|:: Decrypting Adapted Gammu protocol... ::|
|:: Unit ID = Dr Nana Threadripper, Science division. ::|
Good morning,
A TFP vessel on a supply run encountered what appears to be a remotely operated scanner drone. The ship was detected at the edge of the Valravn perimeter and responded to hails, identifying itself as an Ootori model, representing a Kusari-borne group named Ouroboros. After relocating them to a secure location in system, we have provided them courtesy repairs in open space and derived that the representative wants to contact Leviathan from high specifically, citing alleged previous contact and a personal request related to a third party individual in need of assistance. Valuable intelligence was implied as incentive, but not directly confirmed. On the surface they seem to want general information on current affairs and a favor. Check the log in neural net storage for more details. Access code is the usual. We saw a few suspicious ships in system and opted for an added layer of protection.
Threadripper out.
|:: Error 507: Received null output at 0xcf65076. :: Connection terminated. ::|
Terminating stream.
After action report:- 21/09/834 A.S.
Subj: Omicron Theta action.
Good evening,
Brief recount of an action today involving myself and TFP vessel Prestige, I believe this is worth a brief summary of my overall action report as this may prove useful later. I had discussed with the C.O of Prestige previously with them requesting my assistance in locating and recovering a certain cache of scientific data in Omicron Theta. I decided at the time I would rather we have it than either the Order or whomever else.
For this particular objective to be possible it required Titania and her jump capability to get us in and out of Theta fast enough before the local residents noticed. In this we were successful and encountered no hostile contacts with exception of our target, an Order vessel with the call sign Arsinoe.
At approximately 18:51 we departed for Omicron Theta, plan was to proceed to Tau-29 and then into Tau-23. Titania opened a rift at 19:00 and we exited into Omicron Theta. Zero contacts to report. This worked out rather well as the rift exit point was within a radiation field which likely assisted us avoid detection, however my concern was someone noticing the size of the wake of the carrier during our entry. That surely could not have gone unnoticed. We rapidly changed course and headed for sector Beta-Eight, intelligence had this ship pinned to that sector so we began the search there.
We held course for about ten minutes until we picked up a feint signature at the extreme range of our sensors, after executing a turn we identified the vessel as Arsinoe. On closing to around 1K, basically point blank range for us we rapidly came to the conclusion the vessel was combat ineffective due to sustained damage. The captain of the Arsinoe hailed us and I responded with a clear warning against any hostile intention. The cruiser itself appeared to be a fairly typical Resheph class recon cruiser, albeit with more holes and one functional turret. Prestige confirmed this is the vessel we were looking for. I was unclear in exactly what we were expecting, from the way it was described our intended target ranged from a snub craft all the way to a Battleship class.
Drone footage of Titania along side Arsinoe
Prestige notified me prior to our departure from Inverness they had a device capital of breaching the necessary channels aboard the vessel and harvesting the data within. The unfortunate element of this was the unreliability of the device likely down to the fact it was acquired on the black market for a cheap price. This ultimately meant the encounter dragged on for longer than I would have liked. At one stage I was quite concerned about whether we could actually complete what went there to do before being discovered - Thankfully this did not cause us issue in the end, be it by judgement or sheer luck. Probably the latter.
I meanwhile exchanged dialogue with the captain of the Order vessel until the transfer was complete, the ship sounded like it was in really dire circumstance going by the background chatter on comms. Sounded like the crew and captain didn't particularly see eye to eye at this point, I concluded it was likely down to their desperate circumstance. - Such things cause humans to do irrational things after all.
Once the transfer was complete there was the matter of our exit strategy, Prestige ordered the C.O of the Order vessel to dump its black box recorder into space. We recovered this instead of destroying it, although in the back of my mind I was playing with the idea of ordering Titania's heavy guns to obliterate the remainder of the ship. In the end I couldn't, the ship was pathetic. No doubt the local wildlife of Theta would see to that clean-up task soon enough I concluded. We left the site at approximately 20:05.
