomad appears
When on patrol with Akagi Kudo we encountered 5th|LNT-Fairbanks commanded by Officer Lambert. They were on an important mission - deliver Light Arms to Coronado so the system can be better protected before the Jump Gate from Cortez is complete, and Deuterium supply runs to Liberty for warship fuel. We completed multiple runs and were later joined by Luke Lukas. Everything went smoothly until a Nomad vessel appeared above Manhattan.
I volunteered to protect the convoy and separated as Lambert and Kudo continued their mission. The Nomad has bizarre charges that were hard to avoid, surprisingly, the "Emissary"|S8 order ship has somehow appeared and engaged the nomad. The result of that skirmish is unclear, but the convoy mission was a success.
[19.06.2023 14:23:45] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hello
[19.06.2023 14:23:51] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: hello there
[19.06.2023 14:23:57] 1st|Gold-California: Akagi, let's provide escort
[19.06.2023 14:24:05] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: on it
[19.06.2023 14:24:07] /fi 5th
[19.06.2023 14:24:28] 1st|Gold-California: There was Auxesian activity ahead today
[19.06.2023 14:24:33] 1st|Gold-California: Joining formation
[19.06.2023 14:24:40] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: roger that
[19.06.2023 14:24:43] 1st|Gold-California: Proceed
[19.06.2023 14:24:44] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: joining formation
[19.06.2023 14:24:45] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 14:24:51] 1st|Gold-California: Where are we bringing these sir?
[19.06.2023 14:25:51] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: over to new hope i have orders to give them weapons
[19.06.2023 14:25:59] 1st|Gold-California: Well that's a good call
[19.06.2023 14:26:05] 1st|Gold-California: The Jump Gate will be ready soon!
[19.06.2023 14:26:23] 1st|Gold-California: If you ask me though, it doesn't feel secure over there at all
[19.06.2023 14:26:39] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: it'll be safer with the gate but it does feel lawless
[19.06.2023 14:26:39] 1st|Gold-California: Watch out for Curacao
[19.06.2023 14:26:57] 1st|Gold-California: I'll say, damn Outcasts, Auxesians roaming free
[19.06.2023 14:27:07] 1st|Gold-California: Good that the locals get these weapons
[19.06.2023 14:27:16] 1st|Gold-California: Yellowstone can only do so much
[19.06.2023 14:27:22] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yeah so they can defend themselfes
[19.06.2023 14:27:26] 1st|Gold-California: Akagi are you aware of the Crayter Republic?
[19.06.2023 14:27:32] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: not fully
[19.06.2023 14:27:34] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 14:28:11] 1st|Gold-California: What would we call them officer Lambert
[19.06.2023 14:28:22] 1st|Gold-California: A well...smaller independent republic in the border worlds I suppose
[19.06.2023 14:28:30] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oh well
[19.06.2023 14:28:43] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: well I see them as allies we have done a few strikes with the,
[19.06.2023 14:28:50] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i wonder what happened to that planet over there
[19.06.2023 14:28:55] 1st|Gold-California: Won't be so independent when our Jump gate completes *smiles* but no need to needle them too much
[19.06.2023 14:29:01] 1st|Gold-California: Which one
[19.06.2023 14:29:11] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: to our right
[19.06.2023 14:29:24] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oraibi i think its called
[19.06.2023 14:29:27] 1st|Gold-California: Salina? Seems like God gave it one too many moons!
[19.06.2023 14:29:36] 1st|Gold-California: Oh this is a planet?
[19.06.2023 14:29:47] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: my scanner says so
[19.06.2023 14:29:48] 1st|Gold-California: Looks like hell!
[19.06.2023 14:29:50] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: Orabi looks like its been bombarded
[19.06.2023 14:30:02] 1st|Gold-California: This is a strange planet cluster
[19.06.2023 14:30:03] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yeah......but by who?
[19.06.2023 14:30:19] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: no Idea
[19.06.2023 14:30:21] 1st|Gold-California: Anything to pick up Lambert?
[19.06.2023 14:30:31] 1st|Gold-California: I am not familiar with New Hope
[19.06.2023 14:30:47] 2023-06-19 14:30:48 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Gold-California has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:31:20] 1st|Gold-California: Oh! I handed them Side Arms I confiscated from a hacker!
[19.06.2023 14:31:26] 1st|Gold-California: Weeks ago
[19.06.2023 14:31:48] 2023-06-19 14:31:49 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Gold-California has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:31:50] 1st|Gold-California: deuterium?
[19.06.2023 14:31:57] 1st|Gold-California: Let's take some too
[19.06.2023 14:32:36] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: ok i got it too
[19.06.2023 14:32:40] 1st|Gold-California: Assuming formation
[19.06.2023 14:32:41] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: the more the better
[19.06.2023 14:32:53] 1st|Gold-California: What is this Deuterium good for anyhow
[19.06.2023 14:33:08] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: sience?
[19.06.2023 14:33:18] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: We crack it down for fuel
[19.06.2023 14:33:22] 1st|Gold-California: Oh!
