incoming transmission detected...
signal source identified: locksmith
establishing secure connection...
video feed active from: Roland Freud to: TFP High Command subject: Project: Custodian
"Initiate Freud here."
"Got both good and bad news about the project."
"The good news is that the ships are, for the most part, operational. A few minor repairs here and there and they'll be able to fly. The bad news is that their weapons and some secondary systems are outdated. Severely outdated."
"Now, I can manually fix some of them using makeshift solutions. One or two "Defenders" may be ready in the coming days. However, in order to carry out mass maintenance and, especially, production of such ships, we will need data on modern tech in the Liberty Navy. Because, frankly, most people are unable to replicate my methods in such cases."
"I trust that you understand better than me that we cannot obtain such tech in a conventional way. Therefore, I am requesting permission to develop possible plans to... expropriate necessary technologies."
Good to hear news from Shop 2, and promising news to boot.
Weapons and secondary systems are easy to fix up with the right sample data, but I agree our current imprints are pretty dated. Still, they'll work in a pinch, and we can't exactly afford to be picky. Have any finalized ships sent to Shop 1 for a full look over, or notify someone from the ODD and they'll handle it. I have some presets of my own that might help plug the gap, but they won't be for general usage, so we might have to forego it on some of them.
Still, I'd love to get some better analysis packets on the newer ships the blueys are rolling out. Considering your request approved, but keep the Exarchy in the loop as usual.
And keep up the good work, LT.
Libera te ex Infernis.
West, out.
"The truth's always harder to swallow than a simple white lie.." Join the Fight
incoming transmission detected...
signal source identified: locksmith
establishing secure connection...
video feed active from: Roland Freud to: TFP High Command subject: Project: Custodian
"Grand Tectarch."
"I am pleased to report that the project is moving forward at an accelerated pace."
"The first of the "Defenders" is already fit for flight, tested by me personally. In addition, I managed to enlist the help of our allies from the Technocracy — they provided me with records on the maintenance of the "Defenders" that were once at their disposal."
"As for the development of a plan regarding the acquisition of modern Liberty technologies, there is also some progress. At the moment, Liberty forces are strengthening their position in Ontario, their supply lines are a very attractive target for this endeavor. Details of the planned operation have already been sent to you and the rest of the High Command. Hopefully this will also be a good opportunity for me to test the "Defender" prototype in combat scenario."
incoming transmission detected...
signal source identified: locksmith
establishing secure connection...
video feed active from: Roland Freud to: TFP High Command subject: Promoted
"... Commander Freud here."
"Still not used to the way it sounds."
"First of all, I would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in me. It's not every day that a recent scavenger gets the honor of commanding a cruiser. I've never flown on a ship this size, much less been in charge of one."
"Despite this... Or perhaps because of this, I must respectfully decline."
"Having assessed my abilities, I came to the conclusion that it would be wrong to put people at risk due to my lack of necessary experience."
"Instead, I request that the "Inquisitor" model gunboat be placed under my command. One of those that are not currently fit for combat duty, to be precise. I will take care of the repairs and equipment, and also provide the ship with AI control. This way I can gain experience in operating such a ship without putting the lives of our people at unnecessary risk."
I'm gonna be frank, since I can be.
Whether or not you decline the command is really inconsequential. We're merely providing you the keys should they be needed. I 100% get a lack of training in warship command, and that's why I've uploaded basic and intermediate command datalogs to the network, for both study and review. I programmed some of them myself, so feel free to have a crack.
As for a spare 'Inquisitor' hull, I still have a reasonable surplus from the Remnant's days at Barrier Gate. They aren't in the best of shape, and I've been needing to go through and check which are worth salvaging, but you're welcome to have a look and work on whichever strikes your fancy. There were a few Mark VIIIs, and some Mark VIIs, last I checked.
Whichever one you do end up appropriating, log it on the supply registry so I don't go tearing up the Palmdale for a ship that you've got. Also, keep me in the loop on your AI incorporation. I've never been a fan of it myself, but the ends we're aiming for call for comfort to take a hit.
Keep up the good work, Commander.
Libera te ex Infernis.
West, out.
"The truth's always harder to swallow than a simple white lie.." Join the Fight