If I were to guess correctly, are you Leo? Do you find your days occupied with hunting and killing? It would be nice to have the time to catch up again.
Seems I threw you enough hints and memories for your brain to unscramble. It's me, the very same. All those years later. Regarding my days... a little bit of that and a little bit of this. I think we'll manage to catch up once I am not stationed in Theta along with the company. We will possibly find a brief moment of downtime after this.
Ah, but you see, the real trick here was that I simply recovered my journal and went through the process of elimination through the names. There were conditions, flown a Defender, was in the Core, flown along side me at the solo days.
No matter.
I suspect you might be entangled there for another month easily. I can wait. Plenty of things to do on my end.
Perhaps it was a good thing that I did not act on impulse to defend you back there in Theta. I had been convinced you were both fighting for a bounty.
Ah, smart. Though, yeah, figured there wouldn't be a great deal of people who fit all those checkmarks. The only other one I could think of has been dead for years, supposedly.
Could be. Who knows? Figure that by now some folk are also quite dissatisfied with us. May have some greenhorn hunters try and get us in the meantime. Always happens. Regardless. Caliban and I are on cordial terms, or so I would like to think anyway. I have nothing against him and he has nothing against me. He's a decent enough sparring partner to kill time, albeit I may have gone too easy last time as it...was a little close.
Either way. I will let you know when I am free to reminisce about old memories. For now? Take care of yourself, Raven and don't join Chris just yet.
Caliban is... Well. I suppose manipulative in a way. He has his sights on a bigger goal. He and I are not on the best of terms. It's a complicated relationship. He used to be somebody I adored, a quaint dorky scientist. Now he is a bitter, egotistical fighter. A very complicated relationship indeed. One where I am exceedingly upset that he would use a perverted amalgamation of AI technology. I thoroughly disapprove that he has been supporting the Core.
But don't you worry. I won't be joining any of my dead friends quite yet...