Researching these Baxter-Type Anomalies seems like a task that few pilots and fewer researchers dedicate time to doing. While I was out gaining updated data on Omicron Lost, a scientist by the name of von Braun made himself known. Operating a Corvo-Class vessel, he was also interested in these anomalies. The pilot of the Endeavour has a strained relationship with von Braun, akin to my own with Rex. Perhaps I should meet them in person and compare our notes. Below is a recording of our conversation.
[11.05.2022 11:39:25] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: Travis, please stop banging your head on the console. It's not sanitary or healthy.
[11.05.2022 11:39:53] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr Braun: Ah, another anomaly.
[11.05.2022 11:40:15] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: Perplexing these things...popping up everywhere.
[11.05.2022 11:40:32] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: You research these Baxter-Type Anomalies too?
[11.05.2022 11:40:57] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: Mmm, yes. I have a...theory as to what they are and why they're popping up.
[11.05.2022 11:41:10] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: Coorelates with the Dark Matter storms we've been seeing more of.
[11.05.2022 11:41:18] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: I hope I'm wrong.
[11.05.2022 11:41:20] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Mind if you share your theory? I have one of my own.
[11.05.2022 11:41:33] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: It relates, I believe, to the Nomads.
[11.05.2022 11:41:53] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: How, I'm not sure as of yet, that's why I need to get more data to verify my data points.
[11.05.2022 11:42:21] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: The Doc thinks that the Nomads are gonna invade again. Or something like that.
[11.05.2022 11:42:27] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: My theory is based on data gathered from all other Anomaly sightings.
[11.05.2022 11:43:21] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: All solid bodies in space have a gravitational pull, correct?
[11.05.2022 11:43:27] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: True.
[11.05.2022 11:43:50] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Every system I have seen these anomalies in, they have a giant sun.
[11.05.2022 11:44:18] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: My theory is that the sun, and the gravitational pull of these solid objects create a field.
[11.05.2022 11:44:40] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: This field is where the conditions are perfect for these anomalies to spawn to life.
[11.05.2022 11:44:50] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: Except, according to my data, this system holds a White Dwarf.
[11.05.2022 11:45:10] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: How do you explain the anomaly, if you'll pardon the pun, in your theorm?
[11.05.2022 11:45:42] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Reduction of one side is to increase the other. Planet Moros is quite a large object.
[11.05.2022 11:46:15] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: That is a fair point, however I need point out that while Planet Moros is indeed large, it pales in comparison to...
[11.05.2022 11:46:23] LDRS-Endeavour: ...the gravometric field of a star.
[11.05.2022 11:46:53] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: Your theory is interesting. I'll do some research on it and see if it bears any fruit.
[11.05.2022 11:47:18] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: The field of the star is disturbed by the fields generated by every solid object.
[11.05.2022 11:47:26] LDRS-Endeavour: Dr. Braun: If gravometric fields have some sway over this...and Dark Matter makes up most of the universe...hmmm...
[11.05.2022 11:47:45] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: He's gone, Arcturus. He's in his head again.
[11.05.2022 11:47:48] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: This field we sit in, every asteroid, every rock. Possibly makes the best conditions.
[11.05.2022 11:48:23] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: You've got him theorizing again. He's already wandered off. He qualities that most people have you see.
[11.05.2022 11:48:32] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: You may call me Albert. Being called Arcturus gives me a weird feeling.
[11.05.2022 11:48:52] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Will do. As I was saying, don't take it to offense. He' odd man.
[11.05.2022 11:49:12] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: That makes two of us. My assistant here is quite upset. He stays quiet most times.
[11.05.2022 11:49:55] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Well, then I should let you get going? The doctor wished to return to the research station for some Orange Juice...
[11.05.2022 11:49:59] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Wish I was joking.
[11.05.2022 11:50:07] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Orange... juice. Interesting.
[11.05.2022 11:50:14] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Like I said...
[11.05.2022 11:50:17] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: He's an odd man.
[11.05.2022 11:50:32] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Seems we are both flying the same way.
[11.05.2022 11:50:39] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I would like to continue our chat.
[11.05.2022 11:50:48] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: I'll form up on you. I need to hit the head.
[11.05.2022 11:51:09] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: I'll be right back.
[11.05.2022 11:51:25] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Are you not going to research the other anomalies? Scans show you have enough resources.
[11.05.2022 11:52:27] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Alright, I'm back.
[11.05.2022 11:52:46] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Honestly, the doctor wanted to research them but he's...long gone.
[11.05.2022 11:52:51] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Talking to himself again.
[11.05.2022 11:53:04] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Then we'll return to Omicron Kappa.
[11.05.2022 11:53:17] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Acknowledged. Formed up on your vessel.
[11.05.2022 11:55:40] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: How is it I have not met you before?
[11.05.2022 11:56:38] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: I don't want to see him behind the command console of a ship either.
[11.05.2022 11:57:02] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: With those damned things around, he's liable to ask them to take a sample of their ships and get blasted.
[11.05.2022 11:58:10] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Despite this, your ship is out from drydock and flying through the Omicrons, no less.
[11.05.2022 11:58:28] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: I have a...history out here.
[11.05.2022 11:58:40] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Let's just say I'm running away from it and leave it at that.
[11.05.2022 11:58:59] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Understood.
[11.05.2022 11:59:25] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I will be focused on compiling my research notes to concern myself with your past.
[11.05.2022 11:59:36] LDRS-Endeavour: *Travis Laughs*
[11.05.2022 11:59:49] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Well, thanks for that I suppose. I guess really I've come to sort of care for the crazy bugger.
[11.05.2022 11:59:58] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Like a crazy grand-dad.
[11.05.2022 12:01:17] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I may need to meet him. Can we compare notes? I have hypothesis to test.
[11.05.2022 12:01:30] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: You can...try.
[11.05.2022 12:01:54] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: What is your field?
[11.05.2022 12:01:57] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: As I said, he lacks social decorum. He might seem...hostile but he just wants to focus on his theories.
[11.05.2022 12:02:01] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: I'm just a pilot.
[11.05.2022 12:02:31] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Just like flying things I guess. I have some engineering background from college but never pursued it.
[11.05.2022 12:02:49] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: What sub-field in engineering?
[11.05.2022 12:03:03] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Would you be surprised that it was all about engines?
[11.05.2022 12:03:12] LDRS-Endeavour: *Travis laughs*
[11.05.2022 12:03:32] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: No. I'm not susprised. Seems to be a popular choice.
[11.05.2022 12:03:40] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Not those big boys or anything, Hyperdrives scare the bejesus out of me.
[11.05.2022 12:03:59] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Something about ripping holes in space/time just doesn't seem natural.
[11.05.2022 12:04:20] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: The company I work for wouldn't be a great place for you.
[11.05.2022 12:04:43] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Eh. I'm not really looking for employment at the moment. The Doc might, but where he goes, I go.
[11.05.2022 12:04:53] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I will be right back, the crew here knows the equipment I need.
[11.05.2022 12:05:09] 2022-05-11 12:05:09 SMT Traffic control alert: '\S/'Arcturus has requested to dock
[11.05.2022 12:05:31] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Much better when we are equipped properly.
[11.05.2022 12:06:08] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: True. Just got some nonsense on here. Doctor had no idea what he was doing when he put this ship together.
[11.05.2022 12:06:18] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Had to get it sorted when he brought me onboard.
[11.05.2022 12:06:29] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Your vessel is not a standard Corvo schematic?
[11.05.2022 12:06:41] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: The chassis is sure, I was more speaking about the loadout.
[11.05.2022 12:06:56] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Would you believe the man insisted on some sort of crazy prototype weapons? Ship doesn't even have a mount for that.
[11.05.2022 12:07:25] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I have no comment on weapons. As you can see, I have none, bar one.
[11.05.2022 12:07:48] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Some prefer it that way. I can get out of any scrape behind the "wheel" so to speak. Don't really even need em.
[11.05.2022 12:07:54] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Just some extra insurance I suppose.
[11.05.2022 12:08:10] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Ready to fly?
[11.05.2022 12:08:33] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: The Doc is demanding we dock for the evening. Your theories have him all in a tizzy.
[11.05.2022 12:08:50] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Do tell him Albert McKenzie of the Starfliers wishes to meet him.
[11.05.2022 12:09:12] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Just send him a communication. His name is Doctor Claude von Braun.
