The Cruiser IKN Nagara was once a prototype unit of the Imperial Kusari Navy and was used by the Navy to develop prototype equipment for use by naval forces. But these Experiments went Terribly Wrong, and the Cruiser disappeared without a trace as they tested an Experimental Prometheum-fueled cloaking Device that went totally out of control. The Cloak overheated after the Nagara came under attack by Outcasts during a Field Test. The Outcast forces landed a Lucky hit on the Nagara, the Cloaking Device went out of control, and the Security System failed miserably. On top of that, they would also experience a Rupture in the Main Reactor and in several Containment tanks. Before the Crew Even Noticed what had happened or what they could do to stop it, the whole ship was already flooded with Deadly Radiation. A Fact that was made worse due to the Malfunction in the Automated Guidance and control system that prevented the Emergency Shutdown of the Cloaking Device and the Ejection of the Reactor. Another side effect of this was that the ship would jump uncontrollably in a random pattern. The whole idea behind the Prometheum Cloaking Device was, after all, to get rid of the Cumbersome Fuel Cells that ships with a Cloak Device relied upon. And so would the Ship Simply Disapere and drifted around the System for years, it did Create some weird Sensor Readings some times when it drifted near a Ship or Staion, but it was always as fast gone as it had appeared. But after years of being a literal ghost Ship, the Nagara would finally stop its journey as the Cloaking Device completely broke down. The Ship would Break Down Deep in the Seiran Dust Cloud and be hidden away from all Scanners and the Usual smuggling and patrol routes. The Gen´an Pilot Kiri Amaririsu would Discover the Nagara after she had to Flee Deep into the Cloud to escape a KNF Patrole as she was on the way back to the Main Gen´an Station of KKJ after a Trade Deal with the Outcasts. Eri and her Crew Discovered that the Ship was a Graveyard and that the Crew was long Dead, but that the Ship itself was still in a Good enough Condition so that the ship could be Repaired and Put to good Use for the Sisterhood to fight the patriarchy of Kusari that Oppresses so many Woman.
//OORP The Pictures Used in this Post were made by @CuteyCAI. Please give her Credit for her amazing Work. I am happy that i have Hired her to make this Art for my Project.
After a Long and Detailed Prepare Period the Gen An Sisterhood Returned to the Destroyer Nagara that was hidden deep inside of the Seiran Dust Cloud in Kyushu. They had Modified a Standard Civilian Train With Heavy Lead Shielding and some Smaller Grouse Transports as well. The Train would be Striped of its Container Section and instead Equipped with tow cables and tractor-beam projectors. The Train would be acting as a Makeshift Engine for the Destroyer and would Pull the Ship Behind it, while the Grouse Transports would act as Tug Boats and would keep the Nagara in Place and prevent it from Moving into a Direction that wasn't Wanted by the Sisterhood. Kiri was in command of the Modified Train and would Watch the Procedure from its Bridge Section. With the Blessing of the Matriarch, she felt Proud as the little Convoy moved towards the Location of the Nagara. They had a Heavy Escort of some Fighters and a couple of Bombers with them to Protect against Possible Intrusions by the Lapdogs of the Kusarian Navy. But thankfully the Litle Convoy could reach their destination without any interference by the Lapdogs.
After a Quick Scan of the Destroyer that made sure that they would not run into a trap, the Sisters would begin to Put the Towing Cables in Place and secure the Nagara to become the Property of the Sisterhood. The Radiation Levels that were emitted by the Destroyer were High but with the Modified Ships the Sisters had nothing to fear. The Towing ship with the name 自由な風 Jiyūna kaze (Free Wind) would Go into Position in front of the Nagara. The Other smaller Grouse Tug Boats would keep the ship Stable while everyone got the Destroyer Ready. After a Couple of Hours of Work, they were ready and would Set Course toward the Hokkaido Jumphole. Even though the Modified Train had some Strong Engines they would have to Tow a Massive Dead Weight and therefore they could only Move at a snail's Pace. The Sisters had also kept the Radiation Levels in Mind and had to make sure that they would not be exposed to Dangerous Levels.
