From: Coordinator Finnean MacRory of the Irregulars To: Med Force Enterprises leadership Point of origin: Planet New London Subject: Medical equipement and training Encrpytion key: ghj#a43&w
Greetings, friends,
I'm Finnean MacRory, and I'm contacting you today on behalf of the Irregulars. We're a small... right, I should probably cut you some slack with the sales pitch, since this isn't about our group's usual business. I'm sending you this message because I'm currently looking into a way to expand our operations, specificaly by obtaining a Bustard class carrier. The current plan is to comission the ship from Corfu base, though if you happen to know someone who has a Bustard for a sale I'd certainly be interested in it.
I know nothing I said so far doesn't explain why I'm reaching out specificaly to you, but I wanted to explain my reasoning so you know where my requests are coming from. You see, the reason I want to procure the carrier for our group is to expand our ability to get rare materials, specifically those from the 'recently' discovered "crossroad" system rumored to be only reachable with the help of Jump Drives. However, venturing into what I understand to be a wholy alien system, or group of systems, bares significant risks, risks which I would like to mitigate by equiping the carrier with a cutting edge medical facility. I'm certainly not planning to convert the whole ship into a full fledged mobile hospital, but having just your run-of-the-mill medical bay seems... irresponsible, especially when we're talking about such risky endeavours.
That's where you come in, provided you're willing to entertain my request. As far as I was able to determine, you have the best reputation when it comes to the medical field practiced in the edge regions of the sector. My questions to you are thus twofold. First, would you be willing to lend us your expertise in said field, when equiping the carrier with the medical facility? Second, would you be willing to give our people training in the specifics of mobile and space based medicine?
We are a reasonably large... well, organisation, but most of our activities and members are located planetside, with only a fraction of our people actually having any experience with space. I'm fairly confident we can find enough medical personel in our midst, who are dissatisfied with their current jobs and would love the change and challange, but their experience comes from planetside medical facilites. I think you'll agree with me practising medicine in private clinic and practicing it on a ship in the far reaches of space are two similar, yet entirely different things.
But I think I almost talked your ear off by now, so I'll cut the rest of it short. If you're interested in working with us on this project, let me know, so we can discuss the specifics, including the price you'd ask for providing us with your expertise.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta
To: Finnean MacRory
CC: Med Force Personnel
Greetings, Mr. MacRory,
It is a pleasure to meet you. I would be curious to know what business you are in so I do not mind if you continue your introduction. Perhaps in the future we can have a business arrangement. Time will tell.
First up, I am not much of an authority on ships as I am a doctor. A bustard? I do not know what one is nor do I know where you can get one. Perhaps one of my people reading this can better assist on that.
Now, medical training and the setting up of equipment....THAT I can help with. I can set you up with training here at the academy and even have a crew work with your people on ship for a time to get everyone up to speed on things. I also have engineers who are excellent at ship modification for medical purposes so yeah, I think we can definitely do something here.
Shall we meet and discuss it? I look forward to your response on this.
Dr. John Holliday
Med Force Enterprises
From: Coordinator Finnean MacRory of the Irregulars To: Dr. John Holliday Point of origin: Planet Sprague Subject: Medical equipement and training Encrpytion key: ghj#a43&w
Greetings, doctor,
yes I'll be more than happy to meet you and your people and discuss the project. When and where? We managed not to step on anyone's toes so far, so anywhere you choose ought to be fine for me.
As for what we do, well we're mostly traders and suppliers... and, yeah, smugglers, on occasion. We're a freelancer group, operating mostly out of New London. We can't really compete with the corpos like Bowex, Interspace or Dauman, so we specialise in getting people stuff they can't readilly access. To give an example, for you I'd guess it could be stuff produced in Liberty, since Zoners aren't exactly welcomed there.
That's pretty much the reason we'd like to get the Bustard. It's a civilian carrier ship, pretty much the largest ship someone unafilliated with any major party can get. It should be large enough to allow us the usage of Jump Drive, which in turns opens up the possibility for us to get the alien materials from the so called "uncharted" systems, which have been the latest greatest news if the "independent" newises are to be believed. There seems to be a market developing around them and we'd very much liked to be a part of it.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Retreat, Planet Erie
To: Finnean MacRory
CC: Med Force Personnel
Greeting again, Mr. MacRory,
Please forgive my delay as I had some business to deal with here on Planet Erie. I will be returning to to Omicron Theta within a few days but if you wish, we can meet somewhere along the way. I am open to whatever location is convenient for you. I have a small hospital in Omega 3 if you wish to meet there as I pass through the area on my way back. Let me know if this agreeable.
From: Coordinator Finnean MacRory of the Irregulars To: Dr. John Holliday Point of origin: Planet New London Subject: Medical equipement and training Encrpytion key: ghj#a43&w
Greetings, doctor,
Omega - 3 works just fine for me, and I think I know which instalaltion you are speaking about. I'll wait on the freeport until you're around, my first mate can run my ship without me for a few days. She needs the experience anyway and I could deffinitely use a few days off. Let me know when you're around.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Retreat, Planet Erie
To: Finnean MacRory
CC: Med Force Personnel
Greeting again, Mr. MacRory,
Sorry again for the delay. I will arrive in Omega 3 by day's end where I will set up the conference room at our station. It has been relocated into the asteroids behind Freeport 1 so it is a bit more quiet. I will send you a com once there.
From: Coordinator Finnean MacRory of the Irregulars To: Dr. John Holliday Point of origin: Planet New London Subject: Volunteers Encrpytion key: ghj#a43&w
Greetings, Doc,
I'm sorry for the silence but gathering our volunteers provided to be a bit more logisticaly challenging than I anticipated. Nevertheless, they are ready now, we'll just need to know where should we bring them.
Oh, and by the way, I have been informed my brother finaly managed to wire the donation I wanted to send, transfer receipt is in attachement in case you need it for your bookkeeping.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Retreat, Planet Erie
To: Finnean MacRory
CC: Med Force Personnel
Greetings, Finnean,
On behalf of Med Force Enterprises, I thank you for the donation. To your message, every credit gets put to good use and saves a life. This will be no different.
You can bring your volunteers to the Academy in Omicron Theta. We look forward to getting things started.