Greetings fellow guild members,
I have instigated this debate about Carix or Slog as most call it.
This drug, while relatively new to the sector, is spreading like wildfire. A significant number of workers across Bretonia have either used it or know someone who is actively using it. While it is not as dangerously addictive as Cardamine, its affordability and the "slogging" effect it induces can lead to severe health issues, including heart attacks. Moreover, the suspected ingredients—industrial paint thinners and leftover chemicals from the Gallic War—make it particularly hazardous.
I propose that the guild immediately bans this drug from all Guild-owned stations and vessels, while providing support for potential rehabilitation of our affected members.
Additionally we must lunch a thorough investigation to understand why Carix found its way into our ranks and to prevent future incidents of this nature
This should insure that we maintain our standards for health and safety.
With regards
Albert Schulze, Guildmaster
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I have seen a moderate uptick in the presence of Slog on Falkland, and suffice to say I've taken pre-emptive action to ban it and mandate rehabilitation for those caught using. This drug may be marijuana compared to Cardamine, but I won't stand to see the men and women under me using something that'll cause them more harm than good.
Suffice to say, I take my sins from my days in the Lane Hackers very seriously, be it Carda or this abominable thing...and want to see to it that we put it down before it gets any worse than it has.
I vote in favor of amending the Stellar Charter to ban this drug and push forward with an investigation.
Asuna Akibara
Guildmistress, Falkland Base
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This ban is performative and pointless; if we have become like BMM wherein our labourers are turning to Slog, we should instead reflect upon how we have become that which we despise. Merely putting a ban on a piece of paper in that case would be showing weakness, or even admitting that our Guildsmen have it no better than under BMM’s yoke if there is spike of Slog abuse by Guildsmen that we have to suppress.
I must furthermore point out we are uniquely positioned to hold a monopoly on the drug’s export into “civilized” space thanks to our mutual gold mining friends having a controlling interest in a huge portion of the labs making it.
Jasper Moraine
Captain, Mining Vessel Tunja
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Gotta say I agree with Jasper on this. Cardamine's a whole differen't beast, yeah? It hooks ya for life, fills the pockets of the maskers. Sure, crack down on the thing. Slog and other drugs like that though? Yeah, nah.
We're not BMM, we don't need to slog through shifts, and if we start seein' that what we need is more docs and psychs to help people kick the habit and some serious sitdowns to figure out where our ops are going wrong.
Not as keen on pushing the stuff ourselves though. We can sort ourselves out so we don't need Carix, some poor bastard stuck at BMM or Kruger or whatever? They don't have that sorta autonomy or the resources to go Slog-free. These shitholes barely keep you up and runnin' when you get hurt, you think they'll help ya kick a habit? Dropping Slog on the people we're tryn' to help just feels rank.