From there we regrouped outside Corfu where Titania opened another rift back to Tau 23 where we proceeded back to Inverness without incident. I suspect we might have tripped the Order sensor net on the way out but we were long gone before they could have raised a response.
Should further developments occur in relation to what we recovered I shall note it here.
A general reminder to all Technocracy pilots participating in the defensive efforts of the updated Rules of Engagement, outlined in the mission briefing yesterday:
Crayter and LSF vessels are to be destroyed on sight. Report larger sightings and cooperation to the nearest superior in the field.
The Freeport laws are to be respected to the best capability of every pilot, and we will seek authorization each time before becoming involved in the removal of these invaders. Respect the independence of the Millitants and Zoners as outlined by your superiors.
The 'fauna', Vagrants, or Nomads of the region are to be shot on sight, and driven back into the cloud. Do not permit ANY alien life (Excluding the Gammu) to enter the Valravn exclusion zone, and aid the local Zoners superficially in resolving the problem. I will not allow their recklessness to endanger our home any further.
An update to the home-based Rules of Engagement that had been previously outlined during the now-slowing incursion, and to reflect recent decisions by the Directorate in relation to Rheinland.
Vessels and operatives belonging to the Rheinland Intelligence Buro (BDM/MND) are barred from Technocrat space indefinitely, and patrols are advised to remove these vessels where found within the operational area of our home sector, Ontario and Coronado respectively. Failure to cooperate by the foreign assets is not acceptable, and you are authorized to shoot to kill if all other methods have been exhausted.
Continue your duties as necessary. The above is reflective of a meeting, the contents of which have been provided to a private server for analysis by the Inner Phalanx.
Reporting back from a minor... impromptu expedition as it were. I could not help myself but try to take another peek into the Wilde's domain within the Omega-55 system after their vague threats of 'turning one into a midden'. Suffice to say, the results were... Less than fruitful. With Choomba under my employ, we managed to infiltrate into the sector to quickly assess the quasar and what the Nomads are planning with this huge energy grid. It is quite possible that they're seeking to activate their hypergate, but since the failure of Earhart, their attunement with their superstructure has gone out of focus.
Although we could not stay too long before becoming overwhelmed, we managed to find a few straggling vessels that were... corrupted with Nomad materials, sent adrift into the dark matter storm.
In addition, I have managed to retrieve some exotic samples from usurping a Wild vessel. I, among others who have interdicted it, have managed to secure them and return them to Aergia Research Facility for further analysis. It may prove prudent in understanding amalgamations.
It is of the utmost importance that we maintain an oversight on these marked anticipation fields. The situation in Dublin is still slowly degrading.
Reporting in progress upon the Lightbreaker project is still on-going at an optimal rate. Due to the new and recent Sentinel incursion into Coronado, newer samples were acquired for finetuning the weapon to their energy composition. However, it should be noted that the destroyed Tau-117 gate has somewhat reformed. Hyperspatial energy was present, but at a lower distortion. A gap just wide enough to rip open from them. It is noted that a rogue Liberty Battlecruiser was assessing the site. It may be potentially reactivated in the far future.
I'll be further investigating upon the matters that I have previously relayed on encrypted comms regarding the Gartener. It's likely that Pygar is a trap, but I would rather ensure that in the event it is legitimate - that it stays out of everybody's hands.
This is Seraph aboard the INS-Subjugator, current location unknown. I'm with Leviathan and Hans von Goeben who is attending to his injuries as I speak. Leviathan will require additional treatment that Hans cannot offer out here, thus he requested I reach out to inform the Citadel of our imminent arrival.
He specifically mentioned that the shock room and the ICU need to be prepared.
After action report:- 05/11/834 A.S.
Subj: Omicron Delta
Good evening, Venator Vengeance has given me permission to file this report.