[11.05.2022 12:09:24] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Von Braun... noted.
[11.05.2022 12:09:33] LDRS-Endeavour: Travis: Docking. Save travels Albert.
[11.05.2022 12:09:39] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Godspeed.
Halpie called me while I was in Leeds. I wasn't mapping, but I was exploring.
He told me to go to Freeport 14 in Inverness and meet him there. I have no idea where Inverness is... [...Ten Hours Later...]
Halpie wasn't at Freeport 14. I got there but his ship was gone. Out of sheer boredom I did a quick survey of the System. I didn't scan anything, or use the mapping gear, just a quick once around to assess the threats and opportunities...
I didn't realise at the time that I was doing something wrong. Halpie... No, Mr Halpert, got a little disappointed with me later on. I didn't know that we weren't supposed to explore around Inverness. Thankfully I wasn't mapping it at all, so I think I scraped by on a technicality. However, I found a Nomad base... It was enormous. They shot at me, I ran. Sadly, due to how fast everything happened and the thick dust, I do not know the co-ordinates that the base was. Also, they took out my camera again.
If there is one thing I dislike about this ship, it's how flimsy the camera mounting is...
When I got back to Freeport 14 I received a comm from Halp... Mr Halpert to head to Holman Station. Thankfully, I knew how to get there this time. I was just so excited to see Mr Halpert again, I kinda slipped up and forgot my honorifics. I was careful to call him "Sir" for the rest of the trip, just to be safe.
He was talking to a man named William. William was a friendly person, he sounded a bit older than me, but not too much so. It's a pity that we stuck to voice comms, I wonder what he looked like... I bet he's ok, not too hot, not too ugly. He got along well with Mr Halpert, so that's a good thing.
Mr Halpert asked if I'd seen anywhere interesting, but I hadn't. He then suggested somewhere in the Taus... I was born in the Taus and was convinced there wasn't anything to surprise me... But I was wrong.
First Hal... Mr Halpert surprised me by telling me there used to be more bases in Tau-23. I tried hard, but I can't remember them at all. I bet it was a really long time ago.
Then he took us to this jumphole that I have never seen before, I swear this wasn't here last time I flew by...
We jumped through and ended up in a very pretty red , blue and purple system. It was a binary system with a gas giant and multiple smaller planetoids/moons in orbit. Mr Halpert warned us not to go too far...
Yet, Mr Halpert was able to scan the planetoids and discovered they were named. I couldn't make out the names in my computer. So I think Mr Halpert had explored the system by himself earlier. William said he detected weird lifesigns and the conversation turned to Nomads, so I mentioned about the base I found.
Mr Halpert told me it was a forbidden system and berated me for exploring Inverness. When I signed up, it said that I was not to take on contract work in certain systems, but not that they were forbidden.
I later heard from Mr Leon that there are reasons for these to be forbidden and that he is updating the terms of employment. This is to prevent further misunderstandings as we might annoy certain militaries if we persist. Fair enough then.
I've also been warned never to go to that system in the Taus again. Mr Halpert apparently showed it to me so that my curiosity wouldn't get the better of me, some time down the track. I also found that that Mr Halpert WAS the one I heard about in the rumours, who went to Alaska.
[16.09.2022 12:03:39] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Head to Inverness, head to Holman... How fast does the boss get around?
[16.09.2022 12:04:18] William.Johnson: Ah, a friend of yours?
[16.09.2022 12:04:21] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Had a cheeky fly through 21. Very nice.
[16.09.2022 12:04:43] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Heya Halpi... Err... Boss.
[16.09.2022 12:04:51] William.Johnson: Haven't been to Sigma 21 myself but i have heard it is nice.
[16.09.2022 12:04:54] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Halpie? Jesus christ.
[16.09.2022 12:05:08] William.Johnson: *snickers*
[16.09.2022 12:05:19] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: *ahem* Sorry about that, sir.
[16.09.2022 12:05:34] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Alright, now there's three. What we doing?
[16.09.2022 12:06:16] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I have no idea. You're the one who called me out here. I had a merry old time finding Freeport 14.
[16.09.2022 12:06:36] William.Johnson: And I am just chilling.
[16.09.2022 12:06:55] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I figured you needed something checked out, else you wouldn't have called me over the network.
[16.09.2022 12:07:04] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: I called you out here so you can guide me to someplace interesting.
[16.09.2022 12:07:23] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Unless you haven't been flying around, in which case still take me somewhere.
[16.09.2022 12:07:39] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Is there anywhere I have been that you haven't? Umm...
[16.09.2022 12:07:56] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: There's the entire Sigmas I haven't been to.
[16.09.2022 12:08:07] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: But we both can't go there.
[16.09.2022 12:08:26] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Oh! I've been there! But not since I joined you. That was where I lost that freighter.
[16.09.2022 12:08:36] William.Johnson: Lost the frieghter?
[16.09.2022 12:08:46] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Hey, Johnson. Want to join us?
[16.09.2022 12:09:01] William.Johnson: *looks suprised* Oh....u.h...sure....
[16.09.2022 12:09:19] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I was a contract pilot for various smaller companies. I had to deliver a freighter of goods and failed. Lost my job.
[16.09.2022 12:09:30] William.Johnson: Ouch. I am sorry.
[16.09.2022 12:09:34] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Putting the pressure on. We're counting on you, Muliah.
[16.09.2022 12:10:24] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Hmm... I have been in the Omegas a lot lately. I was mapping Omega-7.
[16.09.2022 12:10:34] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Too far.
[16.09.2022 12:10:40] William.Johnson: Omega 7? That the orange one?
[16.09.2022 12:10:49] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I have also been through Bretonia... But it's dirty and filled with wrecks.
[16.09.2022 12:11:00] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Yep. Real dirty.
[16.09.2022 12:11:33] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Oh, I got one.
[16.09.2022 12:11:36] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Edinburgh was nice... But you can't visit the planet anymore.
[16.09.2022 12:12:08] William.Johnson: Bretonia is kinda dirty. Only made worse after the Gauls got their hands on Leeds.
[16.09.2022 12:12:38] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: What a shame about Leeds.
[16.09.2022 12:12:54] William.Johnson: Indeed. Still can't belive it.
[16.09.2022 12:13:04] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: What gets me is that they all still seem so chipper over there... Till they are drunk.
[16.09.2022 12:13:21] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: You know what? Let's talk and move. Follow me.
[16.09.2022 12:13:38] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Lead on, Halp... Boss.
[16.09.2022 12:13:46] William.Johnson: Where are we going, bossman?
[16.09.2022 12:13:51] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Halpert... the name's Halpert.
[16.09.2022 12:14:23] William.Johnson: Nice to meet you Halpert.
[16.09.2022 12:14:31] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Ditto.
[16.09.2022 12:14:44] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: We're going to the outer part of the Taus.
[16.09.2022 12:15:21] William.Johnson: Ah, nice. I love the Taus
[16.09.2022 12:15:42] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: The Taus are kinda my home.
[16.09.2022 12:15:51] William.Johnson: Excellent.
[16.09.2022 12:16:14] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Are we going to Freeport 6 at all? I haven't seen my parents in a while.
[16.09.2022 12:16:30] William.Johnson: Ah, Tau....what was it....23?
[16.09.2022 12:16:43] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Twenty-three, yep.
[16.09.2022 12:17:16] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Uh-huh. I've been putting it off cos Mum will just talk to me about getting married and settling down again.
[16.09.2022 12:17:27] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: A handful of stations populated this place. Now they're gone.
[16.09.2022 12:17:55] William.Johnson: Oof.
[16.09.2022 12:18:25] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: I look at my old report of this place and compare... it's definitely got less now.
[16.09.2022 12:18:37] '\S/'Pyxis: Java is still here. It's the only one I really know.
[16.09.2022 12:19:22] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Who here is squeemish?
[16.09.2022 12:19:22] William.Johnson: Marriage? Thought about it but never been able to find the right woman.
[16.09.2022 12:19:36] William.Johnson: Not me, really
[16.09.2022 12:20:14] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I'm not ready to settle down, raise kids. Mum is just after grandkids.
[16.09.2022 12:20:31] William.Johnson: Aren't all moms?
[16.09.2022 12:20:43] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: I'd suggest landing here, refill everything you have.
