[A man in a powered armor suit appears on the screen.]
This is to the vessel named "Eternal.Journey". This is Crowley.
Some time ago you asked to speak to me in person. We met last night, yet you did not speak to me as you requested earlier.
What's more, you disappeared as soon as I showed up.
I will be at Barrier Gate for a spell. If you wish to arrange a date and time to speak, please do so. If you now have nothing further to speak about, ignore this message.
I will wait for a few days. If I hear nothing, I will move on.
I apologise for my abrupt departure at Freeport. There was an urgent matter that needed attention. Though, that has little importance now.
I do however, still wish to discuss various things, some more… concerning than others. Barrier Gate sounds more ideal than here, quiet and relatively low-profile. I can meet you there before the week’s end, but i need a little time to organise matters before departure. If you are able to hold off, i shall see you there.
[The communication opens with Crowley seated in his normal position. His normal cyan colored lights on his strange powered armor are tilted more towards the color of white than in previous communications.]
Greetings, "Jaack".
[The way he says the name Jack is strange. As if there is an issue with his voice modulator. The hints of a Bretonian accent leak through. He adjusts something near his lower throat, and tweaks his head a bit. After he does so, the accent disappears, and his normal monotone voice resumes.]
I apologize for not being within range of Coronado when you arrived some months ago. I have had..."dealings" with someone that necessitated I take a brief pit-stop which turned into a rather long..."situation".
[The way he mentioned his diversion leaves very little room for questioning.]
Anyway, I'm going to be arriving at Delta soon. I'm not sure if you're willing to speak there due to the amount of noise in that area, but if you would prefer to meet at our original meeting place. We can do that as well. I can be at either location soon.
Let me know.
[You notice that his normal carefree, whimsical state from the past few interactions is strangely missing. He is more business-like and focused. What this means, is anyone's guess.]
You had me wondering if something had happened… but I suppose I’d have done the same. A heads up would have been appreciated, was starting to wonder…
I’m still up to meet. Same place as we arranged before. Ignore the fact this delayed signal reads from Delta, I needed to check on things. Besides, in Delta I can’t barely hear myself think.
Feel free to let me know if plans change again. I have a couple things to sort out before my departure. Nothing major, just some assets i need to drop off.
Follow the pedals floating on the solar winds, you will find your destination ere long and with it a revelation of truth you have sought. Mysteries solved, solutions obtained ... discoveries made ... perhaps nightmares realized. Tread softly...