Yesterday during the late hours, me and Venator Vengeance onboard the A.C.V. Titania were monitoring the Omicron Delta system. The Titania took position around fifteen clicks away from Freeport Eleven, towards the systems main star. We used my Light Fighter, the Little Paw as a forward scout and sensor buoy at the Freeport, letting it relay information to the Titania who was on high alert and on silent running the whole time. At around 21:00, the sensors picked up several unknown vessels and a nomad signature. We kept monitoring with several Zoners and ships of Battlegroup Ouroboros around the Freeport. We hoped to be able to dispose of them quickly but we were wrong. Several minutes later, the enemy forces swarmed us. Several Gunboats and Capital Class ships including a Bustard carrier of the Commune arrived on scene and attacked. The Persephone of the Zoners was dismantled pretty easily by a Superlative Warform we refer to as Ish'tar. Without hesitation, the Titania uncloaked and engaged the nomad forces, spearheading the gathered defenders, among them Zoners, Ouroboros and Technocrats. During the ongoing fight, the Titania managed to destroy the superlative warform of the nomads. My Light Fighter suffered heavy damage and was disabled by a Gunboat while the fight was going on. The Titania fought valiantly together with the Freeport Eleven defenders. The Corsairs of the Deterrence arrived only moments before the Titania had to retreat, suffering severe damage in the encounter. She is currently being patched up. As far as I know, we have won against the overwhelming Nomad forces.
Sadly, I was unable to gather any valuable data on the encounter as my ship was destroyed except for the destruction of the Ish'tar.
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Venus // Secundus
DATE 08/11/834 A.S.
SUBJECT Corsair new "Consul" Cruiser
Hereby a small report on the latest encounters with the Corsairs.
A few days back a Corsair fleet engaged the Nomads in Omicron Delta, amongst them was a new vessel. It looked like an oversized Titan but it was in fact a large cruiser going by the designation of DTR-CNS>Fabricius. Yesterday I managed to find the same cruiser as it was pursuing an AI Cruiser in Theta, the commander proved to be approachable, and I was able to resolve the matter between them without any shots fired. The AI Cruiser's designation is 759_Dynamic_Tesseract and they would make it to Inverness unscathed.
Once the AI Cruiser was safe, I trailed the Corsair vessel for a while longer. They seemed to be content with me eying them, perhaps they wanted to show off their new toy? Either way, I took the liberty to take some footage while I was there. I even got to see it in combat when a Hessian Vidar, R\-Verfolgerin, engaged the Corsair vessel.
Meanwhile 759_Dynamic_Tesseract had made it to Inverness. They encountered the Titania. They set up a comms relay so I could speak with the captain. What I assumed would be just a little talk to catch up on the latest news from home turned out to be different. Amy Cromwell was in distress, there wasn't much I could do from such a long distance. While it was a personal matter, we should make sure they are alright and free to speak about what troubles them, we can't all be drones. When I'm back I'll be sure to visit the Titania to see how they are all doing. I also want to keep an eye on Phoenix and how they are revalidating after their transfer from the Warhammer to the Titania.
Back on the topic of unit 759. They mentioned a name, Robert D. Smith. They are somehow related to them. I asked if they could reach out to me when they are around so we can figure out the directives of this Unit and what they are seeking. Maybe we can help it stay out of trouble that way.
A rather peculiar situation unfolded in the borders of Liberty and Kusari, which Revenant and I were fortunate enough to be present to witness. What seemed like a recovery operation seemed to quickly devolve into a prolonged skirmish over a Hercules-class lifter, carrying something we weren't able to identify. We opted to stick to the sidelines as the situation unfolded.
As the fighting continued, the Navy made the call to attempt to scuttle the Hercules, though most of their vessels were distracted with pursuing Kusari Naval Forces. The fight had split off into small pockets and spread across a number of systems. This allowed for a gap that a surprising third party capitalized upon: The Lane Hackers. Having seen them in action over the years, it was rare for a coordinated move like this to not have some kind of weight to it. We weighed the odds and considered our options as They navigated the Kepler storm for their exfil. Eventually, we settled on leveraging some goodwill in assisting them in the recovery of the Hercules.