[19.06.2023 14:33:23] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oh well
[19.06.2023 14:33:28] 1st|Gold-California: A little kick for the engines
[19.06.2023 14:33:30] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: it was some nice ship they had
[19.06.2023 14:33:52] 1st|Gold-California: Which one, the guild ship?
[19.06.2023 14:34:00] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: pecos
[19.06.2023 14:34:09] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: they had a GB a bomber and fighter i saw
[19.06.2023 14:34:16] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: then i went on to land
[19.06.2023 14:34:22] 1st|Gold-California: Must have been the Crayter Ships?
[19.06.2023 14:34:37] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: they have red lines on thier ships?
[19.06.2023 14:34:39] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: I can tell you their ships take a beating i watched one of my escorts handle 2 rogues in one
[19.06.2023 14:34:56] 1st|Gold-California: They do seem sturdier than ours
[19.06.2023 14:35:12] 1st|Gold-California: Careful around Curacao
[19.06.2023 14:35:14] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: they know where to find it
[19.06.2023 14:35:34] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: yeah no forced landings please.
[19.06.2023 14:35:35] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: its gravity is strong
[19.06.2023 14:35:49] 1st|Gold-California: The lanes are too damn close to the planet if you ask me!
[19.06.2023 14:35:55] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: true
[19.06.2023 14:36:08] 1st|Gold-California: That the gravity hasn't caused an accident to the tourists is a small miracle
[19.06.2023 14:36:18] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i seen 2 cargoships they went on to get cargo then they was ready bang
[19.06.2023 14:36:29] 1st|Gold-California: Oh my!
[19.06.2023 14:36:37] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: ive seen a fair few ships get stuck in the gravity well.
[19.06.2023 14:36:49] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: and its was liberty ale they flew with
[19.06.2023 14:36:53] 1st|Gold-California: OH NO!
[19.06.2023 14:37:18] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: Not the liberty ale!
[19.06.2023 14:37:20] 1st|Gold-California: A true tragedy
[19.06.2023 14:37:26] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yeah
[19.06.2023 14:37:35] 1st|Gold-California: The poor bottles must have been so scared
[19.06.2023 14:37:36] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i got 43 of the surviving ale
[19.06.2023 14:37:56] 1st|Gold-California: You at least got the poor 43 Ale orphans, silver linings
[19.06.2023 14:37:57] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: the rest went down to the planet in flames
[19.06.2023 14:38:03] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: im shocked any was still intact
[19.06.2023 14:38:30] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: either lucky ore just sealed really good
[19.06.2023 14:38:56] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: indeed, ah it feels so much better being in patroled space
[19.06.2023 14:39:04] 1st|Gold-California: They should put it in Liberty Ale adds "can withstand contact with atmosphere"
[19.06.2023 14:39:08] 1st|Gold-California: Yes
[19.06.2023 14:39:13] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yep
[19.06.2023 14:39:13] 1st|Gold-California: I got my ass kicked by Auxesians today
[19.06.2023 14:39:25] 1st|Gold-California: I got lured into their trap
[19.06.2023 14:39:28] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: all the way to liberty territory?
[19.06.2023 14:39:35] 1st|Gold-California: It was in coronado
[19.06.2023 14:39:39] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oh well
[19.06.2023 14:39:43] 1st|Gold-California: One of them was in a bomber near the Gate Construction Area
[19.06.2023 14:39:53] 1st|Gold-California: I had to protect it at all costs and got...a little carried away
[19.06.2023 14:39:56] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: they are very sly with their traps we lost a lot of good men
[19.06.2023 14:40:02] 1st|Gold-California: Followed the pest to inverness
[19.06.2023 14:40:12] 1st|Gold-California: Of course a Gunboat friend of his greeted me
[19.06.2023 14:40:23] 1st|Gold-California: Ready for jump
[19.06.2023 14:40:27] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: GB is the worst ever
[19.06.2023 14:40:29] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: ready
[19.06.2023 14:40:32] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: oh thats painful glad you got out alive
[19.06.2023 14:40:35] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 14:41:11] 1st|Gold-California: Lucky me, my ship is totalled though, the guys at Yellowstone are fixing it now. So I have to do with this civilian one
[19.06.2023 14:41:24] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oh well
[19.06.2023 14:41:34] 1st|Gold-California: I also ran into an alien today
[19.06.2023 14:41:36] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i got this one fixed a little to many times
[19.06.2023 14:41:38] 1st|Gold-California: In Texas of all places
[19.06.2023 14:41:43] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: alien here?
[19.06.2023 14:41:46] 1st|Gold-California: True Akagi, very true
[19.06.2023 14:41:50] 1st|Gold-California: Yes, in Texas
[19.06.2023 14:41:55] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hmmmmm
[19.06.2023 14:42:00] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: thats long way from home
[19.06.2023 14:42:02] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: seems like things was a mess
[19.06.2023 14:42:02] 1st|Gold-California: Seems like Aliens are all over the place, it seems like the 800s again
[19.06.2023 14:42:22] 1st|Gold-California: Omicron Nu, Colorado, and now Texas? This is bad
[19.06.2023 14:42:27] 1st|Gold-California: Well long story short
[19.06.2023 14:42:31] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: its wierd
[19.06.2023 14:42:48] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: can they be escaping thier system?