After a Couple of Hours, they would reach the Jumphole to Hokkaido and would Make the Jump with the Nagara in Tow. It was a Rough Ride and the Sisters would be Bumped up and down in their seats and all of them would be Relived as they exited the Jumphole in Hokkaido. With this, they would have had the worst behind them as the Jump was the most dangerous thing that could have happened was the Jump. No one knew if the Nagara would survive the Jump as the ship could not be Controlled during it and some of the engineers had the fears that the ship might Collide with the Train at the Exit from the Jumphole. But thankfully everything went well and the Sisterhood could Continue their way to Ainu Depot After they were able to Reach the Depot the Gen´an would Secure the Destroyer so they could start the Decontamination Work as soon as they received the Necessary Equipment that they Requested to buy from the Junkers. For now, the Gen´an Sisters would Relax at Ainu and Celebrate the success of today's Operation.
//OORP The Pictures Used in this Post were made by @CuteyCAI. Please give her Credit for her amazing Work. I am happy that i have Hired her to make this Art for my Project.
After the Junker Congress Delivered a Substantial Amount of Cleaning Materials and Equipment for the Ikebana Project. Kiri was quite Excited as she would assemble a small fleet of transports from some of the best smugglers the Sisterhood had to offer. They would also use some Decoys and other forms of Distractions to keep the Lapdogs of the KNF and the KSP Occupied. The Sisters would Call this "Operation Smoke Screen" The Sisterhood would Launch an Attack against Samura Installations and Ships in the Honshu and New Tokyo System to Draw away Forces from the Kyushu System. This Diversion gave the Smugglers enough Opportunity to make it to Hokkaido and to Ainu Depot and Deliver their Precious Cargo. In the end, all of the smugglers made it to Ainu and Delivered the Cargo. But sadly the Operation wasn't a complete success. The Lapdogs could Destroy some of the Decoy Transports and some of the Fighters that Attacked Samura Ships and Installations. Thankfully the Sisterhood could Save many of their Pilots, but not all sisters were that lucky, and some of them would either Die out there in the Darkness of Space or had an even worse fate and were captured by the Lapdogs of the KNF and KSP, just to be brought into the Hellhole that was Fuchu Prison. Of course, the Sisterhood would try to Rescue them at a later time, but sadly for now these Sisters were in the Grasp of the Kusarian State Lapdogs. This was something that made Eri Pretty Sad as she Felt Responsible for the Fate of her Sisters as it was she who had found the Destroyer Nagara in the Cloud and became the one that was in charge of this Whole Operation after all.
But right now she had to concentrate on the Work that lay ahead of her and the Security of her Sisters. The Gen´an Sisterhood would begin the Work by Sending in Some Modified Robots that would do the Heavy Lifting and the Most Dangerous Work. The Attrition Rate among the Robots was pretty High and the Sisters had to deal with many Malfunctions and Defects in the Robotic Workforce. But like this, it was much more safe for them. This work took almost 2 Weeks and even then the levels were only Down enough to allow humans to help with the Fine work that was not able to be done by the Robots. The Sisters would Wear Special Space Suits that were Reinforced with Lead and other Anti Radiation Materials, but even then the Sisters had to be very careful to not get any Leaks or Breaks in the Suits. The Atmosphere was still poisoned with Radiation and there full any Leak in the Suits would be a Life-threatening event. The Suits themself had to be thoroughly decontaminated after the sisters Returned from their Work Shifts back to Ainu before they could get out of the Suit.
The whole Decontamination Process took over 2 Months before the Gen´an Sisters could continue their work without the Suits. All of the Waste and the Broken Robots were gathered in the Hazmat Containers that were delivered by Mister Tillman of the Junker Congress. All of the things he had delivered and the Tips he had Given the Gen´an were pretty valuable to them. But still, they had some Cases of Radiation poisoning and other Health Problems. But the Medicine that the Junkers had also Delivered was more than enough to treat the Affected Sisters and get them Healthy Again. But All of this was worth it as they now had the Ship fully Decontaminated and The sisters could Enter the Ship without having to fear that they would be getting a deadly Dose of Radiation.
