The Krampusnacht ran into some issues with several attempted takeovers from the ungrateful elf interns that staffed the ship for free room and board ~ as such, the captain of the Krampusnacht has bravely decided to run off to a non-extradition tax haven somewhere in the Independent Worlds and will be unable to fly about until the next year! But fear not, those who have missed meeting the Krampusnacht this year can write a letter to Krampus for their belated Krampusnacht wishes!
All letters should be addressed to Krampus bearing the following:
Name of the ship and shipclass
What ship engines are desired (must be of the same class, IE: Light BS with Light BS, BC with BC, etc, AND human engines for humans, nomad engines for nomads)
Screenshot of a 20,000,000 credit deposit to the 'Krampusnacht' for the Krampus Legal Defense Fund against baseless allegations of slave labor
Letters must be inRP posts on this thread, only one request will be accepted per person (player), and requests must be recieved within 24 hours of this posting going live. MAKE SURE ON DARKSTAT THAT YOUR SHIP AND THE ENGINES YOU WANT HAVE THE SAME SPEEDS
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco, Golden Cross Cartel Recipient ID: Krampus, Krampusnacht Subject: My Wish Caro Krampus
This year, my trade and family endeavors have fared extremely well, and my team and I have succeeded in meeting the ambitious goals I set. I have secured a successful future and generous inheritance for my precious, little daughter.
It is precisely for that reason I am writing to you - beyond our usual family celebration, I certainly deserve a lasting testament to my recent triumphs. I would like the visible engine spectrum on my yacht, the GCC|Amalfi (a Storta-class vessel), to exude the same refined decadence seen on the Triumph-class destroyers. My technicians have certainly tried to achieve it in the past, yet with little success.
P.S. You will find a small token of my generosity credited to your account. I wish your luck with your upcoming legal battles.
· Sender: Nathanaël Samuel Michaux · Recipient: Krampusnacht · Letter Subject: My request to the Krampusnacht
Bonjour Krampus,
I am not sure why I write this message because never heard of you before, but a Rheinlander captain told me about your existence a few months ago, so I thought its may worth a try. I am the captain of the [GN]GNS-Arcachon – a Valor-class Gallic Battleship. I would be interested if it is possible to change the engine of it to that of the “Bismarck” Rheinland Battleship.
I am aware that its usage requires Mox but thanks to the new trade agreement between Gallia and Rheinland I think it will not cause a problem. Also it will be a good test if our ships can properly function using mox instead of Prometheum. So that is all, I think. The unmarked credits are already delivered as I was instructed by that Rheinlander, hopefully it reaches you properly.
Source: Planet Los Angeles
Applying decryption algorithm...
Establishing video uplink.
From: Luisa Chiavallati To: Krampus, Krampusnacht Subject: Merry Krampusnacht! And the wish.
Greetings to you, jovial artisan, I hope my little letter finds you well and you appreciate the stage set up to record it at one of numerous fancy resorts of Los Angeles.
The New Jersey. My pride, joy and largest project managed and completed so far, her lineage - being one of the few Arbiter-class Battleships still standing - is the testament to her brutal, relentless efficiency, spearheading her formation like no other warship could, she bears her name and her heritage with pride, even as the Insurgency it once was part of lies in ashes. She deserves every praise and honors that come her way as much as she deserves to further stand as a testament to safety and security it brings to House of Liberty. To this end, I ask you to employ your artisanship to refit her - the 46th|TFA-LNS-New.Jersey with a proplusion system of a "Valor"-class battleship. How will I explain this to our engineers next maintenance and fuel logistics is my headache already, you need not think much of it.
May these funds serve you right in your legal struggle. Unmarked, as you've asked.
Subject:xxxxAll I want for Krampusnacht is blue plasma
xxxx xxxx
Dear Krampus
I've been a really good girl this year! I didn't do any crack like Riley told me to. I beat my personal best for bashing cops (Sunbucks is still, like, sooooo bad). Oh and I helped build some shipyards to leak out some beefed up corpo ships to the masses.
The girlies in the circle have been doing good too, cooking up some mad tech wizardry and vibing in our new makerspace. Wild how much things changed since last year, used to be there was just a couple handful of us holed up in a rented spot on a Freeport, shit's wild. I love 'em all and I'm proud of 'em.
Now what I want most is something we've been struggling to set up at the makerspace's shipyard: getting our modified XV engines into these stupid Longhorns! The );--Deedoss has been our testbed and it just keeps getting inconsistent power delivery to the plasma cells. I blame DSE not knowing how to make proper connectors. Fuckin' corpos. So yeah if you could help us out we would be suuuper thankful.
Check our contribution here. We pitched the worst idea ever to a venture capital fund then ran off with the creds and laundered them through neural net gambling sites. Have an awesome year~
To the esteemed Krampus Nacht, I send my greetings.
Every ship has a story to tell, some more then others. From a lumbering Samura Hegemon, to the personal craft of a brave explorer who hungers to observe and conquer the unknown. Some ships are endowed with special legacy's, such as the one that bears my name; the DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius. The battles this ship has seen, the men who bravely nurtured it, made it their own, lived in it... And unfortunately died in it. The Averof Cornelius bears a proud legacy, it has served its people faithfully for years, slaying Crete's foes and shielding Crete's friends.