[16.09.2022 12:20:47] Vierzon Mining Facility Traffic control alert: '\S/'Pyxis has requested to dock
[16.09.2022 12:20:50] Vierzon Mining Facility Traffic control alert: '\S/'Pulsar has requested to dock
[16.09.2022 12:20:55] Vierzon Mining Facility Traffic control alert: William.Johnson has requested to dock
[16.09.2022 12:21:40] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Everyone good? Great. Let's go.
[16.09.2022 12:21:50] William.Johnson: I am set.
[16.09.2022 12:22:06] '\S/'Pulsar: *shivers*
[16.09.2022 12:22:18] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Oh.. uh, this damn ship. Bucking again.
[16.09.2022 12:22:38] William.Johnson: Odd.
[16.09.2022 12:22:45] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Mmm?
[16.09.2022 12:23:04] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Listen, I swapped my Dagger for this. Probably not the best choice.
[16.09.2022 12:23:37] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Here we are.
[16.09.2022 12:23:42] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I like my ship. It's got some nice stuff built in.
[16.09.2022 12:23:58] William.Johnson: My Hawk is nice. Very reliable.
[16.09.2022 12:23:59] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: A Jumphole?
[16.09.2022 12:24:09] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I don't know this one...
[16.09.2022 12:24:15] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Discovered this one a little bit ago.
[16.09.2022 12:24:15] William.Johnson: What is on the other side, I wonder?
[16.09.2022 12:24:36] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Well, that is what us Starfliers do. Explore.
[16.09.2022 12:24:46] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Let's say... this is why I have a visual suppressor mounted to my ship.
[16.09.2022 12:24:47] William.Johnson: Well, in that case....
[16.09.2022 12:25:28] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: How... Unique.
[16.09.2022 12:25:33] William.Johnson: Quite so.
[16.09.2022 12:25:46] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Binary system, gas giant....
[16.09.2022 12:26:01] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Barrier clouds... Wait...
[16.09.2022 12:26:15] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Nomads blew through Orkney, from what the news says. This place is way too quiet. Best not to go far.
[16.09.2022 12:26:28] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Nomads!?
[16.09.2022 12:26:37] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I've seen them!
[16.09.2022 12:26:51] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: That makes two of us.
[16.09.2022 12:26:53] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: They didn't attack me, but everyone says they would.
[16.09.2022 12:26:59] William.Johnson: Aren't those the aliens that almost took over Sirius almost 29 years ago?
[16.09.2022 12:27:28] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: The same, though there's a few that don't attack. Makes zero sense.
[16.09.2022 12:27:32] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: They look like glowy blue things. Kinda pretty, but not very talkative.
[16.09.2022 12:27:40] William.Johnson: That's odd.
[16.09.2022 12:28:07] William.Johnson: I am detecting a habitable planet over there with.....weird life sign readings.
[16.09.2022 12:28:10] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I am told I should be very careful to avoid them, however.
[16.09.2022 12:28:21] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Oooooh no.
[16.09.2022 12:28:29] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Behind this big blue one?
[16.09.2022 12:28:34] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I am NOT landing on a weird planet.
[16.09.2022 12:28:51] William.Johnson: Yes that planet. I wouldn't blame you.
[16.09.2022 12:29:08] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Hascosay. Some bastard already named it.
[16.09.2022 12:29:13] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I don't care if my ship is rated for land or sea. Not doing it.
[16.09.2022 12:29:19] William.Johnson: That was quick
[16.09.2022 12:29:37] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I can't see the names...
[16.09.2022 12:29:53] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Probably for the best.
[16.09.2022 12:30:04] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Did you know there is a big nomad base in Inverness?
[16.09.2022 12:30:12] William.Johnson: Wait, there is?
[16.09.2022 12:30:15] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: You... know about that?
[16.09.2022 12:30:28] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I found it when I quickly scouted the system while waiting for you to show up.
[16.09.2022 12:30:35] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: They shot at me.
[16.09.2022 12:30:43] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I ran.
[16.09.2022 12:30:45] William.Johnson: How do you know about it, Halpert?
[16.09.2022 12:31:01] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: You don't exactly do a good job of reading our forbidden systems list.
[16.09.2022 12:31:47] William.Johnson: Oof
[16.09.2022 12:31:51] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Quite hard to shake off having it so close to the closeby hole
[16.09.2022 12:32:08] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Forbidden systems? If Inverness was forbidden, why did you call me to Freeport 14?
[16.09.2022 12:32:31] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Well the Freeport is fine, we can't just map *any* system.
[16.09.2022 12:32:44] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Why not? I heard a story about Alaska...
[16.09.2022 12:32:56] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Don't get me started on that place.
[16.09.2022 12:33:05] William.Johnson: Alaska? I have heard rumors but nothing factual that i can tell.
[16.09.2022 12:33:33] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I didn't do a proper map. I just checked out the system quickly. If you wanted it mapped it would take time.
[16.09.2022 12:33:51] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Let's say this, the Navy are holding a Gaul capital ship.
[16.09.2022 12:34:02] William.Johnson: WHAT?!?!?!
[16.09.2022 12:34:21] William.Johnson: Wait, how did you find this out?
[16.09.2022 12:34:34] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Umm... Is that really a surprise? I mean, Bretonia is literally littered with the things.
[16.09.2022 12:34:45] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Some 46th higher up told me about the gate a while ago. Naturall I... took a look inside.
[16.09.2022 12:35:05] William.Johnson: I thought it was restricted?
[16.09.2022 12:35:20] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Where is Alaska, anyway?
[16.09.2022 12:35:28] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Let's say this particular 46th higher up is no longer part of the Navy.
[16.09.2022 12:36:00] William.Johnson: Now I am really curious.
[16.09.2022 12:36:04] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Probably due to giving up info, or other reasons. May have given my callsign access.
[16.09.2022 12:36:07] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Hmm... Is this one of our forbidden systems?
[16.09.2022 12:36:23] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: It is in Liberty Law, it's not with us.
[16.09.2022 12:36:34] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: No, I mean... HERE.
[16.09.2022 12:36:56] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: I'm gonna say yes for now. I'm not going to anger whatever is out here.
[16.09.2022 12:37:06] William.Johnson: Agreed.
[16.09.2022 12:37:13] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Ok, I won't go exploring then.
[16.09.2022 12:37:28] William.Johnson: Probably for the best.
[16.09.2022 12:37:30] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: ALright, we'll head back to a Maltese hideout in 23.
[16.09.2022 12:37:55] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Probably overstayed our welcome.
[16.09.2022 12:38:37] William.Johnson: Where did Muliah go?
[16.09.2022 12:38:39] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: There you are.
[16.09.2022 12:38:40] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: It was a pretty system. Different to most of the Taus.
[16.09.2022 12:38:47] William.Johnson: Oh Never mind there you are.
[16.09.2022 12:38:59] William.Johnson: Yes, it was very pretty.
[16.09.2022 12:39:05] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Yes, pretty. Suggestion: Don't go in there again.
[16.09.2022 12:39:10] William.Johnson: Agreed.
[16.09.2022 12:39:27] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Yes, sir.
[16.09.2022 12:40:35] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: You think Maltese beds are comfy?
[16.09.2022 12:40:43] William.Johnson: Let's hope so.
[16.09.2022 12:40:53] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I don't like them.
[16.09.2022 12:41:03] William.Johnson: You have been on one before?
[16.09.2022 12:41:27] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Not the beds, the Maltese... They keep acting snobby and superior to me.
[16.09.2022 12:41:48] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: We should be find, if we encounter those Starfleet guys.
[16.09.2022 12:41:52] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I mean, they aren't mean or anything. Just... uncomfortable.
[16.09.2022 12:42:45] William.Johnson: Let's hope these.....Starfleet people aren't unpleasant.
[16.09.2022 12:42:51] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Well, one system out from where we found you, Johnson. Feel free to head home.
[16.09.2022 12:44:10] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: I trust you to make a record of this Muliah?
[16.09.2022 12:44:11] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Sir, permission to refuel, then head to Freeport 6.
[16.09.2022 12:44:17] William.Johnson: Ah, this must be the hideout.
[16.09.2022 12:44:27] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[16.09.2022 12:44:34] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: I did not take pictures in the "forbidden" system, sir.
[16.09.2022 12:44:50] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: If you got business elsewhere, go attend it. I'm turning in.