The sisters had also given the Remains of the Crew a Naval Funeral as they would have to Shoot the Remains into the Sun. Eri would have preferred to send the Remains back to the Families but this would have broken the Operational Secrecy and the Lapdogs of the KNF and KSP would have found out that the Gen´an were in Procession of the Prototype Destroyer Nagara. Therefore they did the second best thing they could and gave them a Traditional Naval Funeral as they would show their Respect for the Enemy that had in the end brought them an Incredibly powerful tool for the Revolution against the Patriarchy.
//OORP The Pictures Used in this Post were made by @CuteyCAI. Please give her Credit for her amazing Work. I am happy that i have Hired her to make this Art for my Project.
After the Decontamination of the Destroyer Nagara The Gen´an Sisterhood would use the Modified Train and the Grouses Again to Tow the Destroyer over to the Chugoku System. But this time the Sisterhood had time to make a Structural Analysis of the Destroyer and to make sure that the ship would not break apart during the Towing. They would strengthen the structure where needed and then secure the tow cables and tractor beams on the ship again. As they had now to Traverse Open Space the sisters would start some Distractions again. But this time on a smaller Scale. They would make sure to hold up or destroy any ships that could detect the Destroyer that would be on the way to the Chugoku Jumphole. Thankfully there wasn't much Traffic in the system anyway. Since the Jump Gate to Gallia was closed after the war the Traffic in the system had almost entirely Collapsed. The only Civilian Traffic these days was to Sapporo Station which was directly at the Jumpgate. And so it was easy for them to make a daring dash through the Gap at the "Kyofu" Radiation Zone. Thankfully the Radiation there was much lower than what the Sisterhood had previously Cleaned from the ship. At this Chanche they would also Dispose of the Radioactive Waste by shooting it at the Sun and Burning it up in the Atmosphere of the Red Dwarf which could reach temperatures of up to 3,500 degrees Celsius. Once they were close enough one of the Grouse Transports would Detach from the Groupe. The remote-controlled ship would then fly Closer to the Red Dwarf and Detonate the Explosive Bolts that held its Cargo Section in Place. The cargo Section with all of the Radioactive Trash inside would then be Propelled by some External Rocket Engines towards the Red Dwarf where it would Burn Up and finally Dissolve for good.
Once they reached the Chugoku System they would then Set Course for Kyoto. The Sisters would Tow the Destroyer into the Shipyard and would then dock their ships and go through the Protocols that the Dragons had set in place to protect their home from the Lapdogs of the KSP and KNF. The Sisters that would stay on Kyoto to get Trained by the Dragons in Capital Ship Operations and those that would help with the Engineering Work would get nice Accommodation at this Floating Rock that was Turned into a Small City on the Inside. Due to the Problems that the Dragons had with Cardamine, the Sisters had to follow Strict Rules for its use on board. They were not allowed to Smoke it or to use it Openly. But the Dragons understood that they needed the Orange Flowers to stay alive, and so they allowed them to use it in less obvious ways. Eri and the other Sisters would agree to this and find this Compromise Quite Fair, after all they were Guests and they needed the Dragons so they wanted to be Diplomatic.
In Fact, Eri was pretty Excited about the things that she would learn while she was on Kyoto. For now, she was the Chosen Commander for the Destroyer, but she would still need to prove herself. Only when the Repairs and Refurbishment of the Destroyer were complete the Matriarch would make her Final Judgement on who would get the Final command over this Remarkable Ship. For now, the Sisters would get comfortable in their new Temporary home for a while. Tomorrow the Real Hard work would begin and the Sisters would have to see what kind of Damage the Systems of the Destroyer have taken and what they would need to Repair it. Eri herself would Join the Team of Blood Dragon Hackers that would decrypt the Data Vault of the Ship and this would Hopefully shine more Light onto the Things that happened with the Ship and lead to it falling into the hands of the Crysantemums in the end.
//OORP The Pictures Used in this Post were made by @CuteyCAI. Please give her Credit for her amazing Work. I am happy that i have Hired her to make this Art for my Project.
