....Hack Locked, forcing a locked transmission to Alejandro Harabero, HS>.......
>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Signal Strength: Strong
>>>Signal Origin: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta.
>>>Subject: A brief but urgent question.
}--Playing Transmission--{
I'll keep this as short as I can.
Thankyou for committing the forces required to make this happen, we will mawn the few we lost later as it's not over yet.
I trust you as if you were my own blood. I need honesty, clarity.
Is there any plan in place from your side to engage Nuclear tactics on Freeport Nine?
I am not a fan of betrayal, The core's forces are fighting hand to hand within the station. Yes, under any other circumstance I'd be shooting them myself, however, I made a promise senor. We don't break our word.
Let me be blunt. The Freeport could go kablooey tomorrow, today, who knows, but it won't be us.
I won't pretend like there aren't elements known in Maltese society who are looking to blow it up, but we aren't one of them. If the Zoners or Core are looking to liberate it, that is in our best interest, as it creates a larger barrier between us and the Corsairs. We would even supply some munitions to assist them.
However, those biodomes cannot fall back into Corsair hands. That is the one exception. As I said aboard Commercial Fantasma, if they retake or are threatening to, we will blow those up. Otherwise, the Freeport shall stay.
There is always the possibility that the Corsairs however could sabotage the station to harm our relations. Always be vigilant about that.
If you have any further questions, let me know. Until next time.
....Hack Locked, forcing a locked transmission to Alejandro Harabero, HS>.......
>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Signal Strength: Strong
>>>Signal Origin: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta.
>>>Subject: A brief but urgent question.
}--Playing Transmission--{
Thankyou for your swift response, senor.
You're obviously aware the Corsairs will wish to retake the Freeport, the fight isn't over just yet senor. Let me know if there is anything I can also do.
I'm with Daniels now, I've promised her an extract vehicle for her forces fighting hand to hand in the freeport itself if things go south.
I've informed the Zoners to take precautions, outlined a few steps to take. They are more civilians than battle-hardened soldiers after all, senor.
The Loyalist's Fist Ranseur class is damaged and requires repairs. The Loyalist, Sarissa class is now being deployed.