[16.09.2022 12:45:09] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: To be precise, my camera is broken again... But I can lodge a written report.
[16.09.2022 12:45:12] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: I'll wire you the images I took of outside, but not within that system.
[16.09.2022 12:45:45] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Godspeed to you both.
[16.09.2022 12:46:07] '\S/'Pyxis: Muliah: Thanks, sir. Same to you.
[16.09.2022 12:46:12] Cali Base Traffic control alert: '\S/'Pulsar has requested to dock
[16.09.2022 12:53:35] Freeport 6 Traffic control alert: '\S/'Pyxis has requested to dock
Flying around Pennsylvania, well, around Liberty in general, bumped into an Auxo vessel near a wreck. Almost pegged him for a pirate and ran but I noticed those purple lights. No pirate is that colourful. Had a chat, mentioned I had some free time and the Auxo offered me a task to complete. Support the Zoners in Liberty, specifically, Erie. As a lone pilot I'm not able to do much. But hey, the Auxo gave me some pointers so we'll see what we can try accomplish. I'm looking to transport fuel to Erie. Time to recruit some extra pilots.
[11.05.2023 10:03:19] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Back off, pirate.
[11.05.2023 10:04:13] A/)-Sybaris: Hail.
[11.05.2023 10:04:16] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Oh, not a pirate.
[11.05.2023 10:04:27] A/)-Sybaris: You would indeed be mistaken.
[11.05.2023 10:04:54] '\S/'Pulsar: Halpert: Been a while, this ship got a little rusty.
[11.05.2023 10:05:04] A/)-Sybaris: Are you looking for something?
[11.05.2023 10:05:31] '\S/'Pulsar: *chuckles* A luxurious planet to live on with no House rules would be a start.
[11.05.2023 10:06:19] A/)-Sybaris: It seems all the Zoner worlds are compromised with such... ideas being tainted by the Houses.
[11.05.2023 10:06:56] '\S/'Pulsar: They got the right idea living inbetween the populated areas.
[11.05.2023 10:07:12] A/)-Sybaris: Are you not assisting the uprising in Penny'?
[11.05.2023 10:08:01] '\S/'Pulsar: I support in spirit, but take a look at me, I can't do anything except fly in circles.
[11.05.2023 10:08:39] '\S/'Pulsar: Of which I've been doing recently. Another station here, another pilot there. Nothing has changed.
[11.05.2023 10:10:03] A/)-Sybaris: You can do much more.
[11.05.2023 10:10:09] A/)-Sybaris: Information, setting up supply lines...
[11.05.2023 10:10:32] '\S/'Pulsar: A scout?
[11.05.2023 10:11:09] A/)-Sybaris: More or less.
[11.05.2023 10:11:14] A/)-Sybaris: You can find new traders and supporters.
[11.05.2023 10:11:21] A/)-Sybaris: But... make sure the Xenos aren't involved.
[11.05.2023 10:11:34] A/)-Sybaris: The snakes are trying to wiggle in to local power.
[11.05.2023 10:11:55] '\S/'Pulsar: Well they've already shot down one of us quite some time ago.
[11.05.2023 10:12:12] '\S/'Pulsar: So if you're asking if I like them, the answer is no.
[11.05.2023 10:13:42] '\S/'Pulsar: You know what? Let's do it this way...
[11.05.2023 10:13:54] A/)-Sybaris: I'd be wary of the Xenos, they house the Order.
[11.05.2023 10:13:59] A/)-Sybaris: More or less acts as their slaves.
[11.05.2023 10:14:16] '\S/'Pulsar: Fantastic.
[11.05.2023 10:14:54] '\S/'Pulsar: You want a guy who can walk a certain line, and I'm a guy who find themselves as a free bird.
[11.05.2023 10:15:18] A/)-Sybaris: It's your choice, ultimately.
[11.05.2023 10:15:34] '\S/'Pulsar: Everyone else is either missing or rift-jumped into the unknown.
[11.05.2023 10:15:40] '\S/'Pulsar: Also, I'm bored.
[11.05.2023 10:15:41] A/)-Sybaris: Hm.
[11.05.2023 10:16:03] A/)-Sybaris: A shame you outsiders always seem to disappear.
[11.05.2023 10:16:10] A/)-Sybaris: I grow quite fond of the curious, heh.
[11.05.2023 10:16:24] A/)-Sybaris: Seems like y'all are always destined to disappear.
[11.05.2023 10:16:36] A/)-Sybaris: One group shows, fades out. Rinse, repeat.
[11.05.2023 10:16:36] '\S/'Pulsar: Leon did speak highly of your co-operation.
[11.05.2023 10:16:49] A/)-Sybaris: Did he go missing too?
[11.05.2023 10:17:09] '\S/'Pulsar: I haven't seen him in ages. Once we left Kepler, that was it.
[11.05.2023 10:17:13] A/)-Sybaris: Ah.
[11.05.2023 10:17:20] A/)-Sybaris: Unfortunate.
[11.05.2023 10:17:49] '\S/'Pulsar: Could still be around, saw Albert quite some time ago, using a new Zoner ship or something.
[11.05.2023 10:18:03] A/)-Sybaris: Is the Starfliers group disbanded then?
[11.05.2023 10:18:04] '\S/'Pulsar: But us explorers, time's up.
[11.05.2023 10:18:45] '\S/'Pulsar: Better to ask Leon, if you can find him or reach him. All I know is that no new pilots share our mentality or goals.
[11.05.2023 10:18:58] A/)-Sybaris: Concerning.
[11.05.2023 10:19:22] '\S/'Pulsar: Which is why I find myself free. So what's first with helping the Zoners?
[11.05.2023 10:20:07] A/)-Sybaris: Well, best to try to ease off their dependence from the Order and the Xenos, 'cause they're gonna end up controlling them.
[11.05.2023 10:20:25] A/)-Sybaris: Overheard something about the Xenos going unhinged, breaking NFZ, so forth. Wonder if they're gonna mess things up.
[11.05.2023 10:21:33] '\S/'Pulsar: In laymens terms, please. Keep it real simple.
[11.05.2023 10:21:45] A/)-Sybaris: Mmm...
[11.05.2023 10:21:57] A/)-Sybaris: Find people who can support Erie, without them being associated with other groups.
[11.05.2023 10:22:37] '\S/'Pulsar: Rally supporters for the Zoners.
[11.05.2023 10:22:54] A/)-Sybaris: Yeah. An underground movement.
[11.05.2023 10:22:58] A/)-Sybaris: Can't let Liberty know.
[11.05.2023 10:23:32] '\S/'Pulsar: Uh... huh.
[11.05.2023 10:23:40] A/)-Sybaris: Plenty of Freelancers that go around.
[11.05.2023 10:24:08] '\S/'Pulsar: Yeah, see getting a bunch of single pilots together isn't gonna cut this one.
[11.05.2023 10:24:19] A/)-Sybaris: You don't have to group them up.
[11.05.2023 10:24:22] A/)-Sybaris: Just give them tasks.
[11.05.2023 10:24:26] A/)-Sybaris: "Deliver fuel to here... " so forth.
[11.05.2023 10:24:36] A/)-Sybaris: Or ask them about their interests.
[11.05.2023 10:24:38] A/)-Sybaris: Gauge their feelings.
[11.05.2023 10:25:28] '\S/'Pulsar: This'll be a new kinda job.
[11.05.2023 10:25:43] A/)-Sybaris: Nobody said it'll ever be easy.
[11.05.2023 10:25:51] A/)-Sybaris: You don't have to, if you don't want to.
[11.05.2023 10:25:57] A/)-Sybaris: If you want something more uh... easy.
[11.05.2023 10:26:02] A/)-Sybaris: I pay nice for intel.
[11.05.2023 10:26:19] A/)-Sybaris: Especially if you have any data on people like, Caliban, or De Marco on the Amalfi.
[11.05.2023 10:26:28] A/)-Sybaris: Or any Xeno or Order movement near the Indy' worlds.
[11.05.2023 10:26:30] '\S/'Pulsar: Amalfi...
[11.05.2023 10:26:38] A/)-Sybaris: Mhm.
[11.05.2023 10:26:43] A/)-Sybaris: De Marco's the owner of the Amalfi.
[11.05.2023 10:26:56] '\S/'Pulsar: I'm... aware.
[11.05.2023 10:27:05] A/)-Sybaris: Yeah, some proclaimed diplomat.
