RECIPIENT: All Raptors - CC : Admiralty
SUBJECT: Operation Hammerfall
Salutations All Raptors and Admiralty,
Good day to all Raptors and Admiralty,
I have been informed that stage 2 of Operation Hammerfall has been approved by the High Command, and will now include Raptor participation.
All Raptor operatives will be briefed today at 1400 hours and assemble in the main briefing room to iron out our participation in this operation.
It is now time to re assign some of our Raptor protocols to move more inline with the main fleet and give them support within house space, as ONI are busy elsewhere.
We will also work closely with Viper squad who will assist us with Bomber support, which could be essential to the overall operation.
As your commander, I will be highly active with other operatives participating in this operation and also assessing everyone as we proceed through this phase in preparation for the next phase.
We will be initiating this phase of our part of the operation once the briefing has been given to you all.
SENDER: Commodore - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer CC : All Armada Divisions and Command Ranks
Salutations Admiral and all Command staff,
Yesterday evening a very large force of Secondary navy vessels, Aegis| Bounty Hunters and 1st Armada operatives, launched a highly skiiled assault against the Auxesians and their lapdogs.
Aegis| operatives made their way to vespucci to meet the hostiles head on, after their Installation had been destroyed by combine forces some time earlier.
Naval assets and others waited for the Aegis| operatives to give us the all clear to enter Vespucci, after they found the hostiles camped around Luxury Liner Barbados, which was a very scum type move and also putting the Liner in danger.
But I can safely say that our combined forces managed to repel and destroy all hostiles and make the Liner safe from harm.
For these scumbags to actually use a Civilian Liner as a shield, is absoluyely diabolical and down right cowardly. The combined operation was a massive success and the 1st Armada will be thanking the Aegis| operatives for their valued help and have also rewarded them for their work.
Raptors and Vipers have been deployed today and have been active in various sorties today and making sure that there is no suspicious activity within the systems we are monitoring.
All operatives so far have excelled themselves in this operation and I am sure there will be more promotions on the way for everyones efforts.
SENDER: Commodore - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer CC : All Armada Divisions and Command Ranks
SUBJECT: Addtional assets request
Salutations Admiral and all Command staff,
Yesterday evening, was to say the least quiet,
Until some activity was spotted in the Kansas and surrounding systems.
Naval assets from the Armada and also secondary additional assets, gathered at Quantum Outpost were attacked by a sizeable force.
Under command of 1st|LNS-Overlord our heavy assets engaged targets, but their numbers were much greater than ours and ships were taking critical damage very quickly, so we had to retreat from the area.
The vessels involved in the attack seemed to come from various areas of the system, which would suggest they are moving from various locations.
I am requesting all commanders to assign assets within the following systems...
Texas, California, Pennsylvania, and assets from Raptor squad have already been assigned to vespucci and informed NOT to engage any hostiles within the system.
Heavy assets and support vessels will be placed in all of these systems to cut off any reinforcements or movement from them to Kansas.
I will personally oversee the operation from the Liberty assault carrier Argonaute, and will ensure all entry points are covered, and made inpenetrable.
All heavy assets will be moved immediately and all commanders will be briefed at 1200 hours today in the main briefing room ready for the additional operation protocols.
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Vespucci
RECIPIENT: The Armada, Commodore Harrison
SUBJECT: Approach
Officers, heroes,
Put simply, we have won, we have achieved our primary objectives. With destruction of the Technocracy installation we have not only destroyed their Texas invasion launching pad, struck a fatal blow to their logistical operations, but we have sent a strong message. Our enemies now know that they are not safe, that they cannot attempt to annex territory and invade our house space without a serious response.
Our press release will be going out shortly. For our strategy going forward - Commodore Harrison's approach is ideal - the Coalition, Zoner, Insurgency, Technocracy axis is scattered yet still present. Outside of large scale engagements and strikes, gathering intelligence is now our primary objective after defeating them head on in Kansas and Vespucci - we must find out where they are hiding if they are still capable of having a significant presence, while we still have the opportunity.
