Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
Brandenburg Border Station
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate Bommel SOURCE:Brandenburg Border Station, New-Berlin System SUBJECT:Storage space renting
Sehr geehrter Herr Linhardt,
ze Rheinland Polizei, respectively me, needs ze service of it's citizen.
I need some space wizin Rheinland for one or two weeks to store around 10.000 Gaian Wildlifes.
I'm sure you can free up around 20.000 storage units at Eupen. I also believe zat I will not get toxic goo on ze cargo.
Well, I won't issue an order for zat. I count zis as a personal favor and let me put it zis way: You would razer have me as a friend zan as an enemy.
Needless to say: You'll be compensated for your trouble.
SENDER:Adam Linhardt, Vorsitzender, SEO RECIPIENT:Oberrätin Renate Bommel LOCATION:Eupen Handelsplatz, New Berlin SUBJECT:You storage request ENCRYPTION:High
Oberrätin Bommel, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
I must say that this is a most irregular request, but rest assured that Eupen can always accommodate the wishes of the Polizei. I will put you in touch with my personal security chief, Herr Oliver Manz. He will handle the particulars of this transaction from this point on. Once you pass a few samples to him, Eupen's expert staff will ensure the containment of the full volume of your... shipment.
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
Brandenburg Border Station
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate Bommel SOURCE:Brandenburg Border Station, New-Berlin System SUBJECT:Storage space renting
Sehr geehrter Herr Manz,
I assumed zat you would be able to take ze necessary preparations yourself...
Anyway, I "borrowed" a wide range of Gaian species from a zoo on New-Berlin.
To avoid any furzer ... complications, I also gazered a team of volunteer workers,
zeir supervisors and technical advisors so you can provide suitable animal enclosures.
Ze Polizei unit Ziegel-1 is currently mooring at Eupen and awaits your signal.
Ze captain has order to bring back ze animals to ze zoo of New-Berlin afterwards.
Ze price has to be set to 300 credits per wildlife.
SENDER:Oliver Manz, Sicherheitschef RECIPIENT:Oberrätin Renate Bommel LOCATION:Eupen Handelsplatz, New Berlin SUBJECT:Wildlife enclosures ENCRYPTION:High
Look Oberrätin, I have to tell you that this is not something Herr Linhardt finds particularly agreeable. I think you'll prefer to deal with me in any case, because if you keep pushing, he will contact the interior ministry, and then we'll all have a headache, ja?
Now, the thing is done. You will have your enclosures, and I've made arrangements for their upkeep and at least some kind of secrecy. You must understand though, this is not some hard-ass MND installation. Our security knows the score, but the caretakers will be civvies. I can brief your team as best as I can, but you can assume that this will get out as soon as you make your first shipment. If you're not prepared for that, we need to have a talk about funding the op so that I can re-build the whole containment team from the ground up.
One last thing. Herr Linhardt has indicated that this unpleasant business will be over quickly, or he'll know the reason why. So if you want me to keep him off your ass, give me as much information as possible about your plans here, and I'll decide if delays are warranted. I hope we understand one another.
I do not like ze riotous sound of your last message.
I really don't understand, why Herr Linhardt would not find zis agreeable. I asked him to store 10.000 Gaian Wildlike for me up to two weeks.
If he had no interest, he could simply said no. I'm not vindictive.
But let me say I understand your concerns as ze chief of security and his concerns as administrator of ze station.
I'd probably act ze same way, so let me enlight you a bit:
I was born on ze 20z february 784, means in a few days I'll hit a half century.
And over ze years I gazered a bunch of friends and business partners, which are, aside from family, invited to ze celebration. I value zem and I just want ze best for zem.
As you maybe know, ze wildlife of planet Gaia is a rare delicacies if cooked correctly.
Unfortunately I don't know many cooks, who have ze reputation of a skilled cook wizin Rheinland.
I know one, who works on planet New-Berlin and one, who works for orbital spa & cruise.
However, I got information zat you get ze best taste out of zem, if zere is not much time between ze kill and ze cooking.
Also zey should not encounter much stress, as zis makes ze meat chewy.
Now, let me say zat I won't overinterpret your last response for now.
If Herr Linhardt really want to contact ze ministry of the interior, I won't stop him.
What will he tell zem?
I asked to rent some storage space for totally legal cargo
I've put too much effort for a zing I value, wizout personal financial gain
I did not violate existing laws or have done harm to Rheinland
If you really want to zat route, image ze effort I can invest to make your business in Rheinland as unpleasant as possible
set up regular Eupen inspection patrols.
