Several days ago I've had a conversation with Doctor Isabella Saito. She gave me the advice to send a message for an appointment about my psychological health. For the sake of personal security I am unable to disclose my actual name or provide a description of the problems via the neural net. That information is highly sensitive and could cause harm to myself or those close to me which I am not willing to risk. Over the neural net it is Sakura, for now. I am currently not in Inverness, however, you can name me a time and place to meet up. Our ship is able to jump almost everywhere in Sirius, with the exceptions of houses. The preferred location would probably be Omega 48. I am awaiting your answer as this is kind of urgent. Things are not getting better but slowly worse.
Comm ID ..... Dr. Isabella Saito
Location ....... [MFE]~Healing.Heart, Freeport 11, Omicron Delta system
To ...................... Sakura, from the Titania
Subject .......... Your Appointment.
Konnichiwa Miss Sakura,
I remember our meeting in Inverness well. I Understand your Need for Secrecy and your Desire to meet in Person. A Meeting in Omega 48 Should not be a Problem at all. The [MFE]~Healing.Heart is currently in Omicron Delta but that is just 2 Jumps away from Omega 48. We can either meet at a Location of your Choosing or in Orbit of Gran Canaria. Whatever fits your needs the best. The Healing Heart Welcomes you with Open Arms. Please make sure to Contact the Bridge once you approach, we can then either give you Landing Permits or Establish a Ship to Ship connection. For now, we will Get the Healing Heart in Motion and Fire up our Jump Drive to meet you. Stay Strong till we meet in person, I promise you that I will do my absolute best to help you.
Dr. Isabella Saito, Head Psychologist, [MFE] Capitan, [MFE]~Penicillin Med Force Enterprises
Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
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Thank you for the quick reply. The Titania shall be in Omega 48. Hail her once she is in range and I will know you've arrived. I really hope this works out, I am running out of options.
Comm ID ..... Dr. Isabella Saito
Location ....... [MFE]~Healing.Heart, Freeport 11, Omicron Delta system
To ...................... Sakura, from the Titania
Subject .......... I might need your Help.
Konnichiwa Miss Sakura,
I am sorry for Contacting you this way and I hope this Channel is still Open. But I have a patient who might need your help, as well as that of your fiancee. Her name is Maya and she is a Miner for the Independent Mining Guild. It looks like she came in contact with a Nomad and now has some sort of Mark on her Shoulder. This Mark Allows the Nomad to Hurt her and to send Pain into her body when Maya doesn't do what this Monster Wants. Maya is both a Patient and a Friend and while she told me she would "Endure" the pain, I don't want to see her Suffer. Our Scanners could not find the Source of this Pain, but she has a Mark on her Shoulder that came from a "Touch" as Maya had described it. That is why I ask you if your Technology might be able to find the source of this. While MFE always tries to be up to date with Technology we are not always able to help in such Special Cases as this one, at least not without some Outside Help. I don't know what the Relations between the IMG and the Technocracy are, but I hope you will Help a Fellow Human Being who Suffers.
Ps: Your Next Therapy can Begin whenever you want it.
Dr. Isabella Saito, Head Psychologist, [MFE] Capitan, [MFE]~Penicillin Med Force Enterprises
Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.
I am certain we, or rather I can help considering my past experience with nomads. A touch you say? Was it a physical touch by a nomad entity or was it a 'touch' through the mind? If the mark is physically visible on the body, it will be easier to remove. If the mark was burned into her mind it might result in a complicated procedure. I am in possession of my own technology to help with such. But I have to ask. Was it a Vagrant? Or was it one of the Omicron Nomads. Anyways, I am sure such is better discussed in person. I could take a look at her. I might be in Inverness today at around 20:00 Sirius Standard Time if you and your patient are available. However, I might be slightly delayed. I will do everything I can to release someone from the suffering of the blue menace. They all have to be eradicated without mercy.
I have opened the transmission for my fiancée in case she has something to add. Don't worry, you can trust her. She knows everything and anything about me anyway.
Comm ID ..... Dr. Isabella Saito
Location ....... [MFE]~Healing.Heart, Freeport 11, Omicron Delta system
To ...................... Sakura, from the Titania
Subject .......... I might need your Help.
Konnichiwa Miss Sakura,
First, let me thank you for your Quick Response I Greatly Appreciate this. I will be there and I have informed my Patient and hope she shows up as well. She is pretty Disturbed after the events of Yesterday and I think this left some mental Scars on her. She Clearly has a Mark on her body but I am not sure how much this was burned into her mind. But she told me that this Thing on her shoulder would allow the Nomad to Inflict Pain on her and to Notice when she does "Things" that the Nomad does, even over Great Distances. As I met Maya Yesterday It didn't take long for the Monster to appear. The Nomad had ordered her to stay away from her friends at MFE. So we should better Prepare for Trouble Tonight if that thing Shows up. I also don't think we have a Vargant Nomad here, this one is much more aggressive and Evil than what I know from the Vargants. My guess is that our Opponent is an Omicron Nomad and that "she" might not give up Maya without a Fight. I will Come prepared.
Dr. Isabella Saito, Head Psychologist, [MFE] Capitan, [MFE]~Penicillin Med Force Enterprises
Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
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I wanted to check in and ask how the patient is doing. It has been five days now. I hope she is well. It has been quite the scene on that day. If you got any news, don't hesitate to spill them. If you don't want to than that is fine too. I am just worried, I guess. Have you, by any chance, received more information on that nomad? If you need further help, don't hesitate to ask. I will also contact you in the coming days again for another appointment. There is something we have to continue.
Comm ID ..... Dr. Isabella Saito
Location ....... [MFE]~Healing.Heart, Freeport 11, Omicron Delta system
To ...................... Sakura, from the Titania
Subject .......... I might need your Help.
Konnichiwa Miss Sakura,
First Let me thank you for your concern about Maya. Well, I can't tell you the specifics of her medical situation, but I can tell you that she is on the road to recovery. She still needs some time to be fully back on her Feet but Doctor Van Goeben helps her and brings her back home to her family. As for your Request about That Nomad, I have to tell you that I don't have any Additional Information that goes beyond what you and I already know about the situation. But we are currently on high alert for any Revene by this Monster.
You are also free to Request another Therapy Session every time you want it. With the Upcoming Holidays, we are a bit Thinly Spread but I think I should find some time for a Therapy Session between the Years with you.
Dr. Isabella Saito, Head Psychologist, [MFE] Capitan, [MFE]~Penicillin Med Force Enterprises
Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.