We know Kansas, we know Vespucci, our units are used to operating there, even moreso than most of our enemies outside the Insurgency remnants. After they have inevitably scattered and left the systems following our victories we might have to wait years for another chance like this, to strike them in the open, to weaken their numbers, to deter them from even considering future strikes and invasions against our core worlds.
Find out where they are, where they are hiding, and be ready to concentrate firepower in the one place that we know is their target - the Quantum Outpost.
Blake Wayne Van Leer - Admiral of the Armada - 1st Armada
SENDER: Ens. Matt Cooper
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: The First Armada
I was on evening patrol duty today in New York system, around Norfolk. While I was on my way to the Fort Bush, I came across a Samura ID'd vessel coming through Texas Jumpgate. As usual I was just about to initiate a cargo scan so I sent a message, but the Samura vessel went straight to the nearest trade lane, a breach of law 5; obstruction of justice. I went after the vessel but my trade lane had some issues so I had to drop out. But I was able to initiate a last second scan and found a hold full of illegal Artifacts, which is a breach of law 1.1; illegal commodities. I've added the scan log as evidence.
While on Patrol, I came across an Technocracy AI vessel around West Point, which I tried to stop at first but of course it ran away to California Jump Gate when it saw me. I was on pursuit but some Xeno vessels distrupted the lanes before I completed my pursuit. I have added the camera logs to the patrol log.
SENDER: Commodore - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer CC : All Armada Divisions and Command Ranks
SUBJECT: Operation Hammerfall update
Salutations Admiral and all Command staff,
Once again we have had incursions by Technocrat vessels within Liberty,
Our latest sighting was by Ensign Matt Cooper, who has shown a great deal of promise as he continues to grow in confidence.
Also again regarding Hammerfall operational status, which is still green, and Raptor assets have been recalled from certain areas and reassigned new orders by Vanguard.
We are now focusing our efforts within all systems bordering our most important facilities and areas. We can also expect more incursions from the Technocrats, seeing as their focus is away from kansas now, and the loss of Quantum Outpost, was to say the least very upsetting for all involved.
All assets will be updated regularly and operational status changed as it is needed.
SENDER: Commodore - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer CC : All Armada Divisions and Command Ranks
SUBJECT: Operation Hammerfall Stage-2
Salutations Admiral and all Command staff,
With operation Hammerfall into its second stage we are now concentrating most of our efforts on two particular systems within Liberty.
Technocrat forces seem to have eased off from entering Liberty, after there were threee confirmed and reported sightings. Also with the fact that they are making incursions within our House, it is now time to be vigilant and aware that they must not get any sort of continuous activity within our area of operations.
Heavy assets are already en route to the two systems that are marked for extra patrols and protection.
Vanguard has already had some success with the Raptor operation, and will be making sure that every vessel within Liberty who is stopped and scanned will have a report issued to the Admiralty, so as to ensure we keep better track of all traffic that is monitored.
As the operation develops deeper there will be more asset requirement, and if the time arises, there will be certain lockdown procedures incurred on all vessels travelling in and out of various systems.
Salutations esmteemed Admiral,
As ordered by high command, today I was stationed in the California system to patrol the area. Lanes were clear and there was no sign of enemy activity in the area as it was expected to be, however, something else caught my eye today, a single Cryer transport leaving Liberty space. I felt there was something suspicious about it and I decided to check out. Indeed I wasn't wrong at all, Captain of Cryer transport designated RON.BOYD, was caught transporting something we were not supposed to, we are talking about Black Market Pharmaceuticals. Transport was stopped and my investigation has begun. He had pretty solid and logical arguments about it however he had nothing that was backing up his claim, still I couldn't just let him pass like it was nothing. Still being a Cadet on my first day I could not risk doing things I might not be supposed to do. So I contacted Lieutenant Knight Black to assist me with this investigation. In the end, Cryer Captain was fined according to Liberty laws for possession of restricted cargo without proper paperwork. However I'm kindly asking you to flag this captain in our databases in case he tries it again, Im not certain he is just recovering those goods to be reprocessed.