Project Name: Ikebana
Stage 4: Hull Repairs and Renameing Date: 06. 02. 834 AS
The Repairs Beginn / Renameing of the Destroyer
The Days on Kyushu went by with many new things to learn for the Woman of the Gen´an Chrysanthemums. The Dragons would Drill them Relentlessly and Train them on how to Operate a Cruiser. Eri and her Sisters were often Exhausted in the evening and fell into bed and sleep instantly. But they were learning many new things that would help them in the future in their Fights against the Patriarchy of Kusari and the Lapdogs that protected the Unfair and Oppressive System. But As exhausted as the Sisters were in the evenings the Prospective of Fighting their Oppressors on Equal Terms was Motivateing them Greatly to push harder and to learn all they could. Eri and some of her Sisters were Trained in Command Roles as others were learning how to do Engineering and other Essential Tasks for the Daily operations of the Destroyer.
And while the Crew was Drilled and Trained by the Dragons, the Engeniers would be hard at work to Repair the Ship. The Logistics Fleet of the Gen´an would get the Job of delivering all the Necessary Parts that the Dragons needed to Patch up the Holes in the Hull of the Destroyer that was left by some asteroid Impacts and Goddess Knew what. And while the Necessary Parts were Delivered the Future Crew of the Ship would think about a Name for the Ship. The GC Girls didn't want to keep the Original Name so they Brainstormed and tried to find a new Name. Eri gathered all the Sisters on board of Kyushu and they would hold a Vote on the Name. In the end the Name "Kakumei" was Chosen and the Sisters Deemed the Kusarian Word for Revolution as the Perfect name for the Destroyer. Once the Name was Decided they would manufacture a new Nameplate for the Ship and would Weld it onto the Hull with Golden Letters.
Eri had also talked with Abe-san and they agreed to seek the help of the Order for the Repairs of the Destroyer. Eri was a bit nervous about this as she had never worked together with the Infamous Nomad Hunters. But if Abe-san and the Dragons saw this as the right Step then she would trust his Judgement. Eri had high Respect for the Blood Dragons, even when they saw some things different than the Sisterhood they were Honorable Warriors and Valuable Allies in the fight against the Oppressive Regime of the Kusarian government. She was Curious to meet the Agents of the Order and to see what they would have in mind for the Repairs and Refits for the Kakumei and if they really could help them.
//OORP The Pictures Used in this Post were made by @CuteyCAI. Please give her credit for her amazing Work. I am happy that I have hired her to do this art for my project.
Project Name: Ikebana
Stage 5: Engine Repairs and Training Date: 12. 02. 834 AS
Engine Repairs and Training
The engine repairs would make good progress once Gen´an delivered everything the things that were missing for the work. But even with these Deliveries, they would have a lot of work ahead of them. The Engine Repairs would take a while and then they would also need to see if the Reactor was Stable enough to Power the ship or if they would have to Replace the whole thing. Eri had already kept her ears open for information on how she could get a Replacement Reactor should it really come to the worst. But Eri trusted the Engineering Skills of the Blood Dragons and the Skills of her Sisters who supported them in their work. They had done so much after Eri had found the Destroyer deep In the Seiran Dust Cloud. Her life really had changed since then, not only did she was able to tow the Ship to Kyoto, but she was also Promoted by the Matriarch into the Inner Circle of Leadership of the Gen´an Cell. Eri was still pretty surprised about the Whole Promotion thing and tried to figure out how she could help the Sisterhood in the best way.
But not only Eri was hard at work. The other Sisters that would become Part of the "Kakumei" Crew were Drilled Relentlessly by the Blood Dragons. As the Gen´an Crysantemums were not a group that was Frequently using cruisers and Destroyers among their Ranks they had no real Experience with these types of Ships. Of Course, the acquisition of the GC-Akechi-kan and GC-Murasaki-kan from the Outcasts had helped them towards the Goal of Building a Cruiser Force that could Fight on Equal Terms with their Enemies. But these Ships still were a Rareity in the Wieder GC Fleet. The Kakumei would now hopefully be the 3rd Ship that Strengthened the Sisterhood in Battle. And they might be even able to learn something from this Project that would make the future introduction of Cruisers into the Ranks more easy. But for now, that was a Distant Dream, and the future Crew of the Kakumei had to Deal with the Demands of the Blood Dragon Drill Sergeants who demanded the Absolute best from the Woman and didn't accept any form of Excuse if they didn't meet that Expectations. But the women were Really thankful for the things they learned and motivated by the knowledge that all of this hard Training would benefit them in the event of a Real Battle.
