Accessing secure datalink...Link Secured Sender ID: Orryn Lyles, Administration Recipient: Kruger Minerals Source: Ol' Trafford, Manchester Subject: Material Procurement
This is Orryn Lyles, newly appointed Chief Procurement Officer for the historic and prestigious station Ol' Trafford in the Manchester system. We are in need of material readily accessible to your operations and would like to submit an order if possible. We are in desperate need for large quantities of Fusion Diodes and Heat Sinks for upcoming projects of a technology focus. If you can dedicate teams to ship 10,000 units of each material, we will pay top rates.
Please let us know as soon as possible, so we might expedite our operations.
INCOMING TRANSMISSION COMM-ID: Tarik Torren Recipient: Licensing & Permits Office, The Gallic Union
I am Tarik Torren, Prospector General of the the Borneo Mining Syndicate. We have come before you today requesting licensing of our logistical vessels already frequenting your trade corridors to haul Military Salvage. We understand this is a restricted commodity for good reason, but request our vessels, who've shown to work in conjunction and regard for Gallic law be permitted to trsnport already-extracted salvage without duress through your territory to dealers in Sirius.
Organization or Affiliation: Borneo Mining Syndicate / IMG
Requested Commodity(s): Transportation of Military Salvage
Intended Destination(s): Rheinland
Reason for Request: To adhere to existing laws and aid in the cleanup of Languedoc
Tarik Torren,
Captain of CV Sycorax Borneo Mining Syndicate
"Music gives Wings to the Mind, Soul to the Universe, and Life to Everything"
The Makassar Syndicate is an exciting corner of the 'verse bristling with unique opportunieis. The Syndicate focuses on growing economic opportunities for the people of the Tau's and encompasses a large varieties of activities and experiences.
MakaSyn combines the commercial experience of working for a powerful business enterprise that doesn't bow to anyone, unlike the usual corporate sort. Living between the Great Houses, we enforce our own doctrine, and will not hesitate to grind down those who attempt to exploit our success.
The Syndicate has on-the-level freight transport positions with great benefits, security and combat positions up to capital asset levels, as well as... ehmmm.. other opportunities on our lower deck levels that may or may not engage in seedier activities.
[color=#ffffff][pi amount=15]InRP[/pi][/color]
[pi amount=15][hrc]#FFFF80[/hrc][/pi]
[pi amount=15][font=Oswald][size=large][list]
[*][color=#FFFF80]--First Name:[/color] (FIRST NAME HERE)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Last Name:[/color] (LAST NAME HERE)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Year of Birth:[/color] (YEAR OF BIRTH)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Home Planet:[/color] (HOME PLANET HERE)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Previous Work Experience: [/color] (PREVIOUS HISTORY HERE)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Biography:[/color] (CHARACTER INFO HERE)[/size][/list][hr][/font][/pi]
[color=#ffffff][pi amount=15]OORP[/pi][/color]
[pi amount=15][hrc]#FFFF80[/hrc][/pi]
[pi amount=15][font=Oswald][size=large][list]
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Reasons For Joining:[/color] (REASONS FOR JOINING)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Experience Level in Freelancer and Discovery:[/color] (EXPERIENCE LEVEL)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Time Zone:[/color] (TIME ZONE)
[*][color=#FFFF80]-- Discord:[/color] (NAME # )
"Music gives Wings to the Mind, Soul to the Universe, and Life to Everything"
Nyssa Lyons, Administrator of Makassar Station
Senior Partner of the Syndicate
Target ID:
The Government of Crayter
Offices Regarding Trade Proposals
Greetings to the esteemed government of the Crayter Republic. My name is Nyssa Lyons, and I posess a speaking majority on behalf of the Makassar Syndicate. We are a business conglomerate focused solely on growing relevant economic opportunities for the people of the Tau's.
You may have encountered our ships and seen their tech identifiers show IMG, of whom we know you are currently not in the most amicable of relationships with, however, that is merely to the fact that many of the transporters, combat pilots, secuirty forces, and various other personnel have had direct links or been former members of the Guild at one time or another, though we are working to secure something more appropriate. If you make your life in the Tau's and care deeply for them, you are likely to have some interactions, or connections with the Guild.
However, for the matter of clarity on who the Makassar Syndicate truly are, we are simply people of the Tau's, interested in benefiting the Tau's. With that in mind, our main station and headquarters has grown drastically in recent months and is manufacturing a good deal of components needed on the wider market including Propulsion and Reactor Systems.
Beyond reaching out to you to introduce ourselves and reassure you of our intentions to promote amicable relationships with your people, we would like to start a conversation with your economic minds about working more closely with your nation for both our collective benefits.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your time.
"Music gives Wings to the Mind, Soul to the Universe, and Life to Everything"