(11-21-2023, 09:43 PM)St.Denis Wrote: Mining dying a death. A lot of Bases were used as a hub for Miners to drop Ore and Haulers to pick it up and transport it to wherever. Quite a few were 'non-profit' making Bases ie, the Miner sold to the Base for a price and the Haulers buying for the same price. The Base Owner picking up the tab for the upkeep.
Now Ores aren't worth hauling as the Refined Goods are the 'new' ore.
This describes myself as a player explicitly.
And it's something which as a player who has RPed as a metal and ores hauler, (since WAY before it was cool and profitable) I find especially distressing.
I was initially excited about the coming of refineries, but their current implementation is 'meh...' at best. And I would think that a long time player specializing in ore & metals holding this opinion might be a bit of a telling oPiNIoN?
Barge was hard nerfed and a large amount of pob owners (me incl) used them to supply their pobs, especially lawful pobs suffer massively from this.
Crazy increased prices to supply base as Denis mentioned.
Insane grind for codenames with the uncharted goods, especially BS weapons. They also continued to make it more difficult by disallowing f1ing in Earhart. Do they think they are running 255/255 players like before? Few people will do this grind, and those that do will burn out.
So here's the thing, I LOVE PoBs... but there were way, way, to many of them all over the place serving no purpose other than as a vanity item for long time or wealthy players. I like that they take much more effort to maintain, and that the clutter is clearing out. It makes the market and economy better for the PoBs that are active.
Admittedly the current PoB economy-system is definitely in need of some major fine-tuning, especially in the areas of PoB upkeep cost (effort required good, insane budget upkeep not so good compared to the output) and mining viability, but keep in mind that this system is also brand new. I really enjoy the general direction they had in mind.
Fewer more-actively maintained PoBs is better than a larger number of abandoned ones.
(11-22-2023, 05:12 AM)Valdorel Wrote: So here's the thing, I LOVE PoBs... but there were way, way, to many of them all over the place serving no purpose other than as a vanity item for long time or wealthy players.
Fewer more-actively maintained PoBs is better than a larger number of abandoned ones.
List the ones you think are vanity POBs and the abandoned ones and tell us why. Prove they are abandoned.
(11-22-2023, 05:12 AM)Valdorel Wrote: So here's the thing, I LOVE PoBs... but there were way, way, to many of them all over the place serving no purpose other than as a vanity item for long time or wealthy players.
Fewer more-actively maintained PoBs is better than a larger number of abandoned ones.
List the ones you think are vanity POBs and the abandoned ones and tell us why. Prove they are abandoned.
Well, I partially agree with Valdorel. At least in a sense, that more concentrated POB count would mean better supplies, better defenses. For example NY system has 8 legal POBs (Not counting Novi Plant with pirate IFF that RPed to be Cryer POB). Now imagine if there were only two POBs instead of eight. That means there are more suppliers per POB, more defenders per POB. Not to mention less stress on server calculations.
But that would be hard because being cooperative in a multiplayer game is hard for players.
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I don't quite understand the problem with having fewer PoBs. It's a natural reaction to the changing economy, where ores are no longer the only proper way to make money (= therefore, the need to store so much ore has decreased). I myself have let two PoBs 'rot' because I simply had no use for them.
Currently, I make money through relatively normal commodities all over Sirius, whereas before patch 5.0, I practically shuttled diamonds and/or iridium as DHC / transported Helium-Helium-3 as Bristol, and these three trade routes already required 6-10 PoBs to be viable.
I don't quite understand the problem with having fewer PoBs.
There is no problem with fewer POBs.
There is a problem with demolishing people's beloved projects they poured lots of creativity and time into. Be it POB, roleplay character that happens to share a name with some guy in some movie nobody watched, or other.
There is an even bigger problem with doing so for no good reason.
The biggest problem of all, however, is that it almost seems as if not "quite understanding" something like this (more like, not caring enough for players to bother and try and understand it) is a prerequisite for being lifted into to glorious position of decision-making disco staff.