► Source: Festung Grauerort ► Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter: Konteradmiral Erich von Richter ► Recipient: KPR, Hammersee Detachment ► Subject: Joint-Operations
Dear comrades,
As you may know, we have recently constructed a new installation in orbit of Planet Juist. We have begun to service patrols and military exercises from this station, Festung Grauerort.
Of more import, we have stationed a sizable QRF and a marine battalion on the station. Given prior incidents and the political nature of some of the current inmates, we have a vested interest in securing Hammersee. To facilitate this interest, I highly recommend a meeting with myself or my staff at the earliest date possible. If you have any incidents requiring immediate attention or problem areas, I can dispatch some of my own forces to resolve these matters in the interim.
I look forward to hearing your prompt response.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Erich von Richter
Konteradmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
typically her highness, ze Kurprinzessin zur Neckar and Direktorin of ze Kaiserreichspolizei, Freiya Wolf, has to answer such a request, but it seems she is too busy or has no desire to answer you.
I have no idea, how your message managed to land at my workplace, ze only hint, I got, says Invalid certificate of nobility. Zis might explain why you got no response from her. As you know, ze impersonation of Rheinland Nobility is considered as disorderly conduct according to §2.6.1. wizin ze empire. Ze respective paragraph is razer restrictive regarding ze use of ze 'von' pronoun. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any Adelstitel for ze 'Richter' family. Under normal circumstances, I would take you into custody and ship you wiz ze next prisoner transport to ze Mecklenburg Station. However, zis would be pure ironic in zis case and I doubt ze imprisonment of one of ze imperial Rheinwehrs admiralty would be very ... rewarding.
If you don't insist on a man male officer and wiz a voluntary, ridiculously low donation of 500.000 sc to ze KPR|Bounty.Board I'll immediately set off for Lüneburg and could assist you to fill out ze relevant documents.