[19.06.2023 14:42:52] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: they have been a lot more active recently
[19.06.2023 14:42:54] 1st|Gold-California: I have no idea what weapons are those, it emitted strange detonating discharges...mine like things, very hard to see
[19.06.2023 14:43:20] 1st|Gold-California: It sent me to an escape pod real fast before I could investigate
[19.06.2023 14:43:22] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hmmm i have heard about one thing with the aliens
[19.06.2023 14:43:26] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: hm i havent faced anything like that before...
[19.06.2023 14:43:33] 1st|Gold-California: They have strange weapons, hard to see
[19.06.2023 14:43:49] 1st|Gold-California: You don't exactly practice against that in the simulator
[19.06.2023 14:44:12] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: yes its only simple rouges in the sims
[19.06.2023 14:44:12] 1st|Gold-California: Baltimore, fuel em route!
[19.06.2023 14:44:16] 2023-06-19 14:44:17 SMT Traffic control alert: 5th|LNT-Fairbanks has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:44:17] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: they have something i dont know what its called, but it makes them totall invisible, you cant see them, their engine.
[19.06.2023 14:44:17] 2023-06-19 14:44:18 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Gold-California has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:44:34] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
[19.06.2023 14:44:51] 2023-06-19 14:44:52 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Akagi.Kudo has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:45:05] 1st|Gold-California: Well yes! Is that engine? I still don't know if that's just animals, or actual aliens in ships with engines? Who knows
[19.06.2023 14:45:39] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: its not that they can be right next to you and then appear
[19.06.2023 14:45:41] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: oh yes ive seen ships just vanish before
[19.06.2023 14:45:46] 1st|Gold-California: Do those things ...grow into a space being that can vanish?
[19.06.2023 14:45:52] 1st|Gold-California: Or is that some sort of technology
[19.06.2023 14:45:57] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hmmm
[19.06.2023 14:46:01] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i do wonder
[19.06.2023 14:46:10] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: they seem organic.
[19.06.2023 14:46:36] 1st|Gold-California: 2 days ago in Colorado - those were some big ones. Hard to tell if it's one "animal" or some organic ship?
[19.06.2023 14:47:03] 1st|Gold-California: Just imagine, you have a garden, put seeds in...and an Interdictor pops up from the ground a year later *laughs*
[19.06.2023 14:47:14] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i heard that someone had seen their ships and there is no cockpit, no window ore anything its like its full metal just flying.
[19.06.2023 14:47:38] 1st|Gold-California: Metal?
[19.06.2023 14:47:45] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: hm i'll order the vally forge to texas to bolster the defences
[19.06.2023 14:47:48] 1st|Gold-California: Well who knows, they are hard to kill that's for sure
[19.06.2023 14:47:51] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yeah like out ships but not cockpit
[19.06.2023 14:48:00] Attention! Stand clear. Towing 5th|LNT-Fairbanks
[19.06.2023 14:48:03] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: our*
[19.06.2023 14:48:06] 1st|Gold-California: how can they see us?
[19.06.2023 14:48:19] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: thats a good question...
[19.06.2023 14:48:21] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: thats what im thinking about
[19.06.2023 14:48:22] 1st|Gold-California: That damn thing with near invisible mine like charges sure could hit me easily
[19.06.2023 14:48:36] 2023-06-19 14:48:37 SMT Traffic control alert: 5th|LNT-Fairbanks has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:48:38] 1st|Gold-California: Sent me packing in under two minutes
[19.06.2023 14:48:44] 2023-06-19 14:48:45 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Gold-California has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:48:44] Auto-Buy(Mines): Bought 1 unit(s), cost: 10.000$
[19.06.2023 14:48:59] 1st|Gold-California: Taking the light arms!
[19.06.2023 14:49:08] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: wow...
[19.06.2023 14:49:09] 2023-06-19 14:49:10 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Akagi.Kudo has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 14:49:35] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: they really do hurt to get hit with
[19.06.2023 14:49:51] 1st|Gold-California: You can't even see those "mines" or whatever those are
[19.06.2023 14:49:54] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yes but as im saying, can the aliens maybe be the ship?
[19.06.2023 14:50:07] 1st|Gold-California: Well no windows?
[19.06.2023 14:50:27] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: like the ship is thier life pod
[19.06.2023 14:50:31] 1st|Gold-California: It IS possible, but how would they grow something so huge as that monster we saw in Omicron Nu
[19.06.2023 14:50:35] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: it makes sense i guess
[19.06.2023 14:50:45] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hmm
[19.06.2023 14:50:46] 1st|Gold-California: One damn think took down good 60 warships
[19.06.2023 14:50:51] 1st|Gold-California: Thing I mean
[19.06.2023 14:50:52] Attention! Stand clear. Towing 5th|LNT-Fairbanks
[19.06.2023 14:51:00] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: wait wait wait
[19.06.2023 14:51:03] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: 60???
