"I can do with another one too." Marauder waved his empty glass in the air.
"Actually docking is fine now it's done manually, I threaten to shoot the pilot. Who actually listens to what I say." The robot waiter delivered marauder his drink.
"if he's daft enough to try going after any of us IND it'll be written up as sucide won't it." he laughed again.
Blood walked in from the back, carefully slid onto a stool at the bar and ordered two bowls of ice. Then he buried is hands palms up sighing gratefully as the ice started to numb his hands.
"Hello there guys, those party-crashers won't be back for al long time." He shifted slightly, "I'll have a cocktail with a straw, can't hold anything at the minute."
"Jesus Blood, is there anything you wont do. All we've done since the place opened is
threaten, and beat the crap out of people. We will be getting a bad name round here.
This is not our working aim. I know we wan't people to realise that we mean business,
but for christssake guys. Lets just get drinking and forget ... OK.
I know alot of you guys moonlight as other things in your spare time but this should not
affect our peaceful trading aims." Got it ... Good. Nuff said.
Set em up you bag of 'kin nuts and bolts."
Hoodlums rant subsided with appearance of another anejo.
"Stone, you old smuggling, gun running, son of a bitch. Hear the militarys now using your
services. Make an honest chap out of you yet. Pigs may fly. The pirates and terrorists
still where the big bucks are. Ah well, honest credits always hard to find. ...
Vescere bracis meis ... As we say."
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
*I saw the "invitation only" sign outside the rope, but just couldn't ignore the tunes coming from that old box in the corner. And I see by your outfits that you are all cowboys. A bit on the rough side, the way I like it.*
*I've only just arrived, but My amusement factor has risen siriusly in just the short time I've been here. Dogon if you bozos haven't restored my faith in primates. I've got Nuommo doubt that I chose wisely. Let's talk a little monkey business...*
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast
"Light you old tart ... Always welcome in here dude.
Seems you aint such a tenderfoot these days, always room for a little more Louis L'Amour
round these parts. Rough as f*ck in here in during a bad session".
Hoodlum's stetson tilted a little more forwards.
"Seems you sort of know a few of the boys and girls already, If not I'll point out the ones
to avoid as we go along. Legendary drinking habits."
"And you have to leave the shooters behind the bar when its in motion.
We had a little incident a while ago in the office, don't need a repeat of that."
The klinking of glasses mingled with the sound of chinking spurs.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
**kay, guys, put the ol' box over there and serve it with a little energy**
"Someone needs to visit a prehistoric planet.. ol' Wurlitzer only plays records.. o.O
Hel,l never thought, they would ever return.. Knew them only from history-lessons on Malta.."
"Tender, I need three *bloody bounties* - one for the thirst, second for the need plus one to relax"
"Aah, new train is fine.. anyone else sharing a good drink with me ?"
"Nice place - good choice.. if the tender wasn't a robot but a good looking guy.. well.."
"Anyone in a small ship escorting me to fp11 ? Had to miss Mr. Nadesico cause of the size of his escort-ship.. - ya know, the Alaska-Minor-BS-pinball-game, hu?"
"aah yeah, you robot-brain, thx for serving.. that's exactly what I need, now.. bloody bounties.."
"Alicia honey, you know me. Old fashioned bugger. Wurlitzer, just a trade name for the
old music box. Vinyl ... Theres a blast from the past. No record of them for millennia.
Still, seems to be working whatever the format." ...
Hoodlums usual old bullsh*t was increasing with every drink.
"Sorry about the staff though, much more reliable. Bloody Bounty ?
Small ships, mmm. Always a problem with the boys ... You know size is everything round
here. Bigger the better. Quomodo cogis comas tuas sic videri ?
Get em in Rawhide. ... Patrick get off the floor, you're making the place look untidy.
Blood, please don't drink the finger bowls."
Whip crack-away ... Yeehaa."
Counting Crows wafted from the corner of the room. Bottle of tequila ... Bottle of gin ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
*I notice you've got a little Pink Floyd on there, too.
Back in the old days, used to sit around with Hagbard and Simon, listening to "Dark Side of the Moon". One day, Simon Moon came in raving about how the cuts on the old LP matched exactly the scenes from the "Wizard of Oz". Well, I'll be damned if it wasn't a pretty close match! And the lyrics seemed to match the action in the old movie too. Of course, given enough ingenuity on the part of the Observer.. and enough of the old entheogens, one could see a correspondence in just about anything.
Ah, a fresh bottle of Fernando Poo Cuervo! Pass the limes, will ya?*
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast
"De gustibus non est disputandum!" said Bernard getting up from his place
sitill holding the bottle he took for himself putting the cardamine breather
back in his nose.
"Big ships, small ships, I have them all kinds of ships, red ships, black
ships, yellow ships, orange ships, dirty ships... If I don't have the ship.. nah!"
He walked towards the old box in hope to find something... He started
talking out loud his thoughts in a brief moment of inspiration:
"Today I was not my usual self.. dressed in half white and black.. with a
distinct line of difference... Which one was the good or the bad I do not
know.. I doubt the existance itself..."
During the speech he found it - Brian Setzer - the old Stray Cat.. from the
box, the harmonics of a jazz big band were playing 'Hollywood Nocturne'...
"Musica delenit bestiam feram."
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
"Light old chap ... Funny you should mention that. Was just updating the Media in the old
L-Train, and slipped some Floyd back on there. Been a while. Lot of Steely Dan still on
there though.
Then again the thought of listening to Dark Side while watching the Wizard of Oz would
encourage me to imbibe the old entheogens ... Mmm ... You're right though, you can see
just about any connection you want ... Just love co-incidences.
Pass the poo old boy."
Bernard, for Christs sake get the Harry Connick off there, some of us are trying to have
a good time here. Alicia dear, hope you ain't thinking of sneaking off back to work now.
Parties not started yet." ...
Hoodlum waved for another round.
"Geez, do I have to do everything round here meself."
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."