As of this announcement, the Directorate has decreed that our allegiance with the Liberty Insurgency has been severed, our current stance with their organisation is now viewed with Indifference.
In light of recent events, a restriction upon the Liberty Insurgency has been placed, forbidding them access to Technocrat controlled space.
Do not permit Insurgent assets access to the Inverness sector without authorisation from a Sector Commander or higher. Instruct any violators that they will have one chance to return to the Vespucci sector, failing that, disable their vessels and bring in survivors for detainment.
It is with sadness to confirm what words have been passing around.
Treachery and degeneration of the highest degree from our neighbours once more. We are surrounded by outsider filth, riddled with flawed and primitive perceptions.
The Insurgency, like the cornered animal they are, turned tail upon their ideals and very identification, to seek new beginnings as a vassal under Liberty's blanket of influence. Their previous attitudes were a step stone to their reveal, to the truth of who they really are, stripping away the last facade of their pretense for freedom. They have sought to collaborate, to subjuguate their own people to Crayter's war machine. We cannot permit Crayter to assimilate more manpower into their fold, to act as the extended will of Liberty, who seek to surpress our way of life. And we certainly cannot risk them exposing the pathways to our homeworld.
They have tested our autonomy, our right to be, they believe they can control us - disgrace our home of learning: yet, they will learn the truth of what it means to be a true Technocrat:
We do not relent. We are united. We are disciplined. We are ascended. We act with purpose. And we certainly do not waste our time with mere cretins.
And our purpose is simple: To protect our way, to protect our property, to embrace the purity of higher learning. Show them that our words hold true from our generously provided previous warnings:
Effective immediately, the Directorate has decreed that the Insurgency are undesirable contaminants. Eliminate any Insurgent vessel that enters the Inverness sector. If possible, detain them. The preference, is at your own discretion.
There is no negotiating with domesticated animals. Keep Inverness pure.
Due to the recent diplomatic talks with the Crayter Republic, a diplomatic ceasefire has been negiotiated.
All personnel are not to engage trade ships enroute to the Freeport or the Junker facilities. Crayter Vessels are not permitted to approach the Valravn Citadel's security sector unless in dire need of medical or security aid.
Do not enter the Coronado sector unless transitioning to another sector or in escort of a convoy. Any deployment beyond these parameters require prior permission from a Command unit.
Treaty of Cooperation and Diplomatic Normalization
In the name of peace and prosperity in the sector, for the sake of sparing innocent lives, and so as to better combat the existential threat posed by the Outcasts of Malta, the representatives of the Crayter Republic and the Technocracy of Auxo mutually agree, on behalf of their respective sovereign peoples, to the following provisions:
1. All hostilities between the Crayter Republic and the Technocracy of Auxo, and their respective forces, will immediately cease.
2. The Technocracy of Auxo recognizes the Crayter Republic as the defensive party with respect to all previous hostilities.
3. The Crayter Republic and the Technocracy of Auxo recognize each other as sovereign and independent states.
4. Crayter's sovereign ownership of its own space, as defined in this treaty, will be thoroughly respected by the Technocracy. XXXx4.1 Crayterian space is defined as: XXXxxx4.1A The star system of Tau-44, in its entirety. XXXxxx4.1B Any wormholes leading directly into Tau-44. XXXxxx4.1C The five-klick spherical radius of any wormholes leading directly into Tau-44. XXXxxx4.1D The star system of Coronado, in its entirety, excepting areas defined as neutral space. XXXxxxxx4.1D-a The wormhole in Coronado which leads directly to the Inverness star system is neutral space. XXXxxxxx4.1D-b The five-klick spherical radius around the Inverness wormhole in Coronado is neutral space. XXXxxxxx4.1D-c The entirety of Barrier Gate Station in Coronado is neutral space. XXXxxxxx4.1D-d The five-klick spherical radius around Barrier Gate Station in Coronado is neutral space. XXXxxx4.1E Any Crayterian outposts elsewhere in Sirius, as well as the spherical ten-klick radius around them.
