Type:Balance Bug: Codename weapons are unavailable to all players
Reproduction Steps:
Step 1: Try to get a Codename weapons *that is not fighter or dropped by wreck*
Prior to patch 5.0 Codename weapons could be purchased via forum RP and sci data from the Admin team or from RED station in Connecticut. That means that new and veteran players could get them via 2 ways. 1 player could trade or mine sci-data for up to 5-6 hours and have enough to buy a Codename.
After patch 5.0 Codename weapons are merged into PoBs, with tedious and expensive recipes (time consuming and frustrating to acquire). This means new and veteran players can get them only by purchasing them from people crafting them on PoBs or if they build their own PoB.
A very accurate calculation is seen here, with a price estimate that is 4 times higher than pre-patch.
Codename weapons should be available to all players - new, veteran, non-PoB enthusiasts.
They should be able to be purchased via Sci-Data, Credits or Player Craft (if you manage to balance the recipes).
Hey I'm in that post. I'm going to bet that this is clearly not a bug and fully intended. They want seem to want some sort of korean MMO grind in their half dead 20 year old game. It's not happening folks. Lower the requirements or bring back the conn station.
Finally a money sink and devs locked it behind POBs. I have no clue who is behind this idea but how hard is to make these weapons available to buy from staff-curated POB in Conn via proper currency - SC.
It's an RP server, so if you don't have your own POB make some curated R.P. with someone who does have one to build you the codes you want (you can offer to supply the materials for example). I'm sure there are POB owners that would take you up on the offer.
But Couden is right, Sci Data uses need to be expanded.
(12-06-2023, 11:36 AM)LuckyOne Wrote: But Couden is right, Sci Data uses need to be expanded.
You would need to balance the SD cost vs the cost/time needed to build these items.
Last time I tried SD mining, it was very easy to mine the SD, with cost and time, than to buy the items from trading.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
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We'd have to do a complete character wipe to make these things available for resources players have been able to hoard for fifteen years, like credits. There are such insurmountable amounts of credits in the game that I'd really rather not go down that route. Sci-Data was always intended to be a temporary mechanic of sorts while we figured out something that relied on gameplay rather than player requests on the forums. PoB crafting was (and is) the most feasible way of doing it in-game. I'd love to do something not tied to PoBs, but we don't exactly have crafting on NPC bases or something just ready to go or even in the development pipeline.
The fact that costs are higher is very much intended. Income from trade has also gone up a good bit, so long as you're trading the expensive stuff. Are they too high? Possibly. The cap codes do after all scale up in cost pretty radically, or at least they did last I looked at them. We can do some further review of them but don't expect them to come down to pre-patch levels. Do also remember that codenames are just luxury items to chase and are not at all essential to be competitive in PvP. If any of them are at a higher power level than non-codes, expect them to get toned down.
I'm all for more methods to acquire cool stuff in the game and we're still working on giving Survey Modules a purpose in the game world, although ironically it'd likely end up generating a resource or two for use in PoB recipes. I don't personally think that's a huge deal, though, as there are tons of PoBs in the game belonging to myriad different factions. You don't have to own or even help maintain a PoB to work on codenames. You could just work with any of the many PoB owners on the server and get your hands on some shinies. Or buy them from the player market.
I'd also greatly appreciate if people stopped using the bug reports forum as a dev requests section. Remember that when developers look at the bug reports section they are looking to spend their time fixing critical, often game-breaking issues.
(12-06-2023, 09:08 AM)Couden Wrote: Sci-data is now useless as well. Would be nice to have weapon rp variation as well.
They are not useless.
You can mine and sell them for a good price.
Or you change the model of your pob with it.
(12-06-2023, 05:46 AM)Dragomar Wrote: Hey I'm in that post. I'm going to bet that this is clearly not a bug and fully intended. They want seem to want some sort of korean MMO grind in their half dead 20 year old game. It's not happening folks. Lower the requirements or bring back the conn station.
Just keep your eyes open and see which Pob's offer CODE equipment/Weapons.
Be it in the game or in the forum.