(09-20-2023, 09:38 PM)CommodoreShawn Wrote: To be honest, the range and price changes have dampened my interest in trying out the new patch. Gone are the days of quickly getting into a fun scrap in NY it seems, and I found the old prices to already be expensive. Some players are sitting on billions, but not everyone.
Hey, imagine if you will, that you just kept ships docked at Rochester or Fontana for pews instead of jumping all the way from Alpha to NY? Or who knows, you could even fetch yourself several ships and keep a few of them at Alpha or Taus, and the rest at NY. You don't need billions for that and surely would be a better investment than burning 2.5M every single time you want to jump for pews.
Also after the patch drops, you'll have plenty of trade and smuggling routes to do to fund your new ships to park throughout the place.
Under the old system we could jump half a dozen ships for 2.5M, and even jumping solo it would cost over a hundred jumps to duplicate my cruiser, not to mention somehow duplicating the SRP engines? I put a lot of effort into her, so I want to fly her. I could trade back and forth to buy a nearly equivalent ship I suppose, but frankly that's pretty boring. I'd rather do something fun, like showing Libertonians the meaning of reckless stupidity bravery.
I don't understand the rational behind the range limitations and price increases, it just seems like a disincentive to jump drive use.
So in exchange for convenience JDs will offer a lot less freedom, they will become more expensive, and we don't get to go to any fun systems unless random jumps are explicitly allowed to come back later – and coordinates of such systems are no longer a thing.
This feels a tad bit depressing. Guess it's a good thing I was never invested in using jump drives. The things were too damn expensive anyway. Since I never had the motivation to farm billions to become the target audience of certain changes I sure wonder what Discovery will feel like after the patch.
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I actually wanted to vaguely reference it by making a whirling slip cause they're pretty cool but I'm not actually sure how to do it without beam effects.
You'll also notice that the cap explosion fx were also references to explosions in Nexus but I didn't do that effect.