[11.05.2023 10:27:33] '\S/'Pulsar: You know what? Send a message to Albert. That's all I'll say.
[11.05.2023 10:27:43] A/)-Sybaris: Hm.
[11.05.2023 10:27:44] A/)-Sybaris: Sure.
[11.05.2023 10:27:53] '\S/'Pulsar: You may be surprised.
[11.05.2023 10:28:01] A/)-Sybaris: Hey, I have to lay low for a while.
[11.05.2023 10:28:04] A/)-Sybaris: Keep yourself safe.
[11.05.2023 10:28:06] A/)-Sybaris: // swappin char
[11.05.2023 10:28:14] '\S/'Pulsar: Godspeed, Auxo.
[11.05.2023 10:28:18] A/)-Sybaris: Be well.
I'm sure you are all aware right now, something big is about to happen within Liberty. There was an open transmission from Nicole Hayes. They are... or were... a Captain in the ranks of the Navy, at least with the information they had presented in their open transmission.
My message to all of you today is a request. Let me make something clear, we under normal circumstances don't get involves in battles, skirmishes or fleet wars of any sort. This situation Hayes has presented is not normal. The Zoners of Pennsylvania are up against Liberty and knowing what we do about their forces, obliteration of the Zoner population is something I'm not happy about.
I have reached out to Hayes, offering them safe haven with me for the time being. With this storm rolling into Pennsylvania shortly, my request to all Starfliers is this:
Please help the Zoners. If any of their ships, transports or fighters get destroyed, or their pilots eject, tractor in everyone you see from that battlefield and bring them to a medical centre. Preferably outside of Liberty. The Navy may see us as a target while we fly around rescuing stranded pilots, I am not going to ignore this fact. We will be shot at, as we'll be seen helping the Zoners.
I understand this is a huge ask. My view on the use of weapons remains unchanged, but I ask you help them by keeping them alive. If these pilots and crew members are captured, we can only imagine what Liberty may do to prisoners. Relocate to Bethlehem Station, gather as much courage and sleep as you can. Very soon, the blue and red colours will march in and that will be our time to help.
Well, today turned into a super weird day. I was running around with Leon aboard the '\S/NX-01 doing some jump drive tests. After landing in Omega 41, we stopped at Freeport 5 for refueling. After we got done, a strange contact appeared on our scope. A closer look revealed it to be a Nomad. It surprisingly didn't open fire, but I am glad. It was curious as to what we were doing. Leon revealed that he talked to another Nomad called Eris a while back. I was surprised to hear that, but glad. We kept asking each other questions, despite my objections to not doing such, though I would rather ask a Nomad questions than to die by one. Eventually, we left, heading for Cortez. Apparently, it is our new home.
[03.06.2023 12:42:34] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Is.....that a.....Nomad
[03.06.2023 12:42:47] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Get back on board, now!
[03.06.2023 12:43:30] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Doesn't seem hostile, for now.
[03.06.2023 12:43:36] 2023-06-03 12:43:36 SMT Traffic control alert: '\S/'Cygnus has requested to dock
[03.06.2023 12:44:04] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Tell me if you hear anything weird. These things... they speak through the mind.
[03.06.2023 12:44:10] Changing screen mode=windowed
[03.06.2023 12:44:29] Vagrant.Neaera: *** This one doesn't meant to be an enemy. This one is just curious to see so big metal casks out here ***
[03.06.2023 12:45:02] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Did you hear that?
[03.06.2023 12:45:09] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Woah, definetly heard it. It said something about being curious about us.
[03.06.2023 12:45:51] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: That's what I heard too. Stand guard, you never know with these.
[03.06.2023 12:46:00] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Right.
[03.06.2023 12:46:44] Vagrant.Neaera: *** Are the \S/'NX-01 metal casks seeking something special within our void ? ***
[03.06.2023 12:47:42] '\S/'NX-01: Leon:
[03.06.2023 12:47:56] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Uhhhh.... I have no answer.
[03.06.2023 12:50:35] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: It... uhh... does seem to just watch... doesn't it?
[03.06.2023 12:50:58] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Looks like it.
[03.06.2023 12:50:59] Changing screen mode=windowed
[03.06.2023 12:51:17] Changing screen mode=full
[03.06.2023 12:51:21] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: It's behaving the same as the other I've seen.
[03.06.2023 12:51:30] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Oh yeah?
[03.06.2023 12:51:50] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Watching, asking questions. Doesn't attack.
[03.06.2023 12:52:57] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Does the name "Eris" mean anything to you?
[03.06.2023 12:53:03] Vagrant.Neaera: *** This metal cask has seen others of our kind ? - This one is interested in what kind of contact ***
[03.06.2023 12:53:43] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Others? And you are still here? They must have been very curious Nomads.
[03.06.2023 12:55:37] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Very. I kinda... took a leap of faith with that particular one.
[03.06.2023 12:55:46] Vagrant.Neaera: *** We are not like our bretheren from the Omicrons. - This one met and consulted the Eris entity over some time yes. ***
[03.06.2023 12:56:11] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: I'm okay, not taken over or anything. They showed me their world.
[03.06.2023 12:57:43] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Transport, go now, while you still have time!
[03.06.2023 12:57:49] Vagrant.Neaera: *** The Eris entity must have trusted this metal cask far enough for beeing that generous ***
[03.06.2023 12:58:23] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: They said if I had questions.... they would be waiting.
[03.06.2023 12:58:35] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Huh, interesting.
[03.06.2023 12:59:15] Vagrant.Neaera: *** Shall this one inform the Eris Entitiy that you have further questions ? ***
[03.06.2023 12:59:41] Changing screen mode=windowed
[03.06.2023 13:00:09] Changing screen mode=full
[03.06.2023 13:00:43] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Hold up, why would you ask questions for and/or about Nomads? That's a bit weird, boss.
[03.06.2023 13:01:55] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Previous experience with these... uhh... things? This is twice now that they have not shot me.
[03.06.2023 13:02:10] Tip: Many commands have an alternate short form for ease of use, e.g. /gc can be used instead of /givecash. Check /help for the complete list.
[03.06.2023 13:02:49] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: That is strange. What if they are trying to take you over, like what the Nomads did during the war all those years-
[03.06.2023 13:02:51] '\S/'Cygnus: ago?
[03.06.2023 13:03:13] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Let's ask it?
[03.06.2023 13:04:11] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Well,, you aren't trying to take us over, are you?
[03.06.2023 13:07:00] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: It's really thinking about it...
[03.06.2023 13:07:11] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: So it would seem.
[03.06.2023 13:07:36] Vagrant.Neaera: *** It was a tool once and it failed.So we won't use a tool again that has proven to be ineffective or a failure.We have other
[03.06.2023 13:08:14] Vagrant.Neaera: pathes to show metal casks the light. Everyone will see it sooner and later ***
[03.06.2023 13:09:09] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: If their home is their "light", I guess they... trust me? Or find me curious enough to watch.
[03.06.2023 13:10:19] Vagrant.Neaera: *** This one doesn't know what the Eris entity's motivation behind that was but we are not questioning it in any form. It can
[03.06.2023 13:10:53] Vagrant.Neaera: trust of it,or curiousity. There are many possibilities and without asking the Eries entity this one doesn't know. ***
[03.06.2023 13:11:44] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Your concern is noted, Harrison. It seems this isn't their plan... at least from what I can make of it.
[03.06.2023 13:12:48] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Ok, I trust you boss.
[03.06.2023 13:13:23] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: And if I remember correctly... these things use the same hyperspace lanes we do. They can follow us.
[03.06.2023 13:13:45] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
[03.06.2023 13:14:14] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: What do I even call you?
[03.06.2023 13:15:39] Death: NeZnaika_Na_Lune was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[03.06.2023 13:16:16] Vagrant.Neaera: *** You can call this one Neaera if you are in need of naming ***
[03.06.2023 13:16:49] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Just so I know what I'm talking to.
[03.06.2023 13:17:24] Vagrant.Neaera: *** Then the metal cask can call us Neaera ***
[03.06.2023 13:18:00] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Well... Neaera, you can tell Eris I do have further questions.
[03.06.2023 13:19:20] Vagrant.Neaera: *** This one will deliver your message towards the Eris Entity then ***
[03.06.2023 13:20:23] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Guess we wait... Harrison. Let's go. I'm still very much on edge about this.
