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┝┅{Sender: Marco Pedrez ┝┅{Recipients: The Conclave ┝┅{Location: Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo System ┝┅{Subject: Diplomatic Envoy
Hola Senors y Senoritas Praetors!
As you undoubtedly are well aware, due to some uh, *events* happening in Shikoku, El Executor wanted to try and talk to Head Honchos from both Hogosha and Kusari. I'm mucho glad to report that with the assistance of one uh.... Youri... Aokie? I swear I can't read those names, oh well. Said Hogosha agent heard our request of safe passage to their headquarters within the New Tokyo. We met up within the safety of Crow's Nebula, near Lagos Depot, with my trusty Corredor Raba both blending in and being loaded to the brim with gifts of Fuel and Artifacts for Hogosha's hospitality.
The transit was pretty uneventful, and Senor Executor is currently in the middle of talks with our patrons. In the meantime, time to try local delicacies!
The imperial fleet have successfully completed the operation "burning night"
Dear Deterrence, my fellow imperial brothers.
Good day to all. Commander Santiago of the "Santisima" fleet speaking.
We have returned home after completing the operation "burning night". We made it to the nomads homeworld using our strenght and brute force helped to decimate them. The fleet managed to land nearby the enemy reactor prototipe and the bomber wing from "Santisima Trinidad" and "Santisima Gatita" Managed to exectue a flawless work extracting the reactor from the location. Things became a bit dangerous when we found several "biological masses" moving into our position so the capital fleet had to move to a safer position.
Then the rest of the bomber wing docked inside the dreadnoughts and we managed to return home. We lost one bomber in an uknown accident by the way, but we managed to save the pilot from the fangs of death and give him another machine.
The reactor right now lays in our posession, has been transfered into one of our stations for further use.
The imperial fleet have successfully completed the operation "Trebuquete"
Saludos my brothers and sisters from the Deterrence.
I am proud to announce the victory over the Rheiland military in operation "Trebuquete". We managed to stop the enemy fleet from going further inside Munich. Battle was an splendid show of Deterrence force showcase. Our capital vessels managed to annihilate them all in odd numbers.
They'r reinforced had to flee in escape pods (the ones who managed to get in) and are now in our cells as POW. The sub-capital fleet managed to cause enough damaged to several of the enemy cruisers to make them flee with critical damages.
We suffered some loses and one of our flag ships, DTR-CNS>Santa-Trinidad had to be towed to Rhodes shipyard for refurbishment after several plasma impacts on critical parts. Main power lost, armament control systems burned, half of the crew murdered. Two of our Battle-cruisers are being under maintenance and rearmament of the torpedo bays. And one of our snub pilot had critical damage and is in "New Barcelona hospital".
We won, they had to run or die, and the imperio stays strong and shining like the golden masterpiece of the Omicrons. Deterrence stands, sic semper Deterrence!
Salut, my high command officers and members of the Deterrence.
Santiago del Olivar here, commander of the imperial fleet "Santisima" and providing a status report on current operations.
This message objective is to debrief the operation of convoy 24-2, that had several troubles and managed to gloriously make it home with some scratches, but alive.
The operation started at Planet Knossos, with our miners hauling the precious Xeno relics for the first stop. Our exploradores found long-range pings from the drug addicts and sent an emergency broadcast to the nearest fleet for help. They located an enemy fleet composed of one Dreadnought, two cruisers, and one battleship in close proximity to sector E3 of Omicron XI.
The responding Deterrence fleet was captain's Delgado one, "Pirineos", who appeared to face the Outcast filth with a splendid show of force. After a fierce battle, the Outcast fleet was decimated and the ones who did not die in the battlefield left a trail of frozen corpses, scrap, and damaged parts ready for recovery. The rest just ran with their tail under the legs.
The convoy 24-2 started to move all the way to the Shikoku system, selling the cargo to a secure undisclosed location and acquiring platinum in a close-by merchant station. As it were, new issues arose. A random vessel with unidentified transponder appeared and started some conversations with the fleet that are still being de-ecrypted. Soon, a full fleet followed, composed of Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums. They were bold enough to even bring a cruiser from a close-by system to intercept us. The escorting force of the convoy started the battle, protecting the transports. Sadly, one of them got badly damaged and destroyed. However, all the crew's pods were collected. They are safe and sound, thanks to the valiant help of our convoy frigate that was nearby and rescued them in the middle of the combat.