Attached are the black box record cargo manifest and the identity of this Captain.
[01.12.2023 10:49:54] Ron.Boyd: Another day at the office.
[01.12.2023 10:49:59] 1st|John.Jink: Greetings
[01.12.2023 10:50:12] 1st|John.Jink: You wont mind if I scan your cargo real quick
[01.12.2023 10:50:29] 1st|John.Jink: Cut your engines, prepare for inspection
[01.12.2023 10:50:34] Ron.Boyd: We're clean.
[01.12.2023 10:50:46] 1st|John.Jink: Ill be judge of that
[01.12.2023 10:51:06] 1st|John.Jink: Black Market Pharmacuticals
[01.12.2023 10:51:15] Ron.Boyd: Stolen Cryer goods
[01.12.2023 10:51:18] 1st|John.Jink: That doesnt seem clean to
[01.12.2023 10:51:35] 1st|John.Jink: That story is not convincing me at all
[01.12.2023 10:51:52] 1st|John.Jink: I would like to know if you have any permission of carring it?
[01.12.2023 10:51:55] Ron.Boyd: You mean the Cryer captain, carrying goods stolen from Cryer...
[01.12.2023 10:52:19] Ron.Boyd: We have to take these to Atka for proper handling.
[01.12.2023 10:52:33] 1st|John.Jink: Let me do some checks stand by
[01.12.2023 10:54:29] 1st|John.Jink: Unfortunatly captain today for you isnt a good day... Your cargo does not check, I would ask you kindly to drop it
[01.12.2023 10:55:14] 1st|John.Jink: Im asking you kindly to comply, drop that cargo
[01.12.2023 10:55:32] Ron.Boyd: You mean to tell me that recovered stolen goods, in the hands of its rightful producers, on its way...
[01.12.2023 10:55:45] Ron.Boyd: to be processed, is contraband.
[01.12.2023 10:56:01] 1st|John.Jink: I gave you the lawful order, please comply
[01.12.2023 10:56:02] Ron.Boyd: They are black market because they are stolen and bootlegged from Cryer.
[01.12.2023 10:56:16] 1st|John.Jink: We will take care of that
[01.12.2023 10:56:22] Ron.Boyd: I work for Cryer, these have to be safely handled by...
[01.12.2023 10:57:22] 1st|John.Jink: Captain, dont make this hard for me, please comply with orders given, otherwise you are forcing my hand
[01.12.2023 10:57:59] Aliado's crew met their end thanks to =NWI=CPW-C11-ZhongWei (79%)
[01.12.2023 10:58:11] Ron.Boyd: Forcing your hand? This needs to be taken to Atka for a detailed analysis. Syracuse can't admit this even exists.
[01.12.2023 10:58:19] Ron.Boyd: Or I wouldn't even be here.
[01.12.2023 10:58:29] 1st|John.Jink: That goods needs to be destroyed.
[01.12.2023 10:59:09] Ron.Boyd: They need to be taken to Atka to be reconstructed.
[01.12.2023 10:59:27] 1st|John.Jink: Im sure they do, but I got my orders
[01.12.2023 10:59:53] 1st|John.Jink: You can always file a complain with gouverment
[01.12.2023 11:00:02] Ron.Boyd: Please no, not paperwork.
[01.12.2023 11:00:36] 1st|John.Jink: Those are the chooses, comply or this time I will use the lethal force!
[01.12.2023 11:00:50] 1st|John.Jink: Your call Captain
[01.12.2023 11:00:56] Ron.Boyd: Hold up. Stop and think for about ten seconds.
[01.12.2023 11:01:12] Ron.Boyd: These are tagged as black market because some criminals stole them and filed the serial numbers off.
[01.12.2023 11:01:30] 1st|John.Jink: Major reason to be disposed properly off
[01.12.2023 11:01:36] Ron.Boyd: Yet they are returned safely to their manufacturer, who is taking them home to be processed.
