Sender Name :SlyQuin
Sender Rank :Captain
Subject:New Add on To The Armada
Greetings Admiral and whole Armada,
I am proud to announce our new add-on to the armada. "1st|LNS-Copperton"
An "Atlantis Class Carrier" Which will be leaded by myself and my personal crew.
The Carrier is stationed in Vespucci alongside other fleet ships.
|||☆ Sly Quin ☆||| Captain The First Armada
||||☆Captain Sly Quin Commanding Officer of 1st|LNS-Copperton ☆||||
Once again we are improving our Raptor capabilities, by Introducing a select few GUNBOATS to the squad, these vessels will be used to bolster the smaller vessels within the squad, and will be more of a deterent to the smugglers, and also it has been necessary to be able to cope with the Corsair incursions into Liberty with heavily armoured transports.
Very soon there will be more details given to you all, regarding more grouped patrols within certain areas of Liberty to cope with the various problems we have at the moment, and I am sure the Armada as a whole can cope with this as they always do. Due to certain promotions within the Armada, our squad will be needed more than ever now, and we will be ready for everything that comes with our role in Liberty.
Increased patrols, and longer shifts unfortunately will have to be initiated, and extensive funding for this will be put into place, so for you all this will be testing times, but we will get through it.
Raptors, do your Commander proud and keep Liberty safe.
RECIPIENT: All Operatives
SUBJECT: Raptor Vessel Update
Salutations All Operatives, and Admiralty.
Good day to all operatives of the First Armada,
As you have all been briefed within the last few hours about this operation and what the details are, I am pleased to announce that we will be making inroads to make this operation live within the next few hours, and the Admiral has cleared all vessels to be launched and moved to the relevant areas that have been mentioned in the briefing.
ALL Raptors will report to me at the location that has been picked for your ships to be moved to, and the rest of the Fleet are all aware of their orders and what is expected of them, this operation will continue until its goals have been completed. Completion of this operation is imperitive, as we will use the Intel for further operations in the future.
Now you all know your orders, so good luck everyone and give the Raptors as much support as possible on their goals.
Name: Bill Curtis Recipient: High Commander 1st. Subject: Incident in Vespucci.
Two ships in The First Navy's fleet, the 1st|LNS-The.Letter and LNS-Nebraska found a Zonner named BZ-Knattuls flying at Vespucci. The status of the Nephilin-class ship was highly dangerous, so as commander at the time and there being no officer above my rank, I kindly requested that the Zoner withdraw from the system. He refused and then forced us to retaliate against our weapons against him. At all times he focused his weapons on my ship and this opened the way for LNS-Nebraska to drop on him the destructive capital penalty of his armaments, leading the insurgent Zoner to destruction.
Here is an advent to those who want to live on the margins of the law: If you do not repent and continue to disrespect the Law, you will have The First Armada in your wake!!
`[10.08.2023 06:56:50] 1st|LNS-The.Letter: Contact
[10.08.2023 06:57:13] LNS-Nebraska: B: Yes and its a big one
[10.08.2023 06:57:20] BZ-Knattuls: Lexxi: Don't you have Rogues to be humiliated by in California?
[10.08.2023 06:57:44] 1st|LNS-The.Letter: Zoner, leave to the system,please
[10.08.2023 06:57:47] LNS-Nebraska: B: Lets take over Captain.
[10.08.2023 07:00:28] 1st|LNS-The.Letter: prepare to consequences
[10.08.2023 07:00:42] Death: BZ-Knattuls was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[10.08.2023 07:00:56] BZ-Knattuls: Lexxi: Nah.
[10.08.2023 07:01:13] BZ-Knattuls: Lexxi: How about I come over and put an end to your fun.
[10.08.2023 07:01:15] 1st|LNS-The.Letter: repair, he will back
[10.08.2023 07:01:29] LNS-Nebraska: i aint damaged.
[10.08.2023 07:01:50] 2023-08-10 10:01:48 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|LNS-The.Letter has requested to dock
[10.08.2023 07:03:02] LNS-Nebraska: y he is back!
[10.08.2023 07:04:05] 1st|LNS-The.Letter: Zoner assume consequences ... prepare to battle then
[10.08.2023 07:04:20] BZ-Knattuls: Lexxi: With that kit?
[10.08.2023 07:04:34] LNS-Nebraska: H: Shoots fired!
[10.08.2023 07:05:10] BZ-Knattuls: Aaaaah!
[10.08.2023 07:05:30] Death: BZ-Knattuls was put out of action by LNS-Nebraska (Gun).
[10.08.2023 07:08:23] 2023-08-10 10:08:22 SMT Traffic control alert: LNS-Nebraska has requested to dock
[10.08.2023 07:08:31] 2023-08-10 10:08:30 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|LNS-The.Letter has requested to dock
[10.08.2023 07:09:09] LNS-Nebraska: that dude only shoot you xD
[10.08.2023 07:09:39] 1st|LNS-The.Letter: true, but we kiill him
[10.08.2023 07:09:44] LNS-Nebraska: yea`
SENDER: Captain - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral Van-Leer
SUBJECT: 1st|LNS-Bounty Maiden Voyage
Salutations Admiral,
Good day Admiral Van-Leer,
We departed from Manhatten to give the Bounty a run out, and she was handling very well, until we spotted Birdie and MNS-Maggie just away from the planet. After some exchanges of words, I had offer of help from 2 Bounty Hunters, Nova.Blackwood and Semtex.
