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Rheinland Treaty Talks Restart As IWs In Flame
SPRAGUE -Speaking in a press conference earlier today, Foreign Secretary Benedict Thompson has revealed that high-level negotiations between Bretonia and Rheinland over a new treaty over the Omegas are 'in the last stages'. This follows in the path of a concerted effort by all Bretonian governmental branches to curry favor with the neighboring Great Houses as the Dublin campaign grows, by the day, into a military and political nightmare for the Kingdom. Furthermore, the treaty also comes in dire times for the current cabinet, with pools showing that the public opinion on the handling of the Dublin Crisis and Bretonia's stagnant economy has taken a nosedive.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE TWO HOUSES? -The implications of the treaty grow far and wide beyond just the Omegas, with Mr. Thompson outlining that three priorities for Bretonia: restoring control over Dublin, containing Gallic influence and preventing further conflict in the Sirian Colonies. What this truly means for the other Great Houses is unknown at this point in time, however both Liberty and Kusari are closely watching a potential Bretonian - Rheinland treaty only months after a major deal between the Gallic Union and Rheinland, championed by the Kaiser himself.
Foreign Office representatives have refused to answer any inquiries on what the treaty may bring about as tensions in the Tau escalate once more and as Rheinland trade with Gallia grows to never-before-seen levels. We will bring more news on this topic as it develops.
NEURAL-NET MISINFORMATION -As Bretonia and Rheinland set off to discuss the intricacies of a new political reality in the sector, the Independent Worlds of Cortez and Inverness are ablaze as rumours of a Liberty - Crayter offensive have begun spreading like wildfire over the Neural-Net. With little available information and an environment promoting false information, the BBC encourages readers across Sirius to carefully filter all news pieces.
BRETONIA STANDS VIGILANT -In a short statement issued 20 minutes prior, a Foreign Office spokesperson has assured reporters that the Crown will take careful steps forward as the situation in the near Independent Worlds threatens to slip into chaos, and that diplomatic channels will be used "within the hour" to contact Liberty and Crayter allies and discuss the possibly dangerous ramifications of a crisis within Cortez and the Zoner communities of Inverness.
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Finally Omega-3 will be Rheinland space again! incompetent workers at BMM will kiss Daumann's butt cheeks.
Join Daumann security wing now and prevent the traitors from stealing Rheinlands ressources (again)!
Vote "Ja on §3.2.3."
Ah lovely, so now Rheinland is playing nice with Bretonia. Royalists and Royalists, co-conspiring to beat down the common man. Maybe they can partake with Liberty and Kusari. Authoritarian Parasites.
'The situation in the near Independent Worlds threatens to slip into chaos'.
News flash, chief, but that's all you. Turns out the best way to prevent the IWs from being set ablaze is to stop lighting it on fire.
Who knew?
↑4822 ↓901
"The truth's always harder to swallow than a simple white lie.." Join the Fight
Man Bretonnia really getting their hopes up on this one. I dunno how they think they're gonna go and swing Rheinland away from Gallia after the two made such a fancy bed together.
Comment here ↑The Polizei trust that this movement could increase benefits for Rheinland, but since all houses lock-down the Gallic Union, now that Rheinland take the upper hand is better for our future, even if this could endanger more the omegas, we shall get the capacity to outweight and take the upper hand before our enemies
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And so shall they fall, all who bear our mark. No matter who they are, no rank, nor title, nor power shall shield them. When the mark finds them, their time is nigh.