The Republican Provisional Assembly wishes to inform all soldiers of the Free Molly State, as well as any mercenaries, freelancers and interested third parties about the opening of a contract board aimed to reward those who support our fight for freedom and independence. Your efforts to aid our young republic in gaining the upper hand in the War of Final Liberation are indispensable, and the Assembly is ready to show its appreciation through financial incentives.
Ground Rules
Only Mollys, whether aligned with the RPA or independent, may claim on this board without prior registration. All other claimants must be registered. Apply for registration here.
The primary area of operations for this board is Bretonia, Dublin and their bordering systems. Targets in other areas cannot be claimed. The only exception to this is BMM - their targets may be hunted and claimed Sirius-wide.
The claimant must provide visual evidence of the target's identification, time of destruction and location for the claim to be valid.
Shared kills may be claimed. However, if your contribution to the kill is lower than 30%, it will be considered an assist. The reward for an assist is 50% of the usual rate, unless claiming on behalf of a faction that had at least two members contribute to the kill.
Destroying ships of the following factions will net a reward:
In addition, bonus multipliers may apply if certain conditions are met at the time of destruction. These multipliers apply after other bonuses:
Liberator of Labourers - x3.0: The target must be destroyed during an ongoing base siege involving the RPA. The target is not required to be destroyed during the active vulnerability window or be in the same system as the besieged installation. Defender of Dublin - x2.0: The target must be in the Dublin system. Soldier of the Revolution - x1.5: The target must be a BAF, BPA or BIS ship in the New London or Cambridge system. Battle Brothers - x2.0: The target must be a Corsair ship in the Omega-5 or Omega-3 system.
Example Reward Calculation
All individual targets are calculated separately. The initial reward consists of the target's faction plus the ship class bonus. Any relevant multipliers are then applied to the reward, followed by the 50% reduction if claiming an assist (less than 30% kill participation).
For example, a Corsair gunboat in the Dublin system will be worth 75,000 Cr. (Corsair) plus 25,000 Cr. (Gunboat) and then multiplied by 2, since the Defender of Dublin multiplier applies, for a total of 2 * (75,000 + 25,000) = 200,000 Cr. and an assist on this gunboat would be worth half of that, or 100,000 Cr.
If the target is eligible for more than one bonus multiplier, all the relevant multipliers are applied to the reward. For example, a Corsair gunboat in the Dublin system destroyed during an ongoing siege by the RPA will be worth 75,000 Cr. (Corsair) plus 25,000 Cr. (Gunboat) and then multiplied by 2 and then multiplied by 3, since the Defender of Dublin and Liberator of Labourers both apply, for a total of 3 * 2 * (75,000 + 25,000) = 600,000 Cr.
List all the targets' names, their ship types and which bonuses they qualify for:
- Small Fish - Gunboat - Bounty Hunter = 75,000/-
- Nova Blackwood - Gunboat - Bounty Hunter - Assist = 37,500/-
Target ID
- (No identification guncam, highly chaotic combat environment)
List all the targets' names, their ship types and which bonuses they qualify for:
- Antequera|Sails - Corsair Murmillo (75,000 SC + 200,000 SC = 275,000 SC, Defender of Dublin)
- Imperadora - Corsair Imperator (75,000 SC + 25,000 SC = 100,000 SC, Defender of Dublin)
List all the targets' names, their ship types and which bonuses they qualify for:
- Vibora|Sails - Assist - Defender of Dublin
- Anguish|Sails - Defender of Dublin
- Ramiro.Espada|Sails - Assist - Defender of Dublin
- Corso|Sails - Defender of Dublin
- Diego.Varela - Assist - Defender of Dublin
Target ID
- (Urgent combat assistance, no ID scans this time again either)