[03.06.2023 13:21:22] '\S/'Cygnus: Harrison: Ok, copy that.
[03.06.2023 13:21:48] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Good, we still have work to do in Cortez.
[03.06.2023 13:22:00] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Uhh.... I'm not sure if this means anything to you.
[03.06.2023 13:22:04] '\S/'NX-01: LEon: Godspeed.
[03.06.2023 13:22:14] Vagrant.Neaera: *** The Eris entity will get into contact with you again then. This one can't say when or where ***
It was very recently that the Liberty Government and Navy changed the laws around to allow public access to Omicron Nu. Figured I'd take my Bustard out to see the system again, as it has been a while. Flying around the northern end of the system, came across a core ship by the name of Celtic. Unsure of what their purpose was in the system, but I left them be next to Rarotonga and flew towards the alien-looking structure to see if anything was there. I stopped as an unknown signal appeared on radar, thinking it was a glitch I kept moving, though it did not disappear.
I saw a warship in the distance that looked slightly unusualy, though from where I was positioned I could not make out where it came from. The ship in question told me to leave, as it was dangerous to linger around the graveyard. I took the Captain's advice and flew to Rarotonga where I decided to tell Celtic about my encounter.
After a good conversation, a Gallic Warship decloaked infront of us and opened fire at Celtic! The ship had tentacles and purple highlights all over, I decided to turn tail and run as I was sure I was next, then all of a sudden this... ship bid me farewell and retreated to god knows where. I hope Celtic's crew is okay.
[14.06.2023 13:07:26] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Unknown reading... eh, must be nothing.
[14.06.2023 13:08:24] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Is that a...
[14.06.2023 13:08:51] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "I wouldn't really lurk around this place." *Says male voice*
[14.06.2023 13:09:09] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "It is dangerous."
[14.06.2023 13:09:30] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Could say the same to you.. uhh... who are you?
[14.06.2023 13:09:47] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: That's... not normal.
[14.06.2023 13:09:59] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Okay, we're leaving.
[14.06.2023 13:10:52] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Saw the strangest thing...
[14.06.2023 13:11:44] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: It looked like a warship, but couldn't make it out. Told me not to linger.
[14.06.2023 13:12:12] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "And yet you brought us here."
[14.06.2023 13:12:26] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Did you say something, Celtic?
[14.06.2023 13:13:03] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Maybe?"
[14.06.2023 13:13:09] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "What warship?"
[14.06.2023 13:13:47] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: I couldn't make out what House. Strange, considering it was in the middle of a graveyard.
[14.06.2023 13:14:05] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Oh... Wasn't it The Horror?"
[14.06.2023 13:14:27] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: I can't tell if you're joking, Celtic.
[14.06.2023 13:14:39] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "There are rumors regarding strange warship... A ghost lurking around these parts."
[14.06.2023 13:15:07] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "It's neither human, nor human."
[14.06.2023 13:15:30] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Already rumous, the Navy just opened the gate to the public.
[14.06.2023 13:16:01] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Not the smartest idea, I guess."
[14.06.2023 13:16:51] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Hey, Celtic. You okay if I hand here for a moment? Just gotta check my rift-leap systems.
[14.06.2023 13:16:59] '\S/'NX-01: //hang here*
[14.06.2023 13:17:07] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Sure. You are relatively safe out here."
[14.06.2023 13:17:38] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "It's not like The Horror would engage anything around this base."
[14.06.2023 13:17:46] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Between you and Rarotonga, I hope so.
[14.06.2023 13:18:13] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: We got another ping.
[14.06.2023 13:18:26] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Huh, vanished. Just like the other one.
[14.06.2023 13:18:30] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "It was a transport vessel."
[14.06.2023 13:18:55] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Though something strange is nearby... I can feel it in my bones."
[14.06.2023 13:19:13] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: How's that exactly?
[14.06.2023 13:19:32] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "I feel eyes preying on us."
[14.06.2023 13:19:51] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "The Death is here... And it is here to welcome me and my crew..."
[14.06.2023 13:20:12] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "I feel The Death is inviting me... Calling my name."
[14.06.2023 13:20:25] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: The Horros... The Death? We are in the Omicrons, don't be that dramatic.
[14.06.2023 13:20:42] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "HAAAAAAA! It's here!"
[14.06.2023 13:20:52] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "IT IS HERE! IT IS CALLING ME HOME!"
[14.06.2023 13:21:17] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Get out of there!
[14.06.2023 13:21:53] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Gallic ship... What are you doing!?
[14.06.2023 13:22:15] 2023-06-14 13:22:11 SMT Traffic control alert: Celtic has requested to dock
[14.06.2023 13:22:31] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Holy shit, what the hell is happening!?
[14.06.2023 13:22:47] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Nice chat, Lancer."
Albert McKenzie '\S/'Arcturus
Much Needed Process Changes
Recently, Leon has reintroduced the "Albatross"-Class transports into our research company. I do not know the reason why they were removed from the company to begin with, however this time the idea behind it is to serve as an assistant to the "Corvo"-Class fleet we have. With the help of another Starflier pilot by the name of William, we had successfully scanned three separate systems within Liberty. One in Colorado, above Denver. The next in New York, beside Baltimore and the last above Houston in Texas. All three scans had no issues and the process change to have a transport assist me helps a great deal in accomplishing this task faster. I may need to congratulate Leon on this change, it is for the better
[17.06.2023 10:55:05] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Good day, Starflier.
[17.06.2023 10:55:20] '\S/'Aries: Harrison: Greetings, sir.
[17.06.2023 10:56:50] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: In total, we have 2,600 units of H-Fuel.
[17.06.2023 10:57:05] '\S/'Aries: William: Excellent.
[17.06.2023 10:57:29] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Leon's plan is to improve efficiency with gaining entry vectors.
[17.06.2023 10:57:54] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I believe this will work. Where shall we start?
[17.06.2023 10:58:22] '\S/'Aries: William: That sounds like a good plan. I am uncertain where to start.
[17.06.2023 10:58:47] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: We have the rest of Kusari, or we can go to Liberty.
[17.06.2023 10:59:06] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I favour Liberty's scenery.
[17.06.2023 10:59:20] '\S/'Aries: William: As do I. Guess we can start there.
[17.06.2023 10:59:39] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Understood. Let's go. We'll travel via Galileo.
[17.06.2023 11:00:01] '\S/'Aries: william: Copy.
[17.06.2023 11:01:49] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I did a test of the equipment on board the Arcturus, everything operates nominally.
[17.06.2023 11:04:04] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Interesting. A freeport here.
[17.06.2023 11:04:22] '\S/'Aries: William: Very interesting.
[17.06.2023 11:05:02] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: We shall start at Denver, then go into New York.
[17.06.2023 11:05:09] '\S/'Aries: William: Copy.
[17.06.2023 11:06:41] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Here will do. Engaging surveying procedure.
[17.06.2023 11:06:44] Survey started
[17.06.2023 11:07:11] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I will need 100 units extra, if you could jettison that.
[17.06.2023 11:07:39] '\S/'Aries: Williams: Done.
[17.06.2023 11:07:48] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Expertly done.
[17.06.2023 11:08:25] Hyperspace survey complete
[17.06.2023 11:08:34] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Survey completed successfully.
[17.06.2023 11:08:51] '\S/'Aries: William: Excellent.
[17.06.2023 11:09:14] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: This does improve efficiency, having a smaller transport assist with this operation.
[17.06.2023 11:09:28] '\S/'Aries: William: Happy to help.
[17.06.2023 11:09:31] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: On to New York.
[17.06.2023 11:11:44] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Maybe not close to a planet this time. This position will do nicely.
[17.06.2023 11:12:12] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I will need 700 units of fuel ejected.
[17.06.2023 11:12:42] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Engaging surveying procedure.
[17.06.2023 11:12:44] Survey started
[17.06.2023 11:13:12] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Your choice, which system is next?
[17.06.2023 11:13:30] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Texas is ahead, otherwise we can go to California or Pennsylvania.
[17.06.2023 11:14:25] Hyperspace survey complete
[17.06.2023 11:14:55] '\S/'Aries: William: Texas sounds good.
[17.06.2023 11:15:16] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Lead the way. Make sure to stop at Norfolk, they'll have a reserve of fuel for us.