I immediately ordered my crew to engage both vessels and Nova.blackwood assisted me. After some time MNS-Maggie was disabled and we turned our sights on the Cruiser Birdie, but this individual knew he had met his match and myself and Nova continued the chase, and managed to disrupt him before he tried to exit New York.
Bounty continued to pound the vessel and Nova continued his onslaught, and as it became clear we had the upper hand I instructed the gunnery crew to let Nova take the vessel down and was succesful.
Meanwhile, 1st|Leo.Renegade was in combat with a Xeno, but was out of range and as I was aware he was disabled, so myself Nova and Semtex proceeded to peruse this individual Blake.Black, once we found him Semtex managed to disable him in fine style.
These two Bounty Hunters were well deserved of the credits I payed them for their fine work.
So all in all the first voyage of my new Overlord was a brilliant success.
SENDER: Captain - Libby Harrison
SUBJECT: Intel gathered
Salutations VANGUARD,
This communication is to pass on some Intel I have received from someone who I wish to remain anonymous for now, and this intel could mean that we have Freelance ships supplying the Zoners in Pennsylvania with supplies, and also breaking the Embargo Law by going off lanes more than 10k which is listed in the embargo as illegal.
I have been informed by the individual that he will be doing more missions and supplying more intel if we can get it.
So I would suggest that you round up your Raptors and do what you can to gather more conclusive evidence of these Zoner supply vessels and where they are taking these supplies.
Below is a copy of the communications sent to me ...
SENDER: Captain - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiralty
Salutations Admirals,
Now these Zoners, are coming further out from Liberty to actually engage our operatives. 2 Q-Ships decided to make their way into a battle we were havig with insurgents in the vespucci system.
These 2 Q-ships crippled the Argonaute but other assets continued the battle as we could not do any more.
These listed above are the 2 Q-Ships involved, and I must say we have not had much trouble from the Zoners in quite a few days, I will be recommending these individuals are taken down with no remorse.
Vigilance is now to be drummed into all operatives, just in case this ever happens again, but we will be prepared for them next time.
Captain - Libby Harrison
Libby Harrison - Captain - 1st Armada
46th|Hazel: I best call every single Atlantis on the First Armada to help out with this MAXIMUM LEVEL THREAT.
SENDER: Captain - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiralty
SUBJECT: Novi Plant
Salutations Admirals,
I was doing my regular patrol today and decided to have a scout of the restricted zone and other areas that are not so much, our regular patrol paths, and also in the Detroit Debris Field is Nova plant, which I had forgotten was even there.
I decided to pay it a visit while I was having a break from my patrol. Once docked, which to be honest took a little while to do, no idea why they were so long lettig me gain access, but eventually I landed and decided to take a look around.
During my visit there were not many people around, but I did find out about the Bazaar, which is on board, but according to the Dockmaster unless you have a password, you cannot access this area.
I am not usually uncomfortable, in any way, due to my training with the navy, but I have suspicions about this place and as far as I know there has been one report of Corsairs docking at the facility in previous weeks.
This is very disturbing to say the least, and I have to say that everyone aboard the base seemed very on edge, non cooperative in certain aspects and also I did notice I was being watched the whole time.
Are we able to, initiate proceedings to board the station with a number of officers and find out exactly what is going on here, but for now I will be initiating correspondence with Vanguard to also involve Raptor operations to get some information about this facility.
Thankyou for your time Admirals.
Captain - Libby Harrison
Libby Harrison - Captain - 1st Armada
46th|Hazel: I best call every single Atlantis on the First Armada to help out with this MAXIMUM LEVEL THREAT.
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Vespucci
RECIPIENT: Libby Harrison
Captain, Novi Plant ONI investigation is under way. There are suspicions surrounding the installation, but we cannot just make accusations and make any steps before we have conclusive evidence - so far the proof is circumstantial, unlawful presence and transports seem to congregate around the base, namely the Corsairs, who are permitted docking. You may investigate them as well, but keep it quiet, do not let our suspicions air publicly - we must protect licenced bases until such time comes their licence gets revoked.
One thing I want to say - is do not overestimate the threat. Vespucci and Insurgency are by far our higher priority. I have personally been in touch with Zoners previously, none of the warships are of Liberty origins, not a single one has been seen here prior to several months back when they forced the Congress into seizing control in Pennsylvania. In short, they are isolated foreign terrorist pockets, detached from Liberty's Zoner - they seem to have a lot closer to the Outcasts than the local Zoners. Situation in Pennsylvania has been very calm actually, no incidents were reported there, we haven't needed to enforce the embargo against Zoners a single time.
Moreover, the Zoners have been obliterated three times in a row alongside their Outcast masters as you know - well done on the Leonidas Award when protecting manhattan by the way!
[15.08.2023 18:21:23] Death: PLF/Innocent.Action was put out of action by 1st|LNS-Cole (Gun).
[14.08.2023 19:24:01] Death: PLF/Freedom.Shield was put out of action by 1st|Harpers-Ferry (Gun).
Simply leave the Zoner matter to the Raptors as they investigate the Pennsylvania supplies, it appears that there is no direct threat at the moment and the isolated Outcast-linked Warships are being handled easily.
SENDER: James Silverton
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: First Armada Leadership
SUBJECT: Smuggler avoids the law!
I was shocked today on patrol, as I came across a Universal Mastodon Enrova smuggling a full cargo hold of black market light arms! Unfortunately, I have only captured evidence of them failing to follow my directions, in breach of law 5.1: Obstruction of Justice.