[19.06.2023 14:51:10] 1st|Gold-California: Yes, near 60
[19.06.2023 14:51:49] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oh yeah the nomad war
[19.06.2023 14:51:50] 1st|Gold-California: It was massive, emitting powerful blue beams that melted dreadnoughts
[19.06.2023 14:51:56] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 14:52:04] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: can it meen
[19.06.2023 14:52:07] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: that....
[19.06.2023 14:52:16] 1st|Gold-California: Ready to proceed
[19.06.2023 14:52:22] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: but ive seen our dreads that massive hits and keep going intact
[19.06.2023 14:52:28] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: they shoot with something like Sun flares?
[19.06.2023 14:52:34] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: take* damn comm systems
[19.06.2023 14:52:41] 1st|Gold-California: It was a strange one Lambert
[19.06.2023 14:52:48] 1st|Gold-California: None of those appeared in Colorado
[19.06.2023 14:52:56] 1st|Gold-California: Thank god, or Pueblo would be a goner
[19.06.2023 14:53:09] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 14:53:14] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: you know then the sun makes those sun beams, can they.......maybe had maked a weapon that does that??
[19.06.2023 14:53:19] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: yes theres no way we could scramble fast enough
[19.06.2023 14:53:47] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hmm
[19.06.2023 14:53:49] 1st|Gold-California: It wouldn't matter, those in Nu wiped our near 60 warships
[19.06.2023 14:53:55] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: its crazy
[19.06.2023 14:53:58] 1st|Gold-California: Well it was partially because of the bastard Corsairs
[19.06.2023 14:54:14] 1st|Gold-California: They didn't care about the monster warforms, they kept firing at humans!
[19.06.2023 14:54:30] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: that would be almost the whole of the fifth fleet!
[19.06.2023 14:54:51] 1st|Gold-California: Well, it was around 20 Navy ships, we were engaged with Outcasts, Corsairs and the Coalition
[19.06.2023 14:55:06] 1st|Gold-California: When these ships with the beams Akagi was theorising about appeared
[19.06.2023 14:55:14] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i only heard stories then i was little about, the aliens used kidnapped human womans, for breading with thier babys.
[19.06.2023 14:55:21] 1st|Gold-California: Oh lord
[19.06.2023 14:55:24] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: That sounds like a really intense fight
[19.06.2023 14:55:26] 1st|Gold-California: *holds back puke*
[19.06.2023 14:55:40] 1st|Gold-California: Well, it was, we couldn't keep unified front with all HUmans
[19.06.2023 14:55:41] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yeah again its only storys
[19.06.2023 14:55:56] 1st|Gold-California: This is how the aliens get us...if humans keep their squabbles while they wipe us out.
[19.06.2023 14:56:13] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: they act like flankers
[19.06.2023 14:56:16] 1st|Gold-California: Some stories Akagi, that sounds horrible!
[19.06.2023 14:56:25] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: they must devide us to conquer, we must stay strong
[19.06.2023 14:56:27] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: well my mom liked to scare me
[19.06.2023 14:56:41] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: that explains a lot !
[19.06.2023 14:56:43] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 14:56:54] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: but she dindt scare me enough to not join the navy *laughs*
[19.06.2023 14:57:12] 1st|Gold-California: I believe the Nomads ara adapting, in the 800s their ships, organisms had no shields...now they seem to have something
[19.06.2023 14:57:15] 1st|Gold-California: of the kind
[19.06.2023 14:57:31] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oh wow, who throwed a flashbang here
[19.06.2023 14:57:32] 1st|Gold-California: Good on you Akagi!
[19.06.2023 14:57:35] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: I heard they was hard enough to kill without sheilds
[19.06.2023 14:57:46] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: question
[19.06.2023 14:57:53] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: who are those nomads actually
[19.06.2023 14:58:02] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: get ready for a gravity well
[19.06.2023 14:58:04] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: are they aliens ore organism
[19.06.2023 14:58:10] 1st|Gold-California: Beats me! I don't even know if they are big organisms or they
[19.06.2023 14:58:17] 1st|Gold-California: fly some sort of bioships
[19.06.2023 14:58:28] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hmmmmm
[19.06.2023 14:58:34] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: lambert: maybe they are the ship?
[19.06.2023 14:58:36] /fi 1st
[19.06.2023 14:58:56] 1st|Luke-L: hello everyone!
[19.06.2023 14:58:57] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i wonder how that freeport is doing
[19.06.2023 14:59:00] 1st|Gold-California: can fly to cortez to join us :]
[19.06.2023 14:59:04] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hello
[19.06.2023 14:59:07] 1st|Gold-California: Which one?