//OORP The Pictures Used in this Post were made by @CuteyCAI. Please give her credit for her amazing Work. I am happy that I have hired her to do this art for my project.
Project Name: Ikebana
Stage 5: First time out of Drydock. Date: 20. 02. 834 AS
First time out of Drydock.
With all the Knowledge and Help from the Order the Blood Dragons could Accelerate the Estimated Time Table for the Repairs of the Kakumei. This and the Revelation that the Damage to the Ships Systems were less severe than what they had Expected for the Shipy, had made the Repairs of the Kakumei a faster progress than Anticipated. The Sisters of the Gen´an Chrysanthemums would soon Stand Ready at the big Panorama Window that gave a Stunning sight at the Drydock of Kyoto and would Watch as the Towing Ships of Kyoto would bring the Kakumei in Position for the Great Launching Ceremony that the Blood Dragons would Hold for the Ship as they transferred it back to the GC. Kiri and the Other Gen´an would Wear their finest Uniforms and all were smiling as the Leader of the Blood Dragons would give a Speech about the Ties that the Gen´an and the True Sons of Kusari had with each other. Once the Leader of the Dragons was Finished with his Speech it was now Eri´s Turn to Step onto the Stage. The new Capitan of the Ship was pretty Nervous about It as she wasn't used to doing such things. But thankfully No one could see that behind the Wooden Mask that she was Always wearing over her face.
Kiri: Honored Friends of the Blood Dragons, Beloved Sisters of the Gen´an Chrysanthemums. With Great Joy, I will take back the Kakumei into the Service of the Sisterhood. This Ship that carries the Kusarian Name for Revolution will bring exactly that to our Enemies. And she will show all the Oppressed women of Kusari that they can also Rise against those that keep them down and want them to hide their true potential. The Kakumei will always fight side by side with our Allies the Blood Dragons and together we will Bring a new Age of Freedom to the Oppressed Masses of Kusari.
She was happy as the Speech was over and she could step off the stage. Her little Pett Parrot would rub her head on a Spot of Kiri´s face that wasn't covered by the Mask. Next would come a Scientist of the Order who also gave a speech about the Cooperation and how this would benefit all 3 Factions. Kiri was pretty nervous at this point as she would take Command of the Kakumei once the Man had finished Speaking. Of course, Kiri would have a Liason Officer and several other Members of the Blood Dragons on board to Advise and Help her for the first couple of months, to make the new situation more easy for the Gen´an. Of course, the Crew of the Kakumei had Received Intense Training from the Blood Dragons when it came to Capital Ship operations that went from Navigation all the way down to Combat tactics. But still Kiri was thankful for any help she could get.
Once the Speeches were over the Crew would Board the Kakumei and Kiri would take Seat in the Capitans Chair of the Destroyer for the First time. It Felt Kinda good to sit here and to Overlook the operations on the Bridge. And after she would Breath Trough for a Final Time she would give the Order to Disengage the Mooring and to Bring the Ship out of the Drydock at a Slow 1/4th of the Possible Speed. Everyone seemed to hold their Breath as the Ship slowly moved Forward and left the Kyoto Docking Facility behind. And then the Crew would break out in Cheers and Applause once the Kakumei had Cleard the Drydock Completly. And after a Short Moment of Joy Kiri would Give the Order to the Ship to Set Course for Ainu Depot. It was time to see what this Beauty of a Destroyer could Really do.
//OORP The Pictures Used in this Post were made by @CuteyCAI. Please give her credit for her amazing Work. I am happy that I have hired her to do this art for my project.