Our escorts fought the enemy fleet all the way into Kyushu and managed to exterminate all the enemy forces. Looks like Deterrence had to pick up the slack and do some cleaning work ridding Kusari from undesirables and drug addicts. A sensible question remains - was Kusari Navy sleeping on the job? I will let you be the judges. The scum we encountered are now frozen into the void, never to be found, and their ships are nothing more but scrap to feed the junkers and their smelters.
The escorts managed to rendezvous again with the transports and made it all the way home without further encounters.
This is the full debrief - I am attaching some telemetry and combat logs in this message, as well as some images. For any more information or additional details, please contact me. With our mission complete - we've secured further financial gains for our fleet and managed to get rid of our enemies in one quick action. These assets would do well to bolster our military capabilities in the coming months.
As soon as I saw your message, I rushed to Omega-3 to identify the Research Institute that you seek. The owner did not try to hide it, therefore it was quite easy to spot. It is located in the sector 3D, 7.8k away from the closest trade lane ring (Aland Shipyard -> Freeport 1 route), 13k away from Freeport 1.
The institute is a Core 1 installation which is still being built. I did not see any weapons platform around it. The docking is restricted to the base, hence the affiliation of said base could not be established.
I am attaching the required telemetry.
I am at your service should you require more information!
The war council has spoken. The main fronts of the Empire have been designated as follows:
Dublin - With the glorious victories scored by the Santander against the IMG and Mollys, Deterrence shall support further operations within this area of interest. Therefore, a fleet shall be dispatched as soon as possible to secure our foothold in the system. Supply convoys must also be escorted in and out of Dublin to ensure the safe transit of the resources needed to keep up the pressure. Gold must be ferried to Crete with the utmost priority to ensure the funding of our mighty war machine.
Omicron Theta - Progress was achieved, but not without costs. We must keep up the pressure to ensure our warriors did not died for naught. I can't stress enough the strategic importance of Freeport 9's biodomes for the Empire. Victory is within reach, but don't cheer yet. Ensure that our presence within the system is overwhelming.
There is a pirate currently operating within the Omicrons that showed hostile intents towards the Corsairs. Even more, he's collaborating with the Outcasts. He goes by the callsign "OmegaKrait" and flies a civilian Gunship. Therefore, instruct your captains and pilots to keep an eye out for him and end his life in the most burtal way you can imagine, and make it as slow as possible.
You know me, I'm a man of few words, so let's get over with this. The years of being executor have put a strain on my sanity. I'm a man of action, not a diplomat. While I believe I steered the Deterrence on the right path, I should probably move on. I miss the smell of blood. I miss seeing my hands bloody. Ahh, I can't describe the feeling that's going through me right now. It has to be done.
Therefore, I'm issuing my last order. Take the mantle of Executor and lead us with pride. Keep our valors, traditions and integrity as a top priority. Continue the work that I've started and if anyone will ever defy us, make sure you wipe every trace of them. Never forget our history and struggles. Give them nothing but take from them everything.
As for myself, I'll assume command of the battlecruiser Perdición and make preparations for our invasion of Dublin. You shall find me where the battle is the thickest alongside the fearless Cimitarra Company. We shall wreck havoc to anything that stands in our way.
Call it a retirement, Javier, but it shall be on the battlefield. This is my birthright and it's time I heed its calling.
Planet Crete, Deterrence imperial villa, Nueva Barcelona
Executor Massimo Insigne
Massimo my hermano de guerra.
I know that you would not hold for long in that diplomatical chair, yes, you're a man of action and you would give your life for the imperio, but at battle, not in an office.
You deserve all the glory for all the good deeds you did for the Deterrence, for us all. Now its my time to take your relief and follow our great and ambitious imperio.
Our future is shiny like gold, and we will destroy every single of our enemigos. They will die by steel and we will used the remains as fertilizer to feed our worlds. No one will stop the imperio amigo.
I have moved my transport to the villa of nueva Barcelona, in order to set up an special operative and most probably from there I will move to our main HQ.
My good friend, we did a lot togheter, and our history will not end it, just don't die, mans like you can't be found everywhere.
I will take the position of the Executor. And will guide us to glory, conquest and fortune.
<Virtus unita fortior, Deterrence> Francisco Javier de Creta
First and foremost, allow me to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your recent appointment as Executor of Deterrence.
Now, on to matters at hand. My recent attempts to establish a relationship with the Gaians have met with silence, leaving me in a state of limbo. With your permission, I intend to pay a visit to some of their bases, engaging in discreet conversations to assess the situation and explore potential avenues of cooperation. This might entail acquiring one of their ships for closer examination, which I believe could provide valuable insights.