AGREEMENT: THE KEPLER ACCORDS Maltese Representative: Fiorella A. de Marco Xenos Representative: Damien Morreti
1. Introduction
The Kepler Accords is a preliminary trade agreement dealing with the Cardamine trade and other related matters between the interested families and clans of Malta, represented by Fiorella Arianna de Marco, and the Xenos Alliance cell from the LFR, represented by Commander Damien Morreti.
The agreement was verbally concluded on 11th of May, 829 A.S., and confirmed in writing on 16th of May, 829 A.S.
2. Contents of the Agreement
2.1. Mutual Non-Aggression
Both Parties shall cease offensive actions against each other and shall open fire against each other only in self-defence.
2.2. Trade Route
The trade route itself will run through California and Ontario to Ouray base in Colorado, where the cargo will be unloaded and resold to the Xenos for the final distribution.
2.3. Base Access
The Xenos bases, with the exception of Fontana Freeport, will remain inaccessible to Maltese ships at this early stage of the trade. Maltese freighters and their escorts directly involved in trade with Cardamine will have the necessary access to Ouray base in Colorado.
2.4. Cardamine Exclusivity
The Xenos pledge to be directly involved only in the distribution of Cardamine and not to serve as intermediaries for Malta's enemies, especially the Corsairs. This condition does not prohibit the Xenos from selling contraband obtained from destroyed or hijacked ships as this is not direct distribution, but a sale of the captured loot to fuel their further activities.
2.5. Dealing with Rivals
The Xenos pledge to disrupt the business activities of Malta's rivals, especially the Corsairs, and to suppress physical and economic influence in Liberty. The Xenos pledge to compete with their rivals so as not to disrupt the overall distribution and consumption of Cardamine.
3. Future of the Agreement
The Kepler Accords is currently only a preliminary agreement establishing the first economic ties between Malta and the Xenos, and may be superseded or supplemented by other agreements regulating relations as the importance of mutual trade grows and relations become more cordial.
4. Termination of the Agreement
The Kepler Accords may be cancelled by either or both parties and will terminate within seven days of notification.
Are the Lane Hackers, Rogues and Golden Chrysanthemum's aware?
One has never taken particular like nor dislike toward you, however the words on this contract betray the essence of what it means to be an Outcast.
The values one must hold to be of genuine appraisal are as follows;
Loyalty. Even in the face of certain death, one must remain loyal to Malta and her time served allies.
The Orange Dream Ensuring the safe passage of Cardimine via trusted hands.
These two are but two of many, but the ones I personally feel are violated here.
Allow me to elaborate.
Our Allies the Lane Hackers and Rogues have forever held the run of Liberty. They take Cardamine themselves and therefore can be fully trusted. Let's not also forget they have a from day one bond of trust.
Did it not occur to you that they make look upon this in poor light?
The Junkers as a whole do not take Cardamine, however they have always enjoyed the proffit's of hauling our goods every-which-way. They also have an eternity of proven trust behind them. They do however strongly dislike the Core for disrupting our shipments, as we should too, but that's another matter.
None of the above mentioned are those who have ever shot at us, with the exception of the Core.
Why on Malta have you sought to de-stabilize our biggest market in Liberty by trusting those who have always looked at us negatively and caused us issues over our trusted allies?
Please do explain, senorita..
Chenzo out.
Head in hand, expressions of anger and betrayal on his face, he end's the transmission
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Don Chenzo Subject: The Kepler Accords Esteemed Don Chenzo
I understand your concerns with the Kepler Accords - I will try to calm your worries with answers based on my findings when I was away in Sirius, and Liberty especially.
The Golden Chrysanthemums remain mostly untouched by this agreement as the situation in Liberty holds no direct consequence for them; their primary concern is Kusari, and that shall persist. I harbor significant doubts regarding the ambitions of the Liberty Rogues and even the Xenos to replace them in Kusari.
As for the Lane Hackers, their involvement is only partial. They do not partake in distribution of our Product, thus avoiding skirmishes with the Xenos for Cardamine. Their share, so to speak, is well secured as their services and technical prowess are irreplaceable for us.
In the case of the Liberty Rogues - while I do not wish to undermine the competence of a capable warlord with some loyalty to Malta, such as Hemlocke - their attacks on the Outcasts are unwarranted. The Maltese Legion managed to reprimand them for such actions, yet the possibility of recurrence cannot be discounted. Indeed, even my own vessel has faced threats on few occasions despite my polite demeanor.
The primary impetus for this agreement pertains to the Junkers, Don Chenzo. Their inability to secure Rochester, the most critical end-point of our distribution Network, coupled with their reluctance to permit the Liberty Rogues to fortify the station against Xeno raids, constituted a perilous concoction and they almost lost their station altogether.