[01.12.2023 11:01:51] 1st|John.Jink: Still serial number will be missing\
[01.12.2023 11:02:03] Ron.Boyd: They get re-processed and new serial numbers applied.
[01.12.2023 11:02:18] Tip: Many commands have an alternate short form for ease of use, e.g. /gc can be used instead of /givecash. Check /help for the complete list.
[01.12.2023 11:02:31] Ron.Boyd: The chemists have to know what's salvageable.
[01.12.2023 11:02:38] 1st|John.Jink: I understand your point of view, please understand mine
[01.12.2023 11:02:39] Ron.Boyd: Blowing it all up is a waste.
[01.12.2023 11:03:09] Ron.Boyd: Look, were I a Junker, or a freelancer, or even a Zoner, sure, the ship got them nefariously.
[01.12.2023 11:03:21] Ron.Boyd: But this is legitimate asset recovery.
[01.12.2023 11:04:00] 1st|John.Jink: Orders still stand! By laws of Liberty goverment it is considered illegal and destruction is a way to deal with it
[01.12.2023 11:05:18] 1st|John.Jink: Well, you leave me no other chose unfortunately Captain.
[01.12.2023 11:05:24] Ron.Boyd: I'd be careful of...
[01.12.2023 11:05:47] 1st|John.Jink: Well lets do it like this, before doing anything Ill call my supervisor
[01.12.2023 11:06:10] Ron.Boyd: Why don't we turn around, head back to Los Angeles, and let our bosses talk to each other?
[01.12.2023 11:06:38] 1st|John.Jink: Tell your boss to come here, my supervisor is on route
[01.12.2023 11:07:09] Ron.Boyd: My boss sits in an office, the company won't cover travel.
[01.12.2023 11:07:22] 1st|Knight.Black: greetings office
[01.12.2023 11:07:25] 1st|John.Jink: Pleasure to see you Lieutenant
[01.12.2023 11:07:41] Ron.Boyd: New lad?
[01.12.2023 11:07:53] 1st|Knight.Black: civilian transport you do understand why you are being stopped right
[01.12.2023 11:08:06] 1st|John.Jink: Unfortunately Captain here does not understand laws
[01.12.2023 11:08:13] Ron.Boyd: Yes, a minor technicality.
[01.12.2023 11:08:38] 1st|Knight.Black: drop the cargo immediately these cargo are straight violation to liberty code of laws
[01.12.2023 11:08:43] Ron.Boyd: This vessel is engaged in asset recovery, we...
[01.12.2023 11:08:53] 1st|John.Jink: As I explained to him carring Black Market stuff is in clear violation of Liberty laws
[01.12.2023 11:08:55] Ron.Boyd: It is illegal because it's stolen goods.
[01.12.2023 11:09:02] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: |>R<|T-Vulcan
[01.12.2023 11:09:04] Ron.Boyd: But they are back in the hands of their manufacturer.
[01.12.2023 11:09:29] Ron.Boyd: We are attempting to move them to a facility to have them restored to legitimate pharma.
[01.12.2023 11:09:33] 1st|Knight.Black: do you have papers for the same
[01.12.2023 11:09:46] Ron.Boyd: Do you want me to push my work orders against my window?
[01.12.2023 11:09:57] 1st|Knight.Black: we still need to see the papers if what you claim is true
[01.12.2023 11:10:13] 1st|Knight.Black: what is your heading
[01.12.2023 11:10:26] Ron.Boyd: Either Atka or Cambridge Research Station.
[01.12.2023 11:10:46] Ron.Boyd: You're not likely to have heard of Atka, it's on the other end of Sirius.
[01.12.2023 11:11:19] 1st|John.Jink: Even if he was for some reason, I got no paperwork to legitimise that
[01.12.2023 11:11:21] 1st|Knight.Black: you still need to pay the fine for the same and your cargo and you will be escorted out liberty space
[01.12.2023 11:11:43] Ron.Boyd: You mean I just go through the Gate.
