my name is Renate Bommel and I'm part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland.
Her highness, ze Kurprinzessin zur Neckar and Direktorin of ze Kaiserreichspolizei, Freiya Wolf, empowered me to remind you about your responsibilities as administrators of ze following modular installation registry entries:
By imperial edict of ze Rheinland Ministry of Economic Development, all modular installation owners have to submit zeir quarterly license renewal to ze Rheinland.Treasury.2 since ze 1st july 828 A.S. and until today, I'm failing to locate ze payment for ze above mentioned entries for ze actual quarter. Direktorin Wolf is very disappointed by lack of discipline shown by a Rheinland corporation regarding zis matter.
During a routine inspection, I also noticed, zat your installation is currently violating §7.9.5.
As result of ze missed fee and the inability to administer your base conformable to ze law, ze Rheinland Polizei hereby impose an additional fine of 400.000 sc according to §7.10.. Please configure your base's inspection time as soon as possible.
Please provide ze proof of transfer of:
500.000 sc as quarterly fee to Rheinland.Treasury.2
400.000 sc as fine to KPR|Bank
for ze second quarter of zis year wizin ze next 14 days via zis channel.
If you already transferred ze fees, ze fines will be, of course, reduced.
ze Rheinland Polizei unfortunately noticed zat already a week of ze deadline passed but you failed to make necessary transfers. Zis is very inconvenient and we needed to sent out ze Rheinland corvette Eisenach to ze Frankfurt system to ensure, your misconfigured inspection system will not interfer, in any way, ze public trade wizin ze system.
I hereby confirm ze payment of ze fee for your base for Q2 and Q3 of ze current year.
Please see ze attachment for ze acknowledgment of ze receipt.
You are also encouraged to adjust your inspection time to be between 5pm SMT and 10pm SMT , as it currently violates §7.9.5.
We'll visit you again in a few weeks to see if you accomplished ze correct setup.
ze crew of ze Rheinland corvette Eisenach contacted me after a routine patrol in ze Frankfurt system. Zey noticed you ignored my previous instruction to align ze inspection time of ze Schrottplatz according to ze laws of Rheinland. For your 2.5 monzs of misconduct to follow simple orders, I levy a fine of 250.000 credits for violating §2.5.1., as well as 250.000 credits for ze ongoing violation of §7.9.5.
Please transfer ze outstanding fine of 500.000 credits to ze crew of ze KPR|KKS-Eisenach and correct ze mentioned inspection time until monday.
Should you persist to violating our laws, I will charge for 100.000 credits each week, you keep committing zis infringement.
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin SUBJECT:Committed installation regulation violation
Installation name
McBoyles Schrottplatz
Registered owner
Festus McBoyle
Frankfurt system, sector C5
Violation committed
§2.5.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities representatives.
§7.9.5. Base owners must make their accessible for a two (2) hour safety and wellness inspection between the hours of 5pm UTC and 10pm UTC.
§7.10. Base construction or operation without proper registration or valid permit as well as any other law violation related to modular bases is punishable by either a fine, or immediate deconstruction.
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin SUBJECT:Committed installation regulation violation resolved, assessment of fine
Installation name
McBoyles Schrottplatz
Registered owner
Festus McBoyle
Frankfurt system, sector C5
Violation committed
§2.5.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities representatives.
§7.9.5. Base owners must make their accessible for a two (2) hour safety and wellness inspection between the hours of 5pm UTC and 10pm UTC.
§7.10. Base construction or operation without proper registration or valid permit as well as any other law violation related to modular bases is punishable by either a fine, or immediate deconstruction.
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
Fulda Border Station
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate Bommel SOURCE:Fulda Border Station, Frankfurt System SUBJECT:Re: Law violation - 08/834
Sehr geehrter Herr McBoyle,
ze crew of ze Rheinland corvette Eisenach informed me about your successfully transfered fine.
Zey already forwarded ze fine to ze respective bank account. You'll find your receipt in ze attachment.
I did not forget our little agreement and will fulfill my part as soon as possible.