Moreover, some of our intermediaries exhibit less than absolute loyalty when trading artifacts, inadvertently benefiting the Corsairs in their endeavors, even when opposed to our interests. Thus, they do not deserve Malta's loyalty in return until they change their ways significantly.
In this context, only the Golden Chrysanthemums demonstrate unwavering loyalty to us - and their place in our Network is ensured no matter what will eventually happen between Junkers and Xenos in Liberty.
If they were ever aware of these accords and that you are directly responsible I wouldn't blame them for wanting to shoot you, but actually do so? I don't believe it. Can you provide the details here?
We agree fully on our ladies of Kusari, that needs no addressing.
Please, share with me details of Rogues attacking our units?
Chenzo out.
clearly bewildered trying to take in the information, he end's the transmission
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Don Chenzo Subject: The Kepler Accords Esteemed Don Chenzo
I could, but perhaps the most persuasive approach would be to consult Signor De Luca of the Maltese Legion. He was their most recent target even before the deal with the Xenos was established, with his gunship coming under attack simply because they found him 'too annoying'.
We had grown weary of these repeated transgressions against us - whether they have been verbal threats, or in this case - an attempt to end De Luca's life.
Do you really believe that I was the only Outcast who considered dealing with the Xenos, Don Chenzo? I merely finished what Signora Valdez and her colleagues have started years ago.
Whilst I still find it hard to believe that Rogues would actually attack an Outcast, one of my transports most recently noted a hostile tone from them when delivering Caridamine to Liberty.
I will never support firing upon you or anyone else under our transponder, I can certainly understand why they would if they were aware of these accords.
Senorita, you'll have to forgive me. Whilst I am very confused and angry at the existence of this record, Your wording suggests that you're under trial of some form. Please rest assured you are not. I seriously doubt that any diplomatic doing on your part are done so as to intentionally harm Maltese interests.
I am, however bound by honour and trust. Our allies, the rogues and Hackers need to be made aware of the precise details that exist in these accords.
Also, troubling is the Rogues seem to have developed some form of issue with our sisters in Kusari, also.
I intend to roll all of these issues out. I'd like you to accompany me for this to take place. What do you think?
Chenzo out.
A much more pleasant expression on his face, he ends the transmission.
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Don Chenzo Subject: The Kepler Accords Esteemed Don Chenzo
I have found myself in similar situations many times since my early days with the Guardia Svizzera, so I am rather accustomed to this manner of communication. Nonetheless, I am relieved that we share the same perspective regarding any threats or dangers posed to our people's lives. Such actions are intolerable, and this is precisely why the Kepler Accords were established.
I believe there is no necessity for the Liberty Rogues or anyone else to be privy to the specifics of this agreement as it is between our organization and the Xeno Alliance, intended for our knowledge alone. Similarly, I would treat any agreements involving our other intermediaries and Malta as strictly confidential. The idea of making such details available to the Xenos, despite my diplomatic involvement with them, is beyond consideration.
As the Liberty Rogues are already informed about our dealings with the Xenos, it is likely that the Lane Hackers and perhaps the Junkers will become or already are aware of it too. Instead of releasing the full details of this agreement, I would find it more honorable to acknowledge its existence with candor should we be officially questioned about it. Only a bad liar persists with falsehoods even after they have been exposed.
Regarding the Golden Chrysanthemums, I inquired about the situation some time ago, yet I have yet to receive a response from them. Read-only details are attached below.
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Don Chenzo Subject: The Kepler Accords Esteemed Don Chenzo
I am not personally involved with the Xenos per se, so my familiarity with them is rather limited. However, I presume you are referring to the Xeno Alliance commander with whom I co-signed the Kepler Accords, am I correct?
I am - to a certain degree. He proves to be a rather useful source of information regarding Liberty and its culture.
It's safe to say that people I've spent decades shooting don't exactly hold the greatest of trust from me.
Those who have shot at our supplies and allies within liberty for as long as they have existed don't exactly yield the greatest of prospects.
I ask how deeply you are involved personally as I am trying to think of your motive to act so favourably to them. I've seen war's lost to a pretty face senorita.
As you have advised me prior in space, you own your Storta, but your trust overstepped by the Xeno's could see them attempting to recreate our technology which, lets be honest; isn't a good thing.
That's the least of my fears, put it that way too.
There are many different avenue's in which I don't like these Accords.
Senorita, please accept my thanks for sharing the accords with me in full detail, I've a copy of them.
Something else you mentioned in space most recently prior to our conversation that caused you to send me the accords. I wish to explore those Robotic cultivators you spoke of - You think you can begin importing on a mass scale?
I'm giving you a blank signed chequebook here if you're interested?
Chenzo out.
He nods gently once before he ends the transmission.