First off, I don't think it's fair to treat a single Outcast a way because the rest of his kind act a certain way. And he saved multiple lives that day, not just mine. Oh, and I'm not "conspiring." I'm just trying to point out that not all unlawfuls are incapable of doing good.
Second, I'm saddened to report that the LSF gunboat Joe.Hooper (or something like that) went rogue and destroyed an independent trader with a malfunctioning IFF transponder with no warning or notice at all. The gunboat refused to surrender or even respond to the hails of both myself and a ranking LSF officer and was terminated. It is unknown whether the crew survived.
First off, I don't think it's fair to treat a single Outcast a way because the rest of his kind act a certain way. And he saved multiple lives that day, not just mine. Oh, and I'm not "conspiring." I'm just trying to point out that not all unlawfuls are incapable of doing good.
[Inbound Transmission]
~Lt. Commander Jack Malrone. >Jose Marti.
Officer Kaz,
Just yesterday the Outcast in question aggressively destroyed LSF agent Duke Nukem without hesitating.
I'm sure there's a famous quote for this, however - One good deed doesn't make up for numerous evil deeds this man has committed.
That being said, if you can provide proof of his "good deeds", he may become useful as a double agent, of sorts. Granted permission from High Command, once proof has been transmitted, a deal may be able to be made with this Outcast.
Just yesterday the Outcast in question aggressively destroyed LSF agent Duke Nukem without hesitating.
Lt. Commander Jack Malrone
==INCOMING TRANSMISSION== From: Kazinsal RE: Jose Marti
The man shot down Duke?? He must pay....
I apologize for the inconveniences, sir. I will disregard his "buddy buddy" friendly communcation if I see him.
On another (unrelated) note, there have been RM ships flying through Liberty and collecting data for transmission back to New Berlin unharmed. There was, however, an incident in Ontario yesterday where a Rheinland gunship opened fire on Officer Private Dice near planet Huron. We were forced to destroy him and all hands were lost in a massive wave of antimatter... I believe we must step up security in Liberty to prevent this from happening. They undoubtedly enter from Texas, which, if I am correct, used to be blockaded.
Greetings, busy day today in Liberty. Same minute i departed i had tons of transmissions comming my way about reports of pirating , destruction and usual stuff in Liberty. I managed to respond on some of those calls first one was near FB two hostile ships pirating. Rogue Falcata and one more Broadsword were already shooting at unknown ship that got destroyed before i came near them. We engaged and soon both of them got destroyed with help of Freelancer Cristoph.
After that i scrolled other calls , most of them came from California so we went there. In lane Sabre with Liberty Police officers refused to release them engaged and he got shot down with help of Bounty hunter Silverwing.
Then Freelancer again joined me and he started looking for Rogues, there were couple of reports of them and soon he found them and we moved to position and engage. But we didnt have luck there. We called for one more bomber but everyone got shot down in the end. Not sure did we caused any damage to Rogues.
Greetings,interesting day in Liberty. I got report about Rheinland ship wandering in Liberty, i departed and joined with LSF officers. We moved to location of Rhienland ship, It was their Battleship. He was already under fire of Rogues and some other pirates there and we joined. Battleship went down fast and after that pirates left too. We continued to patrol around. We found two smugglers full of artifacts both refused to drop their cargo and got destroyed in the end. Then some bounty hunter decides to try and take nomad parts from one of our Navy bombers. After Navy pilot refused to hand over nomad parts to hunter he engaged. Hunter took down bomber and took nomad parts and tried to escape. We tried to arrest him but he refused and we engaged. He shot down one more bomber before we got him. We managed to take some pictures with out brand new ship/gun cam.
Comm ID: Dr. Perry Karvinian
To: Naval Action Reports
ID Trace: Juneau Shipyards, Alaska
Ensign Karvinian reporting my patrol in the classified Alaska and Zone 21 areas. I was a bit surprised at the frequency of smugglers and general populous that think that Alaska is some sort of highway to places unknown. A Zoner gunboat, I only assume the gunboat was named after the offender, Kyle Carter came out of Alaska, precipitating the need for some sort of Jumphole or other way of entering the forbidden system.
I eventually managed to discern where the gunboat came from, indeed my Navy access showed a "Trans-Alaska Corridor" that runs through the system and ends at a highly unstable jumphole on the other end. Along the way I encountered the terrorist organization "The Order," but even though my computer told me they were highly unpredictable and ruthless, the individuals I met were generally talkative and left me alone, for now.