Zat beeing said, expect ze ze first arriving transports wizin a few hours days.
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
Planet New-Berlin
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate Bommel SOURCE:Comterminal near party location, New-Berlin System SUBJECT:Wildlife enclosures
Sehr geehrter Herr Manz,
I'm sorry for ze delayed response.
Ze OS&C|ONE-Beefmaster will soon arrive at your station to pickup ze wildlife.
Please set ze price to 350 credits per wildlife. Zis should cover ze main trouble you've encountered recently.
I also asked ze captain to restock your food and water supplies during ze complete removal of ze cargo.
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate Bommel SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin SUBJECT:Military salvage in regards to ze new SEO affiliation
Sehr geehrter Herr Linhardt,
ze Rheinland corvette Eisenach had to moor on friday, ze 03.05.834 evening at your station for minor repairs.
One officer came across one of your docking bots, which immediately offered a specific amount of cash to ze officer. Ze robot was so intrusive zat it simply removed a few pieces of salvage from ze ship. Of course zis matter was solved in a civic manner, but I've to official warn you, zat an exchange of military salvage for credits is considered as a trade.
I'm sure you are aware zat military salvage is considered as restricted cargo according to ze Rheinland trade regulations article 3, §3.1.1. number nine; only Rheinland corporations, as well as official Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing traders are allowed to transport it wizin Rheinland. Due ze fact, zat it is considered restricted, article 7, §7.7. applies. As far as I'm aware, SEO| is no longer considered as an ALG affiliate nor as an Rheinland corporation. Eupen still uses ze ALG transponder code. Zis would zerefore violate article 7, §
Zat brings me into a difficult situation, I did not forget zat you helped me - but I have to enforce ze law.
If you would be able to solve zis issues, we could avoid an official fine and ze garrison of ze KPR|KKS-Eisenach would only receive a warning fee of 100.000 credits.
SENDER:Adam Linhardt, Vorsitzender, SEO RECIPIENT:Oberrätin Renate Bommel LOCATION:Eupen Handelsplatz, New Berlin SUBJECT:Eupen legal status ENCRYPTION:High
Oberrätin Bommel, it is good to see the Polizei is as conscientious about Rheinland law as I recall.
Now that my business with the other Houses is concluded for the time being, I am able to look into oversights such as the ones you describe.
In the case of Eupen's current registration, you may look to the Ministry's internal databanks to find your answer. My request for an update was submitted at the same time as the other paperwork I had to file on behalf of SEO. Perhaps if you put pressure on the right people, these things would be expedited, for the benefit of Rheinland.
As for military salvage - that is being handled as I send this communication. It is sufficed to say that your experience serves as a reminder to my administrators to perform regular testing of our automated facilities. As this defect in the program was discovered during your visit, it is more than fair for you to receive the bounty bonus for such matters. I will also instruct the team to indicate that partnership you mention is no longer in effect.
If there is anything else that you believe requires my attention, don't hesitate to use this node for future contact.
my name is Renate Bommel and I'm sure you remember me from our previous conversation.
when I was informed about ze company closure of SEO, I was initially shocked. Anozer promising company was driven into ruin.
I would like to give your station a new meaning. Nozing fancy. Just a few jobs for poor souls.
Needless to mention, zat somezing like zis need to have been approved by ze bureaucratic monster Rheinland government before. But you could be compensated to pay some open invoices, I guess. But I would like to know, if you want zis at all. I remember how SEO once moved ze Koepchen Depot to Cologne. Such a last service would be necessary here again.
my name is Renate von Bommel, enlisted Freifrau of ze Rheinland nobility system, part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland and, since recently, stellvertrende Direktorin of ze penal colony Hammersee in ze Rheinland system Lüneburg, formerly known as Sigma-15.
Herr Linhardt told me on a different channel, ze base already has a new management.
While I regret to not been able to see ze base relocated to Rheinland core space, I'm zankful to see ze installation is not abandoned. As I know from previous visits, ze installation was able to turn simple scrap into alloy.
We wish to construct a new field hospital on ze moon and are in need of 50.000 units of basic alloy. We've choosen you out of local convenience. We hope you can provide zis in a timely manner. Due ze importance of ze deliveries, I'm empored to offer you a bonus for your deliveries up to 20 sc per unit. Zis offer would be exclusive to you, so you don't have to fear some kind of competition. Please state your interest wizin a week, ozerwise I'll open ze offer to ze public.