Organization's affiliation and a brief description of the owner's or the organization's activities:
DrengrCo is an IC affiliate designed to serve as an assets protection wing of their transportation insurance service. They will be responsible for convoy escort services throughout Sirius and base security within Liberty.
Assistance of all traders & Lawful Organizations within Liberty can be expected.
System and exact location for base:
Ideally near either Salt Lake Station or Newark as an IC extension, but as these locations seem quite full already, as well as with the also considered Detroit Munitions area, Proposed location is near Planet Pittsburg, where no other bases currently reside @ approx /pos 47810, 107, -79187. (distance 3k NW of Pittsburg Docking Ring and 2k N of Tradeland terminus.
Alternate pos @ 54071, 100, -74813 ~ 2.5k S of a position centered between Docking Ring and Tradelane.
Reason for Construction:
Original base in Galileo sieged & destroyed.
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests:
As an IC affiliate, we have close relations with IC/AWES and intend to follow their lead with respect to operations within Liberty space. We also intend to be a positive force against lawless activity wherever it affects Liberty corporate operations in particular, and other house lawful entities in general, by also operating out of other Capitol system IC bases. This base MAY, in the future, conduct the manufacturing of ship's equipment to outfit a hopefully ever-growing fleet used for our operations to secure Liberty and Sirius against unlawful depredations.
By filling this application you hereby agree to the taxation and complying with the regulations as stated by the Laws of Liberty and will be held responsible for any violation.
User was banned for: Compromised account
Time left: (Permanent)
For your modular base request we are able to consider locations in Colorado or California systems only. If you are willing to adapt your request and comply with other laws (5 clicks from closest object, etc.), we will start internal voting process on it.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center
Organization's affiliation and a brief description of the owner's or the organization's activities:
DrengrCo is an IC affiliate designed to serve as an assets protection wing of their transportation insurance service. They will be responsible for convoy escort services throughout Sirius and base security within Liberty.
Assistance of all traders & Lawful Organizations within Liberty can be expected.
System and exact location for base:
Amended location request shall be for California system, SW of Planet Mojave.
Specifically located in the space between the tradelanes to Planet Los Angeles and Planet California Minor
where the location is 5k equidistant from both lanes.
(After initial construction, it is intended to update this location into a Small Starport to support the
anticipated traffic relevant to our operations.)
Reason for Construction:
Original base in Galileo sieged & destroyed.
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests:
As an IC affiliate, we have close relations with IC/AWES and intend to follow their lead with respect to operations within Liberty space. We also intend to be a positive force against lawless activity wherever it affects Liberty corporate operations in particular, and other house lawful entities in general, by also operating out of other Capitol system IC bases. This base MAY, in the future, conduct the manufacturing of ship's equipment to outfit a hopefully ever-growing fleet used for our operations to secure Liberty and Sirius against unlawful depredations.
By filling this application you hereby agree to the taxation and complying with the regulations as stated by the Laws of Liberty and will be held responsible for any violation.
User was banned for: Compromised account
Time left: (Permanent)
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be adding your license after payment of 500.000.000 credits is made to Liberty-Bank-001 with evidence attached to this transmission.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center
(07-18-2023, 08:06 PM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote:
Jamison of DrengrCo;
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be adding your license after payment of 500.000.000 credits is made to Liberty-Bank-001 with evidence attached to this transmission.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center
Monies transfer evidence attached, as requested.
User was banned for: Compromised account
Time left: (Permanent)