[01.12.2023 11:11:48] Ron.Boyd: Not much of an escorting out.
[01.12.2023 11:11:55] 1st|Knight.Black: you pay the mine first
[01.12.2023 11:12:20] 1st|Knight.Black: 300000 credits for moving of illegal goods in liberty space
[01.12.2023 11:12:33] Ron.Boyd: A Cryer captain is being fined for the possession of stolen Cryer goods.
[01.12.2023 11:12:40] Ron.Boyd: *the sound of a drink being spat out*
[01.12.2023 11:12:42] 1st|Knight.Black: show us the papers then
[01.12.2023 11:12:56] Ron.Boyd: Sure, I'm pressing them against my window right now.
[01.12.2023 11:12:59] 1st|Knight.Black: go through the official channels
[01.12.2023 11:13:18] 1st|Knight.Black: we have no confirmation of any cryer shipments passing out of liberty
[01.12.2023 11:13:47] 1st|Knight.Black: you unfortunatley you are still suspicious of smuggling illegal goods
[01.12.2023 11:13:58] 1st|Knight.Black: so fine is imposed on you
[01.12.2023 11:14:07] 1st|Knight.Black: 300000 sc
[01.12.2023 11:14:14] 1st|Knight.Black: do you comply
[01.12.2023 11:14:32] Ron.Boyd: Hold on, I'm dialing my legal counsel.
[01.12.2023 11:14:42] 1st|John.Jink: Thats why I called you here lieutenant, he wasnt displaying any papers or anything that will legitimise his claim
[01.12.2023 11:14:53] 1st|Knight.Black: great work cadet holding him
[01.12.2023 11:15:05] Ron.Boyd: Next time, I'll hot-glue them to my cargo pods.
[01.12.2023 11:15:06] 1st|John.Jink: Im just doing my duty sir
[01.12.2023 11:15:15] Ron.Boyd: And he isn't picking up.
[01.12.2023 11:15:19] 1st|Knight.Black: next time move through offiial channels
[01.12.2023 11:16:32] 1st|Knight.Black: so civilian transport do you comply
[01.12.2023 11:16:37] 1st|John.Jink: Lieutenat did he at least complied with your request, because I feel like he is staling this all
[01.12.2023 11:16:45] Ron.Boyd: I have to dial the company funds for...
[01.12.2023 11:16:53] Ron.Boyd: Who would I be stalling for?
[01.12.2023 11:17:03] 1st|John.Jink: You Captain
[01.12.2023 11:17:13] 1st|John.Jink: This could have been over long time ago
[01.12.2023 11:17:21] Ron.Boyd: Every single criminal group in Liberty would love to rip me to shreds on behalf of Malta.
[01.12.2023 11:17:23] 1st|John.Jink: Still your stubbornes suprises me
[01.12.2023 11:17:50] 1st|Knight.Black: civilian transport we are waiting for your confirmation
[01.12.2023 11:17:58] 1st|Knight.Black: you have 30 secs to comply
[01.12.2023 11:18:04] 1st|John.Jink: If I was being less professional you would have already been floating out in space
[01.12.2023 11:18:08] Ron.Boyd: All right, this is going to be one hell of a disbursement.
[01.12.2023 11:18:20] 1st|John.Jink: Right
[01.12.2023 11:18:35] 1st|Knight.Black: that is what happens when you dont follow the law be happy your cargo and you are still intact
[01.12.2023 11:18:46] 1st|Knight.Black: fine received you are clear to leave liberty airspace
[01.12.2023 11:18:46] 1st|John.Jink: You can always file a complain with goverment if you think this is unfair
[01.12.2023 11:19:04] Ron.Boyd: It won't be me filing.
[01.12.2023 11:19:15] Ron.Boyd: It will be the company's legal counsel.
[01.12.2023 11:19:21] 1st|John.Jink: Thats not my concern to be honest
[01.12.2023 11:19:39] 1st|Knight.Black: trust me your legal counsel will be happy to hear when we tell him how you were unable to show the pass papers
[01.12.2023 11:19:44] 1st|Knight.Black: now leave liberty now
[01.12.2023 11:19:49] Ron.Boyd: Pass papers?