My crew and I aboard the Creve Coeur hastily found the jumphole, and after scanning the anomaly, proceeded to carefully navigate through it, coming out into another system that was strangely similar to Alaska. I quickly ordered a general ping of the area and started to do a little exploring, finding even more unstable jumpholes. My actions were soon noticed by the Order, as they had a considerable presence in this unknown system. My two "friends" that I had encounter in Alaska had managed to follow me, no doubt they have a base somewhere in system.
Eventually, my scans picked up a familiar scent and I encountered it. Inside an area totally devoid of asteroids I encountered a pristine version of the large device I had found in Coronado, however as I was scanning and generally trying to figure out what it was, an Order pilot that I had met earlier in Alaska found me and proceeded to interrupt my scans. What happened next, I'm still reeling from, the device was activated somehow and locked on with the same tractorbeam that had trapped me before in Coronado, except this time - instead of nearly killing my crew and I - a stable wormhole formed inside the device and shot me through one of the most unstable jumps I think I've ever had the misfortune of going through.
When we reached the event horizon at the terminus, my Mammoth-class ship was heavily damaged, however as I was issuing orders and generally trying to get the engines back online, my crew froze and stared out the portholes. I joined them and witnessed something I don't think I'll ever forget - we were next to a planet that was orbiting some sort of extra-system ... "wall" is the best word I can come up with. However, everything on the outside of the Coeur was down, including guncams and scanners which is why there is no visual record of my patrol today.
Unfortunately, before we could get our external equipment back online a ... very large Order fleet emerged out of the alien device and negotiated our way out of the system and back into Liberty-controlled space.
As soon as the repairs and upgrades I have requisitioned from Juneau are complete, I would like to request a follow-up mission with an escort of Navy personnel in order to have a chance to study the alien devices without interruptions. The repairs to the Creve Coeur will take time, as the damage to the external equipment was extensive. (Although no actual shots were fired from any Order ships)
I request a green light to continue my research, as well as a green light for assignment of an escort and supplies.
Perry Out.
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."
Greetings, my apologies for the lack of reports as of late, I have been rather busy with overseeing some of the modifications to the Raleigh. My report is as follows:
I made an emergency takeoff as reports of an Outcast fleet was sighted outside Manhattan. Arayas Blade, Joe Young, Kyle Clark and I all in bombers long with Inspector Trace Whitney and Daemon in gunboats, and Will Clayton in a fighter, and some peciular civilians arrived and we began our defense. The gunboat [FFS]_Pacificator_[WG] fell to the combined supernova torpedo fire from Blade, Young and I.
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#FF0000]High ENCRYPTION:High COMM ID:Fleet Admiral Hale TARGET ID:Captain Curtis Elwood. SUBJECT:Redeployment.
Elwood, this is of the highest importance, and I need my orders followed to the letter. The Carson City is to be redeployed to Alaska immediately. I hate to move ships away from the front line, but needs must...
Please have the Carson City moored with Juneau shipyards by 2300 hours SMT tonight.
We have been picking up some strange readings from the galactic west of the system, and I need the Carson to check it out. The scanning equipment on board will be modified on Juneau before you move out. We have reason to believe the contact isn't human in origin, so please be careful, and avoid combat if you can.
We have also been noticing increasing order activity in the area, and I am requesting you and your crew do what you can to keep their noses out of whatever it is. The Order must not get involved in this.
As for more details, we will meet on Juneau tomorrow at 1500 hours SMT and we can discuss this at greater length when I see you in person.
[font=Georgia]Good day Admiral. As ordered, the Carson City will be deployed to the Alaska System, and furthermore, I shall be reporting for duty on the dot, 2300 hours SMT, tonight.
For the advanced scanning however, The Carson City will need a refitting in terms of the scanner array, for extra strength devoted to the sensor boosters, which I'm sure Juneau Shipyards will be able to provide. As ordered, Recon will be highest priority, with guns on standby for self defence.
I Look forward to our meeting with anticipation, Admiral. till then, Fly safe.
'ello Liberty Navy, i want to make a complaint. As you know my famille and me are usually carrying Military Vehicles from Fort Severn to New 'ampshire.
Today my cousin Henry was locked inside Fort Severn by 3 Outcast ships.
I asked for 'elp in New York where at least two LN ships and one LSF ship and a police ship 'ave been available.
But absolutely no one cared for my distress call or even responded.
I really dont understand this and so want to know why no one answered. Is it that Ontario is to far away?
Best Regards!
Fleur Dupont
Ps: I 'ope it is ok if i say that 'ere in your message board.