I am Albert Schulze one of the Independent miners Guildmasters. While we haven't had the pleasure of talking directly with the Caledonia subsidiary it is always nice to see Gateway in our corner of the sector. This comm is being sent to ask for a delivery of materials for our installation in Omega-7 named Falster.
That being a full cargo hold of superstructure components along with five thousand units of niobium the bonus for completing the shipment is two million credits.
With regards
Albert Schulze, Guildmaster
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Employee ID: TERBLANCHE, ELIZE - #1310L
Subject: Commission Inquiry
Guildmaster Schulze, it's a pleasure to hear from you! As one of Gateway's closest and dearest partners, the Guild receives priority on any and all contracts.
I'm happy to accept responsibility for this delivery, though I should let you know that the market for modular superstructure components is currently very tight. While it's possible we may be able to source them from Galway Frontiers, one of BMM's subsidiaries -- of which I'm sure you're away -- I've heard that they've recently stepped down production to refocus on gold refining for the time being... and of course, neither of us relish the thought of doing business with them.
If you could put in a good word with the Kongsi Syndicate for us, we would have a reliable source of niobium from their own Riau Star City, which would surely expedite the process. Either way, I anticipate that the niobium delivery will be the easiest part of this contract, to be completed shortly. Finding a source for the modular superstructure components, however, will take some time.
My intuition from analyzing recent market trends is that the current price you have quoted for this contract will see us breaking even rather than carrying a profit, though that said as this is Caledonia's first direct commission for the Guild we're happy to accept this current price as a gesture of goodwill.
If the above is acceptable to you, Guildmaster Schulze, we can consider this commission active and in progress!
Thank you for choosing Caledonia Distributions, and have a wonderful day.
This communication and all associated metadata belongs to Caledonia Distributions Ltd, a subsidiary of Gateway Shipping Inc (all rights reserved). If you have received this message erroneously, you are requested to please contact the sender and delete the communication.
My apologies, Miss. I forgot to mention that the dockmaster at Falster will be handling the payments for the deliveries, and the two million credits are a bonus that will be added on top of the station's standard pay. Given the current bottleneck in the production of superstructure components, you’ll also receive an additional bonus of 550,000 credits upon delivery.
Regarding the Kongsi Syndicate, there should be no issue with Caledonia obtaining docking clearance at the star city. However, if you encounter any difficulties, feel free to bring them to my attention. Rest assured, the matter will be resolved promptly, though I believe such issues are unlikely to happen.
With regards
Albert Schulze, Guildmaster
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While we're here, Caledonia recently commissioned and purchased a Bulwark-class heavy explorer from Bristol Constructions. I don't know if you've heard of them -- they're a small concern mostly operating in Pennsylvania and the Libertonian borderworlds. It's a truly marvelous ship, and in fact I'm on my way to have a gander at it myself. I've heard from the crew that its turret mounts are actually about battlecruiser-sized!
Resultantly, we were wondering if the Guild would be able to sell or otherwise transfer to Caledonia two battlecruiser primary turrets for fitting onto the keel of the Drakensberg, as it's well known that you produce a far superior product in this category compared to the various independent concerns selling similar items in the borderworlds. If this would carry a fee in credits, you can simply deduct it from the payment for the now-completed commission, and if there's something else that you require of us, simply let me know and I'll ensure that it's done.
As always, thank you for choosing Caledonia Distributions, and have a wonderful day!
This communication and all associated metadata belongs to Caledonia Distributions Ltd, a subsidiary of Gateway Shipping Inc (all rights reserved). If you have received this message erroneously, you are requested to please contact the sender and delete the communication.
As for the Battlecruiser turrets we can easily provide you with them considering that you have provided us with the superstructure systems for the new mining ship we are producing.
With regards
Albert Schulze, Guildmaster
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