[19.06.2023 14:59:08] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 14:59:12] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: hmmmm
[19.06.2023 14:59:15] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i think its 7
[19.06.2023 14:59:18] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: maybe
[19.06.2023 14:59:21] 1st|Luke-L: vhf! i can change to GB
[19.06.2023 14:59:32] /fm luke whatever is fine, vhf good
[19.06.2023 14:59:32] 1st|Gold-California: whatever is fine, vhf good
[19.06.2023 14:59:40] 1st|Luke-L: coming asap
[19.06.2023 14:59:42] 1st|Gold-California: There's a freeport 7?
[19.06.2023 14:59:46] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: yo
[19.06.2023 14:59:48] 1st|Gold-California: Well I guess not anymore
[19.06.2023 14:59:52] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: wait a sec
[19.06.2023 14:59:59] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: its gone?
[19.06.2023 15:00:18] 1st|Gold-California: Freeport 7, rings a bell
[19.06.2023 15:00:33] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i heard they was close to find out something
[19.06.2023 15:00:33] 1st|Gold-California: Wasn't there news a long time ago about some Freeport 7?
[19.06.2023 15:00:58] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: wait wasnt it that station that got attacked somehow?
[19.06.2023 15:01:03] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: wasnt that the station edison trent was on the guy that got the lone star?
[19.06.2023 15:01:16] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i think so
[19.06.2023 15:01:20] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: i wonder where he is now
[19.06.2023 15:01:25] 1st|Gold-California: Oh yeah I heard of that - so few get that thing
[19.06.2023 15:01:33] 1st|Gold-California: They never said what he got it for though
[19.06.2023 15:01:47] 2023-06-19 15:01:48 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Gold-California has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:02:03] 2023-06-19 15:02:04 SMT Traffic control alert: 5th|LNT-Fairbanks has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:02:08] 1st|Gold-California: Deuterium for fuel on board!
[19.06.2023 15:02:30] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: here we go again
[19.06.2023 15:02:42] 1st|Luke-L: i am in cali now
[19.06.2023 15:02:48] 1st|Gold-California: I haven't heard of anyone else getting the Lone Star since then
[19.06.2023 15:02:50] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: lets hope it says safe
[19.06.2023 15:02:58] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: we in coronado
[19.06.2023 15:03:13] 1st|Gold-California: Maybe they should give to Navy heroes...like us!
[19.06.2023 15:03:34] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: one of my ill fated men who died defending new london got one
[19.06.2023 15:03:42] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: wasnt the navy hunting trent at sometime?
[19.06.2023 15:03:59] 1st|Gold-California: Who knows what happened
[19.06.2023 15:04:01] 1st|Luke-L: destination?
[19.06.2023 15:04:06] 1st|Gold-California: ny
[19.06.2023 15:04:06] 1st|Luke-L: i will catch up maybe
[19.06.2023 15:04:12] 1st|Gold-California: RV curacao
[19.06.2023 15:04:18] 1st|Luke-L: roger!
[19.06.2023 15:04:19] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: lambert: thats what some old news vods say
[19.06.2023 15:04:29] 1st|Luke-L: 2 mins
[19.06.2023 15:04:44] 1st|Gold-California: Well teh Gallic Wars...Say what you will
[19.06.2023 15:04:48] Tip: Are you new to our server? Introduce yourself on our forums in the Welcome Section at Discoverygc.com
[19.06.2023 15:04:49] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 15:04:58] 1st|Gold-California: But I rather fight a genocidal maniac of a King than these aliens
[19.06.2023 15:04:59] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 15:05:15] 1st|Gold-California: That threaten to wipe us all out
[19.06.2023 15:05:25] 1st|Gold-California: At least I know what to expect from Humans
[19.06.2023 15:05:32] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: well i heard stories of a LANE HACKER joining the fight in magellen...
[19.06.2023 15:05:42] 1st|Gold-California: Against Gauls?
[19.06.2023 15:05:51] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: lambert: yes
[19.06.2023 15:05:56] 1st|Gold-California: Well as they should
[19.06.2023 15:05:57] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: wow
[19.06.2023 15:06:17] 1st|Gold-California: When entire planets get glassed
[19.06.2023 15:06:27] 1st|Gold-California: everyone goes down, lawful citizen or Lane Hacker
[19.06.2023 15:06:42] 1st|Luke-L: Greetings! luke reporting for duty!
[19.06.2023 15:06:47] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: lambert: he downed a few fighters before getting hit with a anti capital ship weapon
[19.06.2023 15:06:52] 1st|Gold-California: Lukas welcome, assume formation, we are escorting Fairbanks with important Fuel Deuterium
[19.06.2023 15:06:57] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: ooooh that guy
[19.06.2023 15:07:01] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: hello pilot :D
[19.06.2023 15:07:16] 1st|Gold-California: Now that we are here: Defense Protocol
[19.06.2023 15:07:17] 1st|Luke-L: Roger that! In formation! God speed!