I no longer command that ship, instead it was entrusted to my second in command and great friend, Andreas Ipitis. Even so, the ship still bears my name, and is deserving of the decoration befitting such a vessel. Indeed, as the men who worshipped gods of old were called to make great sacrifices to their higher beings, so am I called to make my own sacrifices to my gods. I have dipped into the Cornelius treasury to provide a large sum of credits so that you may help decorate this vessel, and improve it, give a visual parallel to its history, forever to be etched in the footnotes of our magnificent history.
I have seen those Hybrid Nuclear Pulse engines, employed by the MND, mostly on their Gunboats and Snub crafts, though I know an upscaled version exists for the Donau class. It is my desire that you will help provide and equip these engines on the DTR-CC>Averof.Cornlius. If the Hybrid Nuclear Pulse engines are unobtainable however, I am willing to settle for the engines used by the regular military Donau.
Transmission received
Code recognised as A-756-054-KUAUX
Decrypting.... Recipient:Krampus, Kramusnacht Sender:Yuto Akira Date:06.01.835 A.S. Subject:Legal support, for a Favour Priority:Medium
Kon'nichiwa, Krampus.
Truly disheartening to hear of your legal struggles, especially for a gentle businessman such as yourself as well as among one of the most joyous times of the Year. May you take comfort in the thought that I am not the only one within the ranks of the Naval Forces who feels for you in these troubling times you endure. The crews of both the IKN-Saga and the IKN-Aichi pooled some funding together to aid you in such struggles. I have been informed that the transfer has been made to the highlighted account, and that it was successfully deposited. I do hope this moderate sum finds good use in the battle against such trouble you find at your door.
It has been brought to my attention that you are able to wield some spiritual magic and infuse the engines of heavier vessels with whatever one captain seeks, if they so choose as a thank you for donating to your cause. A recent skirmish with some particular enemies in Kusari space has revealed the wreckage of an engine structure that we have so far failed to repair and integrate into one of our Ikazuchi class warships. The origin of the engines are that of an Order Recon Cruiser. Our last failed test has left the vessel in maintenance and cannot return to service until repairs have been complete. Would it be possible for you to, once the vessel is fully operational again, wield this power of yours and provide the IKN-Yamaguchi with the ability to utilise this engine to its full potential?
I do hope that these difficult times do not trouble you so much, and that our donation to your cause helps alleviate the issues at hand. It is also our wish that your Spirit of the Season does not dwindle, for it is you that spreads the cheer and joy across the colonies.
"It seems that this year you have passed me over. That is very understandable and respectable, as I have been all across Sirius laying the foundation for taking my revenge against the warlords that abandoned Tarancon Base, and certainly must have not been easy to find. I have received word of your struggles against ungrateful laborers, and I truly understand. Tarancon was abandoned by those with a duty to protect it. Since our struggles are alike, I send you a gift to aid with your legal fees."
"As for my wishes in return, I recently attained a wreck, which I have towed to the Omicrons to begin my salvage operations. I hear your engine work is the best in Sirius, and so I ask that you would install the engines of the Hasta Outcast Battlecruiser to the |\/|-JCV-Tarancon, Hurricane Coalition Battlecruiser, in preparation for my revenge on the enemies of the working men of the Omicrons.
|\/|-JCV-Tarancon dsy_oc_engine_bc added
I'll do something about my superiority complex when I cease to be superior.
"Whatever happened to catchin' a good old-fashioned passionate ass-whoopin and gettin' your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken?"
Sender ID: Tricia Reyes
Recipient ID: Krampus, Krampusnacht
Transmission Origin: Manhattan, New York System, Republic of Liberty
Topic: -
Feed: Video
Encryption Protocol: J3R-1C40
Connection Stability: 100%
Delay: 0.05 ms
Decrypting Transmission
Hey there, old friend. Haven't forgotten your loyal servant now, have you?
You know... There's a severe lack of charcoals in my mailbox nowadays. Last year, the one before, and now it's this year, too. Have you been slacking recently? Or am I way above your paygrade?
Well, whatever the case may be, while I'm at it, I may give you a little business proposal. See, both you and I understand that a little prank goes a long way. So... I've been thinking. Seeing the Umbra up above in the night sky of my little residence every now and then gave me brilliant idea. Not one that the Government would support, no doubt - they're going head over heels with the recent addition of "Akhetatens" to their semi-mass production. I need a professional for this job.
So-o-o... How about you and your most trusted sneak aboard, replace the entire propulsion system with that of an "Osiris" and leave entirely unnoticed? Jeff's gonna hate this, I'm sure of it.
Now, the ship's transponder nowadays should be something like 46th|LNX-Umbra. Needless to say, it is a "Mako".
Oh, and, beware the on-board AI. She's a smart cookie, but the easiest way to distract her is to ask her about a theorem of quantum tunneling. You'll see for yourself why.