ATTN OF: ..........
Liberty Police
Liberty Government
SUBJECT: ..........
Base of Operations - New York System
Investigative Report
DSE|- (Deep Space Engineers) is seeking to reestablish its Head Quarters in New York.
We are currently looking at renting or buying established premises close to either Manhatten or Baltimore Shipyards. We are looking to purchase off Private owners or Government surplus.
It is not our intent to build immediately, and we are seeking to negotiate purchase of an established PoB.
In the mean time we note that the Albany Police Academy is in need of tenants. It has office space that we could lease for the time for us to set up operations. In return, we can not only pay you rent but also maintain the Academy at minimal costs. This would be beneficial for two reasons. A key asset is maintained and refurbished. The Government (LPI) gets a steady income. It will give us time to decide what and where we ultimately establish our HQ.
Please give this your considered attention. The benefits are evident.
From: Marshall Ken Luxor To: Hunter, DSE Subj: Office space aboard Albany
Good day,
I am Marshall Luxor of the Liberty Police, Inc. your proposal is looking favorably. We have had some budget concerns and it has affected our ability to maintain Albany to its fullest capabilities. Draw up an agreement and I will bring it up to the Commissioner. As per your other request, The Liberty Government will require a license request when you do eventually wish to set up your own base. I doubt they have the time to respond to your current inquiry at this moment. Take care.
In Service to the Republic of Liberty
Marshall Luxor, Blackwatch Fleet
Liberty Police, Inc.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
ATTN OF: ..........
Marshall Ken Lexor
Liberty Police, Inc.
SUBJECT: ..........
Office Space on Albany Police Academy
DSE| Proposal
Thank you for responding so promptly. Bodes well for good workable synergy.
Our needs are simple. As is our proposal which will mutually benefit both LPI and ourselves.
DSE| will take over the day-to-day operation of the facility of Albany including the supply of trained and experienced crew, maintenance, and administration.
All costs, in lieu of rent, will be borne at our expense. Any funds in the "bank" are to be removed by LPI and an operating budget owned by DSE|- to be deposited, with a minimum balance of 50,000,000 SC at all times.
LPI has full ownership and the right to terminate the agreement at its discretion at any time with two weeks' notice. Albany Poice Acadamy is to be returned to its original structure unless agreed upon by both parties.
DSE| as the tenant has access to Albany's secondary password and is able to store supplies as required.
DSE| avows to make no changes to the present internal structure/s. Any extension or addition to the facilities such as extra storage or upgrades to be discussed with LPI and costs are to be borne by DSE|.
As we noted that Albany was requiring some maintenance, we took the opportunity to supply one of our best crew and started to do what we do best. A token of our respect for the law and as good citizens of Liberty.
I hope this is found favourable to yourself Marshall Lexor.
From: Marshall Ken Luxor To: Hunter, DSE Subj: Office space aboard Albany
Good day,
I believe we have ourselves a deal I will have one of my officers hand deliver the secondary password as soon as possible. I look forward to working with you and your company.
In Service to the Republic of Liberty
Marshall Luxor, Blackwatch Fleet
Liberty Police, Inc.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
ATTN OF: ..........
Marshall Ken Lexor
Liberty Police, Inc.
SUBJECT: ..........
Office Space on Albany Police Academy
DSE| Proposal
We are in accord. One thing, for effective management, and regarding our agreement, I would like to increase the storage at Albany Police Academy. This is a simple and uncomplicated addition, at our expense. It would give more flexibility to our internal operation without infringing on the Academy's ability to function as such.
If this is in agreement, DSE| would begin construction once the secondary password is handed on. Perhaps a personal mail to myself as CEO, to our encrypted portal?
ATTN OF: ..........
Marshall Ken Lexor
Liberty Police, Inc.
SUBJECT: ..........
For your interest.
DSE|= Progress Update.
Things are progressing very smoothly. We have established a crack station repair crew, and Albany PA is fast approaching 75% of structural strength requirements. This from less than 40% just a week ago.
All DSE|= craft have docked and pilots and crew are comfortably housed in new billets. We increased the docking area by 40,000 Cubic metres to accommodate the Hawker Hunter - our largest ship - Barge class: Type 1.
DSE|=, as you know, is a Franchised operation and we - the combined owners/operators - unanimously thank LPI for the opportunity to reestablish ourselves after recent disastrous events in Bretonia. We are grateful for our new base of operations.
ATTN OF: ..........
Marshall Ken Lexor
Liberty Police, Inc.
SUBJECT: ..........
Mission Accomplished
DSE|= Progress Update.
This is to inform you that Albany Police Academy is now fully repaired as of an hour ago.
A huge effort by the team!
All systems are optimum and continuously monitored. Provisions for life support are more than adequate and regular schedules are in place.
DSE|= appreciates having a base of operations once again as it seeks to rebuild after the devastating and dastardly destruction of our HQ, Old Trafford by the Bretonian Armed Forces.
We will give updates 6 monthly unless required otherwise.
From: Chief of Police Ken Luxor To: Hunter, DSE Subj: Updates
Good day,
I am pleased to see you are liking the new accommodations and I am glad you are able to manage all the upkeep. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Every six months seems fine to us, but please dont hesitate to reach out privately should anything be needed.
In Service to the Republic of Liberty
Chief of Police, Blackwatch Fleet
Liberty Police, Inc.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel