Avalanche actually made this, he didn't find it. The jist of it is that he re-recorded footage in higher resolution and with the help of BC46 (the developer of Freelancer HD Edition, which he recorded the new footage on) upscaled the developer footage. The old video was really crunchy.
(11-30-2023, 04:04 PM)pillow Wrote: Avalanche actually made this, he didn't find it. The jist of it is that he re-recorded footage in higher resolution and with the help of BC46 (the developer of Freelancer HD Edition, which he recorded the new footage on) upscaled the developer footage. The old video was really crunchy.
Thanks Pillow. Mainly made it to send to Microsoft employees but I liked the end result so much I wanted to share it here. Here's the original to see what's changed v.s. the new version