The Registrierungsbüro has discussed your proposal, and has deemed beneficial to Rheinland in most respects. Therefore, your main request to operate a prison station in New Berlin orbit has been approved. Discussions are ongoing regarding your other stipulations, and you will receive an update about these in due course. However, you must ensure that the viability of your installation does not rely on their approval.
I zank you for approving Request I and I confirm ze viability of ze installation won't be affected by ze outcome of ze outstanding requests (as long as zere is no immediate zreat).
If possible please prioritise Request IV, as zis is tied to ze setup phase.
Those organizations and individuals who wish to construct a Modular station in the House of Rheinland should use this communication channel to apply and request information regarding the fee structure and regulations.
To apply for a Modular Station in the House of Rheinland please follow the following:
1. Read and understand the Laws of Rheinland, specifically Article 7. They are included below for your convenience.
2. Fill out the applicable Application Paperwork, as listed below. Incomplete and improperly completed applications will be discarded.
3. Transfer the Application fee to the Rheinland Ministry of Economic Development accounting department "Rheinland.Treasury.2". The fee is equal to the quarterly license cost and is not refundable in the event of application denial. Applications without a paid application fee will be discarded.
The Current Registration and Quarterly licensing fee: 500,000 Credits
The Ministry of Economic Development encourages all prospective Modular Station Administrators to contract Rheinland based transportation and manufacturing corporations during the station's construction phase.
§7.1. All modular bases within Rheinland have to be registered in the Modular bases registry before the construction begins. The registration fee is 500,000 SC. Each modular base is required to pay a quarterly fee of 500,000 to maintain its license. The first installment of the license fee is to be paid 3 months after the date of modular base approval in the registry. This fee may be waived by the Government of Rheinland.
§7.1.1. Every organization or individual, which wants to construct a station in Rheinland, has to answer the following points truthfully:
§ Name of the base<Trent's Bar and Grill> § Name of the station administrator Mr.E § Affiliation unaffiliated Freelancer § The purpose of the station Bar and Grill with a small trade hum for supplies and storage § Existing trade agreements none § Location of the base
3 c up 16k from Hamburg jump hole
§7.2. All modular bases have to be built at a distance of at least 10K from existing installations and other solars
§7.3. Any deviation in the information provided by paragraph §1.1. and its subsections are subject to an official investigation and may be sanctioned.
§7.4. Affiliation rules:
§7.4.1. The affiliation of the station administrator has to be at least neutral to the law-enforcement authorities.
§7.4.2. The affiliation of the station administrator has to be hostile to the Rheinland unlawful groups.
§7.4.3. Paragraphs §4.1. and §4.2. apply also to the station security members.
§7.4.4. Conditions mentioned in paragraphs §4.1. and §4.2. have to be proven if the station is owned by the non-Rheinland entity or upon request of the law-enforcement authority.
§7.5. The law-enforcement authority has the right to restrict the trade to any station if it's necessary to interrupt the violating of Rheinland laws. Any contraband found available to be sold on the station is a reason for the start of official investigations and may be sanctioned.
§7.6. A violation of the Rheinland laws may result in suspending or revoking permission.
§7.7. Trade agreements with restricted goods have to be approved by the Rheinland Ministry of Economic Development.
§7.8. Criminal database:
§7.8.1. If an entry in the criminal database declares a member of the security of the station as criminal, the fine for amnesty is to be paid either from the violator or the station administrator.
Failing to do so may result in a revoking of the permission and/or the removal of the violator from Rheinland space.
§7.8.2. In case the arrest warrant is issued, the station administrator has to replace the member of the security of the station.
§7.9. Responsibilities of the station owner and administrators:
§7.9.1. The station administrators have to ensure that the official law-enforcement authorities have docking rights at all times.
§7.9.2. The station administrators have to ensure that trading on the base is not in any violation of the Rheinland Laws including not supporting any illegal, criminal or terrorist groups or individuals.
§7.9.3. Construction of weapon platforms must be approved by at least one of the official law-enforcement authorities or the Ministry of the Interior before construction begins.
§7.9.4. Construction of manufacturing facilities that produce cloaking devices, hyperspace jump drives or hyperspace survey modules is only permitted to Rheinland Corporations
§7.9.5. Base owners must make their accessible for a two (2) hour safety and wellness inspection between the hours of 5pm UTC and 10pm UTC.
(//Vulnerability window of modular installations within Rheinland space must be set between the hours of 5pm UTC and 10pm UTC)
§7.10. Base construction without proper registration as well as any other law violation related to modular bases is punishable by fine.
Name: Arnsberg Research Institute
Administrator(s): Dr. Richard Batsbak
Affiliation: Daumann Heavy Construction
Purpose: Research and Development, special weapons and equipment manufacturing
Location: New Berlin, 5C
Name: Koepchen Depot
Administrator(s): Hans Meier
Affiliation: ALG Waste Disposal
Purpose: Oversight of the Karlsruhe cleanup site.
Location: Stuttgart, 2C
Name: Lichtenberg Station
Administrator(s): Lukas von Mayer, Flottenkapitän
Affiliation: Rheinland Military
Purpose: Resuply of our units and rapid response force headquarters.
Location: New Berlin, 4-5F
Name: McBoyles Schrottplatz
Administrator(s): Festus McBoyle
Affiliation: Junker
Purpose: Scrap Metal processing and storage
Location: Frankfurt, 5C
Name: Ruhrpott Mining Facility
Administrator(s): Kurt Reber, Generaldirektor
Affiliation: Daumann Heavy Construction
Purpose: Mainly storage and refining of mined resources from Omega-7 and Omega-11
Location: Stuttgart, 4E
The Registrierungsbüro has evaluated your request to construct the mentioned installation, and has deemed it superfluous to the current needs of Rheinland within the Hamburg system. Furthermore, the construction of such an installation in breach of the law already created a black mark against your credibility. Therefore, your application is denied.
The büro recommends that you reach out to representatives of Imperial Shipping (e.g. the Weiss group), in order to discover more about the needs of our shipping conglomerates. After you have done due diligence, you may make another request with a specific goal in mind, one that would be supported by Imperial Shipping representatives in the form of a signed contract or petition.
Meanwhile, we strongly recommend that you completely evacuate the installation, and allow its disassembly by organizations specializing in such operations. In order to encourage you to do this, we will be reimbursing the registration fee which has prematurely made it into our accounts.
If you do not allow this to happen, mein herr, we will have no choice but to involve the Militar in assisting you with the deconstruction.