[19.06.2023 15:07:18] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: oof i got carried away there
[19.06.2023 15:07:25] 1st|Gold-California: If enemies appear
[19.06.2023 15:07:28] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: many had lost their lives over the years
[19.06.2023 15:07:38] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: too many did
[19.06.2023 15:07:51] 1st|Gold-California: We are to break formation to match, the rest will escort Fairbanks who should continue their mission
[19.06.2023 15:07:54] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: the rogues think they own liberty as they surely not do
[19.06.2023 15:08:01] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 15:08:33] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: ouch a little meteorite hit the windshield on my ship
[19.06.2023 15:08:37] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: roger that It must be odd giving a commder orders
[19.06.2023 15:08:54] Attention! Stand clear. Towing 5th|LNT-Fairbanks
[19.06.2023 15:09:00] 1st|Gold-California: The Rogues, Insurgents
[19.06.2023 15:09:08] 1st|Gold-California: Have you heard the rumors?
[19.06.2023 15:09:14] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: waht rumors?
[19.06.2023 15:09:19] 1st|Gold-California: The Xeno terrorists proclaimed some sort of a Republic of their own
[19.06.2023 15:09:26] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: what* comon comm
[19.06.2023 15:09:36] 1st|Luke-L: *laugh* really?!
[19.06.2023 15:09:42] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: wow
[19.06.2023 15:09:44] 1st|Gold-California: That'sa good laugh I know
[19.06.2023 15:09:48] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: I was there when we had taken down marshall station they put up a good fight
[19.06.2023 15:10:04] 1st|Gold-California: I was there too, can't help but feel a bit guilty about Freeport 2
[19.06.2023 15:10:09] 1st|Luke-L: What would be next? playng soccer with Nomads?
[19.06.2023 15:10:16] 1st|Gold-California: *smiles*
[19.06.2023 15:10:18] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: in your dreams
[19.06.2023 15:10:23] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: *laughing*
[19.06.2023 15:10:25] 1st|Gold-California: Xeno republic wouldn't last a month
[19.06.2023 15:10:27] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: yeah they didnt need to bring it down
[19.06.2023 15:10:39] 1st|Gold-California: Well, there were pirates that occupied it, we had to move fast...
[19.06.2023 15:10:52] 1st|Gold-California: So the navy Destroyed Freeport 2 in Bering
[19.06.2023 15:11:08] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: it had to happen
[19.06.2023 15:11:11] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 15:11:12] 1st|Gold-California: Why I was sort of dissapointed at the orders about Erie
[19.06.2023 15:11:42] 1st|Gold-California: Don't get me wrong, orders are orders
[19.06.2023 15:11:57] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: Thats right but they feel so wrong some times
[19.06.2023 15:12:02] 1st|Gold-California: I assume the Congress knows better than us, but hmm..what do you officers think?
[19.06.2023 15:12:09] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: if we dont follow them we get in trouble
[19.06.2023 15:12:17] 1st|Luke-L: We had, and still have treating the Zoners, a;; zoners admirably, Erie should't had happen
[19.06.2023 15:12:22] 1st|Luke-L: My opinion
[19.06.2023 15:12:37] 1st|Gold-California: Well, not our call exactly. We won't defect like that traitor officer
[19.06.2023 15:12:47] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: giving orders like that isnt easy following them is harder
[19.06.2023 15:13:01] USV-Borealis: Greetings.
[19.06.2023 15:13:01] 1st|Gold-California: Well, we had it easy honestly, the Zoner Warships....
[19.06.2023 15:13:02] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yep
[19.06.2023 15:13:05] 1st|Gold-California: Those aren't our Zoners
[19.06.2023 15:13:12] 1st|Luke-L: That's why the ones that gives should be smarter than the ones that receive
[19.06.2023 15:13:22] 1st|Gold-California: I heard they are some battlehardened mercenaries from the Omegas...Gran Canaria or some such
[19.06.2023 15:13:50] 1st|Luke-L: Gran Canaria? I wanna go there on my vacation
[19.06.2023 15:13:55] 1st|Gold-California: Very True Lukas...I can disagree with the Orders, but who am I to go against the Congress? They built Liberty as we know it
[19.06.2023 15:14:06] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: oh i never heard of that i was in medical
[19.06.2023 15:14:22] 1st|Gold-California: Yeah Zoner warships, clearly foreign, attacking us!
[19.06.2023 15:14:34] 1st|Gold-California: That was before the Alma marines secured Erie surface
[19.06.2023 15:14:49] 2023-06-19 15:14:49 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Gold-California has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:15:11] 2023-06-19 15:15:11 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Akagi.Kudo has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:15:18] 1st|Gold-California: This all makes me sick to the stomach let me tell you. We need peace in Liberty.
[19.06.2023 15:15:20] 1st|Luke-L: ok guys, gotta go and eat smth...will be back in 20 or so
[19.06.2023 15:15:21] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 15:15:25] 2023-06-19 15:15:26 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Luke-L has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:15:28] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: roger
[19.06.2023 15:15:33] 1st|Luke-L: have fun! cya in a bit
[19.06.2023 15:15:48] 2023-06-19 15:15:48 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Akagi.Kudo has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:15:57] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: at some point we will have peace
[19.06.2023 15:16:05] 1st|Gold-California: We were so close
[19.06.2023 15:16:07] 1st|Gold-California: then Erie came
[19.06.2023 15:16:20] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: who is Erie?