[01.12.2023 11:20:01] Ron.Boyd: I have work orders and a Liberty citizenship.
[01.12.2023 11:20:09] Ron.Boyd: When did we need pass papers?
[01.12.2023 11:20:23] 1st|Knight.Black: than carrying illegal goods makes you a traitor in eyes of liberty
[01.12.2023 11:20:23] 1st|John.Jink: So that makes you above our laws? I dont think so
[01.12.2023 11:20:35] /time
[01.12.2023 11:20:35] 2023-12-01 11:20:35 SMT
[01.12.2023 11:20:48] Ron.Boyd: They are illegal because Congress assumed anyone possessing them to be a criminal.
[01.12.2023 11:20:52] 1st|Knight.Black: cadet john let him pass
[01.12.2023 11:21:02] 1st|John.Jink: Yes sir!
[01.12.2023 11:21:09] Ron.Boyd: Which means that I am trapped in a Catch-22 of "they are illegal because they are used by criminals".
[01.12.2023 11:21:40] 1st|Knight.Black: there transport leave the jg is clear
[01.12.2023 11:21:41] Ron.Boyd: What are we even paying our lobbyists for if our pharmaceutical company isn't given an exception?
[01.12.2023 11:22:00] Ron.Boyd: For the recovery of its own stolen goods, no less.
[01.12.2023 11:22:16] Ron.Boyd: Relax, guys, it's a story that will be good for free coffee for me on Cambridge.
[01.12.2023 11:22:27] Ron.Boyd: Don't hold it against you.
[01.12.2023 11:22:32] Tip: Did you end up lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
[01.12.2023 11:22:45] [2023-12-01] 11:22:45 You have received 150.000 credits from 1st|Knight.Black
[01.12.2023 11:22:58] 1st|Knight.Black: great work
[01.12.2023 11:23:02] 1st|John.Jink: What a stubborn Captain.
[01.12.2023 11:23:07] 1st|John.Jink: Thank you sir
[01.12.2023 11:23:07] 1st|Knight.Black: i will file in the report for this encounter
[01.12.2023 11:23:17] 1st|John.Jink: Yes sir
[01.12.2023 11:23:25] 1st|John.Jink: Thank you for the assistance
[01.12.2023 11:23:39] 1st|John.Jink: I couldnt risk creating an incident on my first day
[01.12.2023 11:24:02] 1st|Knight.Black: no worries about that
[01.12.2023 11:24:07] 1st|Knight.Black: god speed
[01.12.2023 11:24:09] 2023-12-01 11:24:09 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|Knight.Black has docked
[01.12.2023 11:24:11] 1st|John.Jink: Likewise
[01.12.2023 11:24:24] 2023-12-01 11:24:23 SMT Traffic control alert: 1st|John.Jink has docked
SENDER: Admiral - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer CC : All Armada Divisions and Command Ranks
SUBJECT: A proud Thankyou
Salutations Admiral Van-Leer,
I have just arrived back in Sirius, after extensive leave to enhance my relationship with my Husband Mike, and to also assist in his extended rehab which is now finally over after nearly a year due to his injuries.
It seems finally that the desk job has arrived, and will also mean more responsibility for me within the Armada. I wish to thank you very much for this promotion, and I am sure my Father is looking on and will be beaming with pride at the fact, that I have succeeded to a rank of even more responsibility.
I will be taking time out to re settle my life for a couple of weeks, and will transfer all my paperwork and belongings to the new office at Juneau as soon as possible.
I will also give my first briefing to the Armada on my official return to duty.
Once again thank you for this surprising opportunity, to be the true leader that you have always said I was, and also leading a very professional set of operatives, which make up the Armada.
My operational days will be limited to more office work than anything else now, but I am sure that sometimes my expertise will be needed on the front line.
On the fist week back I will be doing my briefing within the main hangar at Juneau and hope to see you there Admiral.