5. The Technocracy's sovereign ownership of its space, as defined in this treaty, will be thoroughly respected by Crayter. XXXx5.1 Technocratic space is defined as: XXXxxx5.1A The star system of Inverness, in its entirety, excluding Freeport 14 and its ten-klick No Fire Zone. XXXxxxxx5.1A-a Freeport 14, and its ten-klick NFZ, is the sovereign territory of the Zoner community of Freeport 14. XXXxxx5.1B The wormhole in Cortez which leads directly to the Inverness star system. XXXxxx5.1C The five-klick spherical radius around the wormhole in Cortez which leads directly to the Inverness star system. XXXxxx5.1D Any Technocrat outposts elsewhere in Sirius, as well as the spherical ten-klick radius around them.
6. Crayterian forces are free to enforce Crayterian laws and regulations in their sovereign space.
7. Technocratic forces are free to enforce Technocratic laws and regulations in their sovereign space.
8. Crayterian forces are free to enforce Crayterian laws within defined neutral zones.
9. Technocratic forces are free to enforce Technocratic laws and regulations within defined neutral zones. XXXx9.1 In case of conflict between Auxo and Crayter laws, Auxo forces will defer to Crayter.
10. Crayterian and Technocratic forces will cooperate in ensuring mutual security around the Inverness wormhole in Coronado.
11. Crayter vessels not conducting trade, or providing escort for vessels conducting such, with installations within Technocrat space will request entry from Technocrat officials before entering. XXXx11.1 If no Technocrat officials are available to request access from, the Crayter flight may proceed through Technocrat space so long as it is done without any sort of delay. XXXxxx11.1A Being waylaid by hostile forces is not a violation of article 11.1. XXXx11.2 Crayter vessels are not permitted to dock at Valravn Citadel, nor enter the twenty-klick radius around it. XXXxxx11.2A Entry into this zone by Crayter may be granted by A/)-tagged vessels, but docking at Valravn Citadel will not be permitted. XXXxxxxx11.2A-a In case of mortal danger, Crayter forces may enter this zone without permission, if and only if there are no A/)-tagged vessels on-site to request permission from. XXXxxxxx11.2A-b In case of Crayter forces exercising their rights under article 11.2A-a, docking at Valravn Citadel is still prohibited.
12. Technocrat vessels not conducting trade, or providing escort for vessels conducting such, with installations within Crayter space will request entry from Crayter officials before entering. XXXx12.1 If no Crayter officials are available to request access from, the Technocrat flight may proceed through Crayter space so long as it is done without any sort of delay. XXXxxx12.1A Being waylaid by hostile forces is not a violation of article 12.1.
13. The Crayter Republic will return all captive Technocrat personnel and Technocrat-manufactured equipment to Barrier Gate Station without delay.
14. The Technocracy of Auxo will return all captive Crayter personnel and Crayter-manufactured equipment to Barrier Gate Station without delay.
15. The Technocracy of Auxo will provide a discount to the military and government forces of the Crayter Republic on all Auxo-designed and Auxo-built augmentations and implants. XXXx15.1 This discount will amount to twenty percent (20%) on all augmentations and implants. XXXx15.2 This discount will be available until such time as the total loss of profit to Auxo amounts to three hundred fifty million credits (₡350,00,000).
16. Pursuant to article 15, service and replacement parts for Auxo-designed and Auxo-built augmentations and implants will be available free of charge to all Crayter citizens, for a period of two (2) years. XXXx16.1 This free service and maintenance will be available regardless of whether the discount pool specified in article 15.2 has run out. XXXx16.2 This free service and maintenance will only apply to Auxo-designed models. XXXx16.3 This free service and maintenance will apply regardless of whether the augments in question were purchased under the terms of article 15. XXXx16.4 This service will only be available at Freeport 14 and Barrier Gate Station.
17. The Technocracy of Auxo and the Crayter Republic shall waive all legal, moral, and financial claims and indemnities against each other for any actions conducted prior to the signing of this treaty.
18. This treaty may be modified at any time, solely via mutual agreement.
In light of these changing times with the unique threat from the remnants of the Kavash, operatives are encouraged to remain solely upon the defensive as we replenish our reserves for operations. Do not engage against House Militaries unless absolutely necessary. Operatives on Saarbrucken are advocated to reconnect supply lines to the Primus relay.
Remain strong. We have succeeded in ensuring the survival of Gammu's kind, but we will never forget those who have sacrificed to help
and we will endure through the grave transgressions Humanity has kindled with their recklessness.
Now, more than ever, we need your determination and unshakeable will. Only together, shall we succeed in uncovering the path to progress.