[19.06.2023 15:16:28] 1st|Gold-California: A Planet in Pennsylvania
[19.06.2023 15:16:29] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: a planet
[19.06.2023 15:16:33] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: ok
[19.06.2023 15:16:39] 1st|Gold-California: Liberty controls the space around it and the docking rings
[19.06.2023 15:16:50] 1st|Gold-California: But the surface was entirely Zoner governed
[19.06.2023 15:17:01] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: and now we have boots on the ground...
[19.06.2023 15:17:18] 1st|Gold-California: It seems like the Congress decided that they are a safe haven for Insurgents, so Congress sent in marines
[19.06.2023 15:17:22] 1st|Gold-California: To control the cities
[19.06.2023 15:17:34] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: question why did the french people head up north in the galaxy?
[19.06.2023 15:17:42] 1st|Gold-California: The Gauls?
[19.06.2023 15:17:44] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: on paper that makes sense
[19.06.2023 15:17:46] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: yeah
[19.06.2023 15:17:57] 1st|Gold-California: Who knows how their colony ship even got here
[19.06.2023 15:18:07] 1st|Gold-California: I haven't read up on their history
[19.06.2023 15:18:26] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: I just know they invaded hard and fast
[19.06.2023 15:18:27] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: well we know the germans maked reinhland
[19.06.2023 15:18:27] 1st|Gold-California: All I know is that their king was a mad man
[19.06.2023 15:18:36] 2023-06-19 15:18:37 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Gold-California has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:18:37] 2023-06-19 15:18:38 SMT Traffic control alert: 5th|LNT-Fairbanks has requested to dock
[19.06.2023 15:19:03] Target ship has no free docking capacity
[19.06.2023 15:19:27] 1st|Gold-California: And the Ja...something made Kusari, the Sirian ships are taught about to all kids
[19.06.2023 15:19:35] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: this is the last set they paid for.
[19.06.2023 15:19:43] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: oh well
[19.06.2023 15:19:50] 1st|Gold-California: Very well, let's hope it goes as smoothly as the previous ones
[19.06.2023 15:20:02] 1st|Gold-California: What do you think about Gallia? And the Peace ?
[19.06.2023 15:20:07] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: and then we have the brits at new london
[19.06.2023 15:20:09] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: its been a long time since i've learnt about the houses
[19.06.2023 15:20:30] 1st|Gold-California: Interspace vessel
[19.06.2023 15:20:32] 1st|Gold-California: please hold
[19.06.2023 15:20:34] SchuylkillExpress: yep?
[19.06.2023 15:20:35] 1st|Gold-California: Nevermind
[19.06.2023 15:20:48] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: nomad in comming
[19.06.2023 15:20:49] 1st|Gold-California: Please release the marine at nearest Naval or LPI Base interspace vessel
[19.06.2023 15:20:51] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: theres something big near by.
[19.06.2023 15:21:06] 1st|Gold-California: Oh my, that's that thing from Texas I was talking about
[19.06.2023 15:21:17] 1st|Gold-California: Fairbanks, Kudo proceed with the mission
[19.06.2023 15:21:20] 1st|Gold-California: I will investigate
[19.06.2023 15:21:25] 1st|Akagi.Kudo: ok
[19.06.2023 15:21:30] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: Lambert: roger moving out good luck.
[19.06.2023 15:21:33] Attention! Stand clear. Towing 5th|LNT-Fairbanks
[19.06.2023 15:21:41] 1st|Gold-California: This damn thing again
[19.06.2023 15:22:03] K'Hara|Ely'on.: *...'Yours' ~anger~ 'Ours'...*
[19.06.2023 15:22:09] 1st|Gold-California: Oh boy not again
[19.06.2023 15:22:25] 1st|Gold-California: We were just talking about you
[19.06.2023 15:22:29] K'Hara|Ely'on.: *...'Yours' ~attacked~ 'Ours'...*
[19.06.2023 15:22:32] 1st|Gold-California: are you a ship? Or some sort of alien in a ship?
[19.06.2023 15:22:40] 1st|Gold-California: or an animal?
[19.06.2023 15:22:50] K'Hara|Ely'on.: *...'Ours' ~seek~ "revenge"...*
[19.06.2023 15:22:51] 1st|Gold-California: Either way, you can't endanger this system
[19.06.2023 15:22:58] 1st|Gold-California: Weapons are ready
[19.06.2023 15:23:45] 1st|Gold-California: Seems like it's not attacking!
[19.06.2023 15:23:53] 1st|Gold-California: Well, resuming mission
[19.06.2023 15:25:03] Tip: Be careful when picking out the ID for your character. Generic IDs offer much more freedom, but are severely limited in terms of combat as well as the size of ship these characters can pilot.
[19.06.2023 15:25:35] "Emissary"|S8: And I thought we cleared them all out in Colorado...
