►Remove 150.000 scrap metal from ze Olpe Wreck in Cologne
Only timestamped proofs of ships wiz scrap metal in ze perimeter of Olpe Wreck count.
Zere is no limitation, who transports ze scrap metal or to which station.
The contract terminates itself, when you reached ze goal or by ze end of 01.05.835.
I'll ensure your database entry gets updated wizout ze charge of 500.000 credits, as soon as you report ze first batch. Zere will be consequences, should you fail to fulfil ze contract!
SENDER:Hans Meier LOCATION:Koepchen Depot, Stuttgart SUBJECT:Olpe dismantling contract ENCRYPTION:Medium
Sehr geehrte Frau Bommel,
I hereby declare this contract as valid.
We shipped already 25.000 units of scrap away from the wreck.
Unfortunately, no possible helper was encountered.