My name is Kathryn Brandt, and I represent the community and crew of the ZCS Copenhagen. We are an independent scientific and exploration platform operating primarily out of the Omega and Omicron sectors, specializing in remote and long-term research operations.
We are looking to supplement our community with a flexible and reliable support platform, and I'm very much interested in learning more about your Bulwark Class pattern.
I look forward to future correspondence with your firm.
. User ID: Blake, Esme, CO -BCV-Saggiatore (IND-BRI00033-K834) Recipient: Brandt, Kathryn Subject: Copenhagen Bulwark Purchase .
Good afternoon Ms Brandt,
Apologies for taking so long to get back to you, Ms Brandt, it seems that this request was lost in transmission and has only come back to our attention with a communications buoy refresh.
Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing prides itself on the Bulwark design and I’m sure it won’t disappoint. We’ve had significant sales to Zoner organizations - such as Phoenix - and feel that the Bulwark has rapidly cemented itself as a Omicrons system pioneer. Fast, nimble, and packing an unexpectedly heavy punch, the Bulwark can defend itself and escorted vessels. It will surely serve an independently-minded organization such as yours in the Omegas well.
The price per unit, for singular orders, is 15.000.000 to be sent to the account Akutan. Once proof of payment is received, as soon as a Bulwark is ready we’ll transfer the ship codes to you by secure transmission.
. User ID: Blake, Esme, CO -BCV-Saggiatore (IND-BRI00033-K834) Recipient: Brandt, Kathryn Subject: Copenhagen Bulwark Purchase .
Good afternoon Ms Brandt,
My apologies, but due to current administrative difficulties, we will not be able to fulfill Bulwark class orders for the near future. When we will be able to continue operations as normal, you will be among the first to know.
Apologies for the delay in my response; we've been out of communication range for the past few days due to some internal issues. While it's unfortunate to hear that you're not able to accept more shipbuild contracts at this time, please do let me know if you again begin accepting new contracts on Bulwark frames.
I wish you all the best in sorting out your administrative difficulties; let me know if I need to update or disregard any of your Accounts Payable from my personal records.