[19.06.2023 15:26:27] "Emissary"|S8: Need a hand, Libertonian?
[19.06.2023 15:26:32] 1st|Gold-California: why not
[19.06.2023 15:26:39] "Emissary"|S8: Alright, lending mine.
[19.06.2023 15:26:42] "Emissary"|S8: Going in.
[19.06.2023 15:28:28] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Midnight_Oil
[19.06.2023 15:28:29] 5th|LNT-Fairbanks: this thing hates trade lanes
[19.06.2023 15:31:33] Death: 1st|Gold-California was put out of action by K'Hara|Ely'on. (Gun).
20.06.2023 11:36:20] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Hello
[20.06.2023 11:36:22] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Please hold
[20.06.2023 11:36:30] CrashLandedOnTrag: ohoy
[20.06.2023 11:36:43] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: So, where are you headed?
[20.06.2023 11:36:55] CrashLandedOnTrag: Mactan Base
[20.06.2023 11:37:05] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Never Heard of it!
[20.06.2023 11:37:10] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Are you aware of the Liberty Laws?
[20.06.2023 11:37:24] CrashLandedOnTrag: Some of them
[20.06.2023 11:37:51] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Well, can you take a guess about the Black Market Light Arms?
[20.06.2023 11:38:13] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: *coughts *: Contraband: *coughs*
[20.06.2023 11:38:24] CrashLandedOnTrag: Lightweight ... good profit
[20.06.2023 11:38:38] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: And you never wondered why they are so profitable?
[20.06.2023 11:38:48] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Well, you see, we have law 1.1 - contraband commodities
[20.06.2023 11:39:08] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: It just so happens that Black Market Lights Arms are well...one of them!
[20.06.2023 11:39:18] CrashLandedOnTrag: Nah
[20.06.2023 11:39:48] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Well, they are Contraband sir
[20.06.2023 11:40:02] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: What would you do in my place *smiles*
[20.06.2023 11:40:22] CrashLandedOnTrag: Make some profit
[20.06.2023 11:40:30] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: I mean as an officer of the law!
[20.06.2023 11:40:50] CrashLandedOnTrag: the same answer
[20.06.2023 11:41:07] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Well, that's not how the Navy Works I amafraid
[20.06.2023 11:41:24] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: I will ask you to drop the contraband sir
[20.06.2023 11:41:29] Iron.Maiden: Hi Guys
[20.06.2023 11:41:33] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Hello there!
[20.06.2023 11:41:40] CrashLandedOnTrag: ohoy
[20.06.2023 11:41:40] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: See, Iron.Maiden hauls nice and legal cargo
[20.06.2023 11:41:54] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: You can make good profit without hauling contraband!
[20.06.2023 11:42:17] Iron.Maiden:
[20.06.2023 11:42:26] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
[20.06.2023 11:42:26] CrashLandedOnTrag: what a stupid approach
[20.06.2023 11:42:41] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: So please sir - I will ask you to simply drop the Black Market Light Arms, and since thisis the first time
[20.06.2023 11:42:44] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: there will be no fine
[20.06.2023 11:42:48] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Sounds good?
[20.06.2023 11:43:13] CrashLandedOnTrag: how does 2 mill sounds
[20.06.2023 11:43:25] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: I will pretend I never heard that!
[20.06.2023 11:43:33] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Surely you don't think you can bribe the Navy
[20.06.2023 11:43:39] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: We are not the LPI *laughs*
[20.06.2023 11:43:57] CrashLandedOnTrag: ok
[20.06.2023 11:44:03] Iron.Maiden: may i ask a question?
[20.06.2023 11:44:33] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Excellent!
[20.06.2023 11:44:45] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Thank you for understanding, the law is the law as you understand
[20.06.2023 11:44:57] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Now if you want to haul something, there is a base infront of planet curacao
[20.06.2023 11:45:04] Iron.Maiden: as u know my cargo is legal, but is my ship allowed thru NY?
[20.06.2023 11:45:22] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: You can deliver the Pristine Ice to Planet Nauru in Omicron Delta for a good profit
[20.06.2023 11:45:29] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Nice and legal cargo!
[20.06.2023 11:45:46] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: I recommend that trade route Freelancer
[20.06.2023 11:45:53] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: Now, good luck!
[20.06.2023 11:45:57] 1st|PEGASUS-Starfall: And stay out of trouble
[20.06.2023 11:46:02] CrashLandedOnTrag: ok - have fun
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
RECIPIENT: First Armada
SOURCE: New York
SUBJECT: An ally
Officers of the First Armada,
if you spot Adam Watson - a Freelancer on a Waran with top-class equipment, know that is a retired admiral of the Fifth Fleet and a veteran of the war with Gallia.
Please treat them with respect, they may relay their knowledge and still can pack a punch against Liberty's enemies.
I am proud of the Armada and our present trajectory - we have legends rising through our ranks and there is no doubt in my mind that many of you will become part of Liberty's history books as prominent figures of Liberty Navy, much like Watson has.