Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium/private hub Origin:Planet Manhattan ID:Adam Watson III Subject:Request Report
Good evening Harrison,
Sorry to interrupt you dinner but earlier you asked me to check on some ship heading to Penns to know if they were breaking the embargo. While i went there to check on the courrier.tank i made sure the ship wasn't hauling stuff to support the zoners of Penns. I recorded some footage of it. The ship didn't docked with the facility but instead engaged cruise in direction of planet Sayre.
Sadly i had to get back to Eerie to refuel so i didn't follow up. Don't know if the ship was going to an undisclosed facility or to Allentown but whatever he was doing, he obviously didn't care about Vice Admiral Hamish embargo on any ships straying further than 10k from the Trade Lanes.
SENDER: Captain - Libby Harrison
SOURCE: Juneau Shipyard
SUBJECT: Your Intel
Salutations Adam,
After we discussed some things, this intel you have given us will be looked into and hopefully we will be able to see where these ships are actually going.
I will have words with Admiral Van-leer regarding some rewared for the intel supplied.
If you can do any more for us please do so, you have my permission to give us as much as you can, and in the meantime I will pass this intel onto our Raptor Commader - VANGUARD for more investigation.
Once again many thanks Adam.
Libby Harrison - Captain - 1st Armada
46th|Hazel: I best call every single Atlantis on the First Armada to help out with this MAXIMUM LEVEL THREAT.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium/private hub Origin:Planet Manhattan ID:Adam Watson III Subject:RE:Request Report
Good evening again,
Glad if the intel can be of any use. Don't need reward as you already wired me 5 000 000S.C only to scare off Donna Dolores. Guess she wanted a date with me but i got standard ye know? *laughs*. When it come to further intel, ill see what i can do but it will cost ya.
What about if i get some more you buy me a HUGE rib steak, few beers? I prefer a good meal with REAL meat over some money. But if not, i guess money will have to do. Joke aside, you know i can't follow the possible bogey going outside 10 klicks without breaking the embargo myself so i'm limited in action. I make no promise but i'll see what i can do about it!
The rush of battle is a potent and almost lethal addiction, for war is a drug.