[17.06.2023 11:16:25] 2023-06-17 11:16:19 SMT Traffic control alert: '\S/'Aries has requested to dock
[17.06.2023 11:16:30] 2023-06-17 11:16:23 SMT Traffic control alert: '\S/'Arcturus has requested to dock
[17.06.2023 11:17:13] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: All systems are green. Let's continue.
[17.06.2023 11:18:54] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Imagine the work we can achieve with another transport.
[17.06.2023 11:19:16] '\S/'Aries: William: Would be quick.
[17.06.2023 11:19:42] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Houston's gravitational pull may be an issue. Let's test it.
[17.06.2023 11:19:54] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Engaging surveying procedure.
[17.06.2023 11:19:56] Survey started
[17.06.2023 11:20:26] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: On point with the fuel.
[17.06.2023 11:21:37] Hyperspace survey complete
[17.06.2023 11:21:46] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: That makes three successful consecutive tests. Leon was right, transports do make it more efficient.
[17.06.2023 11:22:12] '\S/'Aries: William: That is great.
[17.06.2023 11:22:12] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: That'll be enough for today. We may do more another time.
[17.06.2023 11:22:24] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Thank you for the assistance.
[17.06.2023 11:22:36] '\S/'Aries: William: Copy that. Parking on Houston. You are quite welcome.
[17.06.2023 11:22:50] 2023-06-17 11:22:44 SMT Traffic control alert: '\S/'Aries has requested to dock
[17.06.2023 11:22:52] 2023-06-17 11:22:46 SMT Traffic control alert: '\S/'Arcturus has requested to dock
Albert McKenzie '\S/'Arcturus
The Texas Incident is now Off Limits
There was a communication from the Liberty Navy First Armada some time ago, requesting researchers to take part in surveys and analysis regarding The Texas Incident. Being buried in my own work, I accepted that I was late and could not participate in sharing knowledge and analysis data regarding the event. Preparing to head out with the team in the Arcturus, I met with two 46th fleet ships. One of which was the "Osiris"-Class designated the Akhetaten. Wanting to make sure I was safe and secure, the two Navy pilots refused to escort me to the epicenter of the incident, cautioning me not to go there myself. I instead asked for any other points of interest I could research and perform scans on, all the answers they gave did not fit within our operations.
I flew out to Bretonia, as our collective data suggests we have not taken part in any expeditions within that House.
[20.06.2023 09:33:44] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Ah, good day.
[20.06.2023 09:33:50] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: Greetings there.
[20.06.2023 09:34:01] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: I believe that is why the Akhetaten was lead away from your previous Fleet, Captain.
[20.06.2023 09:34:10] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: That, of course, is just my own speculation however.
[20.06.2023 09:34:18] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: Good day, Starflier.
[20.06.2023 09:34:31] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: Fancy lights.
[20.06.2023 09:34:41] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I like the colour blue.
[20.06.2023 09:34:56] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: It's the best color.
[20.06.2023 09:35:05] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Indeed.
[20.06.2023 09:35:12] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Starfliers greet you, pilot.
[20.06.2023 09:36:11] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: You are not the First Armada, would that be right?
[20.06.2023 09:36:25] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: That is borderline offensive, Starflier.
[20.06.2023 09:36:38] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: You should be fined for saying that!
[20.06.2023 09:36:51] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: I assume you two have known each other for a while now, haven't you?
[20.06.2023 09:37:05] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: I don't think I've ever seen that ship before.
[20.06.2023 09:37:13] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I do not know this Captain, however I do know the ship.
[20.06.2023 09:37:42] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: This isn't the Captain speaking, Starflier. Chief communications officer Laurette Silva, Lieutenant Commander at rank.
[20.06.2023 09:38:24] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Excuse my confusion. Ranks are unnecessary in my opinion.
[20.06.2023 09:38:27] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: If you're hoping to keep that position and that rank, Silva, I recommend more professionalism.
[20.06.2023 09:38:39] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Silva: Yes ma'am.
[20.06.2023 09:39:16] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: If not the Armada... perhaps your fleet may be able to assist me.
[20.06.2023 09:39:27] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: What do you require?
[20.06.2023 09:39:48] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I received word of researchers required in Texas. The communication was quite old.
[20.06.2023 09:40:16] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: This got my interest, though I do not know what is out there.
[20.06.2023 09:40:18] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: What is the purpose of the necessity?
[20.06.2023 09:40:52] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: The First Armada wanted information regarding... one moment please.
[20.06.2023 09:41:22] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: "The Texas Incident"
[20.06.2023 09:41:43] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Surveys and analysis of the area.
[20.06.2023 09:41:57] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: That is nothing recent, I'm certain surveys and analysis of the area have already taken place, years ago.
[20.06.2023 09:42:18] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Information I am yet to acquire, it seems.
[20.06.2023 09:42:48] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: If you're requesting an escort out there, I am afraid we cannot help.
[20.06.2023 09:43:00] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: The area's high in radiation and crowded with unlawful elements.
[20.06.2023 09:43:12] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Sounds like the Armada is sending you in a suicide mission in the first place.
[20.06.2023 09:43:31] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Why would the Navy send researchers out to their deaths?
[20.06.2023 09:44:39] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I have one important question to ask, as it seems you know some details about the incident.
[20.06.2023 09:44:44] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: You're asking the wrong person.
[20.06.2023 09:45:03] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: I'd never request for a civilian to scan an area that poses such great danger.
[20.06.2023 09:45:19] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Let alone one that's way outside their league.
[20.06.2023 09:45:22] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: Even less so without proper escort.
[20.06.2023 09:45:48] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Everything and anything that regards the Texas Incident is business that's finished.
[20.06.2023 09:46:04] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Is it a graveyard?
[20.06.2023 09:46:47] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: The graveyard's in Nu.
[20.06.2023 09:47:33] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: In the nearby Omicrons? I'm asking about within Texas.
[20.06.2023 09:47:44] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: The only graveyard you'll find in Texas is the one of researchers like you who felt like exploring what they shouldn't.
[20.06.2023 09:48:05] 2023-06-20 09:47:57 SMT : Sundancer is attempting to disconnect from the server
[20.06.2023 09:48:06] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Look up information regarding the Research Liner Hubble.
[20.06.2023 09:48:23] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Noted. Research Liner Hubble.
[20.06.2023 09:48:41] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: And please, stay away from that field.
[20.06.2023 09:48:59] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: The epicenter of that incident has nothing worth your time and effort.
[20.06.2023 09:49:58] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I will heed your words on the area.
[20.06.2023 09:50:56] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Hmm... there is no other points of interest that I can find that are close.
[20.06.2023 09:51:14] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: You might be interested in Kepler.
[20.06.2023 09:51:31] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Negative. Kepler is off limits.
[20.06.2023 09:52:18] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Odd place to be out of limits for an explorer.
[20.06.2023 09:52:23] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I do not wish to have to ingest drugs from Cryer again.
[20.06.2023 09:56:45] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: I wonder, what makes you not equip proper shielding? I'm by far no explorer, but it's a natural thing in my mind.
[20.06.2023 09:57:15] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Interferes with my sensor suite. Impacts the quality of information received.
[20.06.2023 09:57:38] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: And powering down the shield in moments of data transfer doesn't suffice?
[20.06.2023 09:58:38] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Removing the shield generator gives me space to place a file server. A trade I was willing to make.
[20.06.2023 09:59:16] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Sounds like questionable decisionmaking.
[20.06.2023 09:59:38] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: Hm. I can see you reasoning, although my natural instinct tells me not to unequip the one barrier protecting my ship from -
[20.06.2023 09:59:43] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: the dangers of space.
[20.06.2023 10:00:18] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: There are many shipyards across the Houses. I am not worried about superficial damages to my hull.
[20.06.2023 10:01:29] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: I hope you don't get yourself killed, Starflier.
[20.06.2023 10:01:40] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Back to Kepler, any other explorer can go into that system. We will not.
[20.06.2023 10:02:53] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Thank you for your concern.
[20.06.2023 10:03:00] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: I didn't ask you to go to Kepler for my own reasons. The Akhetaten has clear access to the system.
[20.06.2023 10:03:16] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: I merely suggested it after you mentioned not having anything to research around these parts.
[20.06.2023 10:04:10] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: We had lived there for many months. The only thing that I found calming was the dark storm.
[20.06.2023 10:04:28] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: However, we evacuated and sadly could not take everything with us.
