I shipped enough (as KTV-Izu.Maru) to qualify for a title, but I rather like my Cardamine Consigliere title. Anybody who would like the Paste Purveyor title can have it from me. Simply quote this message asking for it, and I will give you the title myself. First come, first served (try our new Strawberry Dreamsicle flavor!).
(11-14-2023, 04:55 PM)Prysin Wrote: Nice, one kill for Synth/Kishiro side + 108300 cargo delivered in total... very cool
I will save my "Get Pasted" and "Famine Forbidden" titles for later. Unless they can be easily selectable on my profile.
Ships in question:
Unfortunately they can't be changed by normal users (as far as I know), though perhaps Alex could do some forum magic to make it so. Nonetheless, if at any time you'd like to change titles, ask a moderator (or just PM me on Discord).
Fun event. Enjoyed watching some of the FA pirates come up with new ways to ambush traders. Ruined my day when a couple figured out I was using the NB>Stuttgart JH to avoid their blockades and come at the Planet from a different Lane.
I qualified for the Paste Purveyor title on my character Stellar.Express with 25k each way. But I think I'll save that for later (maybe) and keep my Cardamine Consigliere title for now.
Spiritual.Animal here, if I understand it right I should have claim for the Paste Purveyor title. Since I want to keep my current one, I'm going to do what others do and grant it to the first person who replies and quotes this message.
I am both Jordan_Long and Jordan.Long (I changed that character's name mid-event).
Collectively, I shipped 80,000 Robotics and 85,000 Synth Paste. If this qualifies me for Famine Forbidden, I would like that title please. If I only qualify for Paste Purveyor, I'll keep my current title please.