[20.06.2023 10:05:05] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Strict no fly zone since then.
[20.06.2023 10:06:11] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Any other points within Liberty that may be of interest to the Starfliers?
[20.06.2023 10:06:49] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: I've no clue what may interest you around these parts, Starflier.
[20.06.2023 10:07:02] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Sounds like you'll have more luck exploring systems away from House Space.
[20.06.2023 10:07:34] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: A task much suited for our smaller crafts.
[20.06.2023 10:08:10] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I shall thank you for the reading material about Research Liner Hubble.
[20.06.2023 10:08:19] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: I usually look at the Sigma systems when I'm looking for interesting scenes and secrets to uncover.
[20.06.2023 10:08:48] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: This may surprise you, we are not welcome there.
[20.06.2023 10:09:24] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: Now why aren't you?
[20.06.2023 10:10:26] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: The Gas Mining Guild is aware of the scanning equipment we use. Likely the reason.
[20.06.2023 10:11:18] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: It does not bother me, as the process for creating H-Fuel does not interest me.
[20.06.2023 10:11:34] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: Well, let's see about other places .... what about the Omicrons?
[20.06.2023 10:12:01] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Which system? They are all different.
[20.06.2023 10:12:43] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: I don't know a whole lot of them, but when these exist ... it makes me wonder why you would choose a place like Liberty to -
[20.06.2023 10:12:46] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: explore?
[20.06.2023 10:13:35] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Civilized areas have a certain safety to them. There is always something new to learn in areas like this.
[20.06.2023 10:14:30] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: Well, in this case I have to apologize, as I'm not aware of any big mysteries around Liberty that aren't too dangerous.
[20.06.2023 10:15:11] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I have some choice words for the First Armada. Only after I catch up with the Research Liner Hubble.
[20.06.2023 10:16:21] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: I hope you can make sure they don't send more researchers to their deaths.
[20.06.2023 10:16:38] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I shall head out via California. Maybe Bretonia has an anomaly or two I can investigate.
[20.06.2023 10:17:23] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I like this. I have seen one too many graveyards already. Do not wish to make more.
[20.06.2023 10:17:41] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: I will head out via California. Maybe Bretonia has an anomaly or two I can investigate.
[20.06.2023 10:17:56] 46th|LNX-Akhetaten: Brown: Good luck on your journey, Starflier.
[20.06.2023 10:18:11] '\S/'Arcturus: Albert: Godspeed, Navy.
[20.06.2023 10:18:39] 46th|Rachel:Mikai: Godspeed!
[21.06.2023 12:54:17] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Guess you're who I'm meeting. Was asked to bring fuel out here for you.
[21.06.2023 12:54:32] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Perfect!
[21.06.2023 12:54:48] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Wasn't told the plan, so I'll follow your lead.
[21.06.2023 12:56:47] '\S/'Aquaree: Blanc: Oui! Let's go!
[21.06.2023 12:57:13] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Twin suns... what a nice view.
[21.06.2023 12:57:39] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Glad they aren't burning our hull!
[21.06.2023 12:58:36] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Mines!
[21.06.2023 12:58:46] '\S/'Aquaree: Be careful!
[21.06.2023 12:59:19] '\S/'Aquaree: These are left from when the Council and Corse blew through the minefield to Sirius!
[21.06.2023 12:59:48] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: You know a lot about this place?
[21.06.2023 13:00:08] '\S/'Aquaree: Only what they teach you in schools
[21.06.2023 13:00:39] '\S/'Aquaree: And what they told me on Marseille, which is well, a lot!
[21.06.2023 13:01:15] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Never been here before... the lanes look broken.
[21.06.2023 13:01:25] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Whoa!
[21.06.2023 13:03:48] '\S/'Aquaree: scan complete!
[21.06.2023 13:03:54] '\S/'Aquaree: let's get the hell out of here
[21.06.2023 13:04:01] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Go, go, go!
[21.06.2023 13:04:28] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: What kind of ship is THAT?
[21.06.2023 13:04:35] '\S/'Aquaree: Which one
[21.06.2023 13:04:51] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: the Valor! Largest warship in Gallia
[21.06.2023 13:05:21] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Valor? Very terrifying. Let's go please.
[21.06.2023 13:05:51] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: I know of a Jump hole out of here, without the mines
[21.06.2023 13:06:12] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Back through the warzone? Are you crazy?
[21.06.2023 13:06:23] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Don't worry, they are busy fighting each other
[21.06.2023 13:25:53] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Let's see what's going on in Edinburgh why don't we!
[21.06.2023 13:26:15] '\S/'Aquaree: Crap!
[21.06.2023 13:26:16] '\S/'Aquaree: Mines!
[21.06.2023 13:26:34] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Evasive maneurvers!
[21.06.2023 13:26:44] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: I almost forgot this used to be a warzone
[21.06.2023 13:28:19] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Also a former Warzone, between the Enclave and the Bretonians!
[21.06.2023 13:28:34] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: What's with you and scanning warzones!
[21.06.2023 13:28:53] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Coincidence!
[21.06.2023 13:30:43] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Quickly... quickly...
[21.06.2023 13:31:03] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Let's get out of here!
[21.06.2023 13:31:16] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Best words I've heard all day.
[21.06.2023 13:32:06] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: We going back to Tau-37?
[21.06.2023 13:32:17] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: I know a shortcut through Gallia
[21.06.2023 13:34:20] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: careful, some aliens were sighted here
[21.06.2023 13:34:23] '\S/'Aquaree: About a year ago
[21.06.2023 13:34:44] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: I mean... I wouldn't call the Gallics that.
[21.06.2023 13:34:56] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: Actual aliens!
[21.06.2023 13:35:08] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Yeah, right.
[21.06.2023 13:35:40] '\S/'Fomalhaut: speaking of, couple dudes in Major, you see that?
[21.06.2023 13:35:53] '\S/'Aquaree: might be getting asuras
[21.06.2023 13:36:54] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Operational lanes here. Finally.
[21.06.2023 13:37:14] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: they lead nowhere, the Jump Gate is closed!
[21.06.2023 13:38:12] '\S/'Fomalhaut: Stirling: Stopping off here?
[21.06.2023 13:38:15] Death: Tiz was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[21.06.2023 13:38:28] '\S/'Aquaree: Nova: This will be my stop, IMG base
I would rate my first move outside of Gallic and former Gallic space as - unique! I have run into my first Sirians besides Starfliers. I couldn't understand them, they seemed to be automatons. [HIVE]<ANTECRON> and [HIVE]<TREACON>{D}. I am unsure that they were depressed or programmed badly, as when in Omicron Beta I followed them to a strange planet guarded by a powerful minefield. They seemed to study it carefully, and then out of nowhere just ended their robot existence by flying straight into the mines, both exploding in strange unison! Were they robotic lovers wishing for a poetic end? Was that simply a malfunction in their programming? Has their existence finished its cycle? Or were they simply trying to pass the mines to get to their home planet? We might never find out.
[HIVE]<TREACON>{D}: :: Wish no harm to subject .... only scan for knowledge .... upload to HIVE ... extract ::
'\S/'Nova: bonjour
'\S/'Nova: How are you?
[HIVE]<TREACON>{D}: :: Sensing friendly scan from the subject ::
'\S/'Nova: That's a big gate
[HIVE]<TREACON>{D}: :: HIVE requires data :: Uploading data to <QUANTUM>
'\S/'Nova: *scratches head*
'\S/'Nova: Seems like I can't understand you
'\S/'Nova: Are you from Sirius?
[HIVE]<TREACON>{D}: :: Sentients mission continue ::
'\S/'Nova: Well, putain, that's weird! I will tag along
'\S/'Nova: Are you some sort of robot?
[HIVE]<TREACON>{D}: :: Subject follows Sentients :;
[HIVE]<ANTECRON>: :: Large minefield detected. :: :: Caution = recommended. ::
[HIVE]<TREACON>{D}: :: Detecting harmful mines ::
'\S/'Nova: Merde! What is that!
[HIVE]<TREACON>{D}: :: HIVE scanning data ::
'\S/'Nova: Oh look! there are your buddies
Death: [HIVE]<ANTECRON> was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
Death: [HIVE]<TREACON>{D} was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
'\S/'Nova: *scratches head* what the!
'\S/'Nova: Sirius is bizarre