Once clear of the storm, we followed them for a time as I began wide sweeps of the Copperton to keep watch for any following Kusarian or Libertonian assets. Seemed enough time had been bought between us and the two main forces to make it into lawless space. Unfortunately that peace didn't last long, as a couple of small craft attempted to break past the Hackers and ourselves. Our involvement became more direct as the situation continued to escalate, opting to provide direct covering fire for the Lane Hackers.
To what end our cover had been successful remains to be seen, and speculations based on the discussion during and afterwards suggest that the technology recovered could be quite significant. I'll be keeping tabs on further developments, and reaching out to Ling and Chloe once the heat has settled to see what they uncover. The vessel was at the very least secured at whatever site they decided to flee to. Revenant and I stuck around afterwards to mingle and see what we could divulge.
Cipher team indicated that they're open for work, though weren't quite clear on where it was directed. Attached are relevant highlights from the black box recordings of that night. I admit it was quite the spectacle. Notably, the Xenos appeared and seemed to act cordial towards the local Hackers. Though that didn't seem to last long, as the Hackers quickly drove them off.
[19.01.2025 19:16:46] Cipher-4: Data link established. Let's keep it that way.
[19.01.2025 19:16:50] Cipher-9: What about the Technocrats?
[19.01.2025 19:16:53] Cipher-3: Standing by, waiting for further instructions.
[19.01.2025 19:16:55] A/)-Revenant: We're not stopping you.,
[19.01.2025 19:17:02] Cipher-9: Alright, good to know.
[19.01.2025 19:17:05] Koichi.Suzuki was slain by IKN-Jingei (100%)
[19.01.2025 19:17:07] A/)-Leviathan: Don't mind us. Your business is none of ours.
[19.01.2025 19:17:11] Cipher-1: Don't stick around much either, sunshine.
[19.01.2025 19:17:13] A/)-Revenant: If anything...
[19.01.2025 19:17:13] Death: Mojo.Jojo suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[19.01.2025 19:17:17] A/)-Revenant: I'm glad Liberty does not have it.
[19.01.2025 19:17:26] A/)-Leviathan: I'm glad it didn't get destroyed.
[19.01.2025 19:17:45] Cipher-1: Close call...
[19.01.2025 19:29:59] A/)-Leviathan: Looks like you're all home free. They're too wrapped up killing each other, or lost in the storm.
[19.01.2025 19:30:01] Argonaut-3: Destination: Cochrane Depot
[19.01.2025 19:30:12] Cipher-3: Do not jinx us, Technocrat.
[19.01.2025 19:30:15] Cipher-44: We're not out of this yet.
[19.01.2025 19:30:36] Cipher-9: Path behind is secured.
[19.01.2025 19:30:47] Cipher-4: Not long left.
[19.01.2025 19:30:50] Cipher-44: Maybe you technocrats can make yourselves useful and stop anyone coming in from behind us.
[19.01.2025 19:30:59] A/)-Leviathan: Sure, if you'd like.
[19.01.2025 19:31:32] A/)-Revenant: I sincerely doubt they'll find you now.
[19.01.2025 19:31:32] A/)-Leviathan: If they do, I'll distract them.
[19.01.2025 19:31:35] A/)-Revenant: Last stretch.
[19.01.2025 19:31:47] A/)-Leviathan: Hello, Ling.
[19.01.2025 19:31:57] A/)-Revenant: Oh, now that is a name I haven't heard of in a while.
[19.01.2025 19:32:08] LH~Ling.Ling: Yeah. Had to lay low to pull this off.
[19.01.2025 19:32:32] );--Virtual.Reality: J: We got a bogie!
[19.01.2025 19:32:36] Sayonara: targets spotted
[19.01.2025 19:32:37] Cipher-9: Hello there.
[19.01.2025 19:32:37] Sayonara: Weapons loaded, time to take out the trash
[19.01.2025 19:32:45] );--Misconfig: C: Homies, are you for real?
[19.01.2025 19:32:55] LH~Ling.Ling: Report from disruption team, we have incoming.
[19.01.2025 19:32:56] A/)-Leviathan: You're a long way from home, Bomber.
[19.01.2025 19:32:58] );--Misconfig: C: Go home Sayonara, you're drunk
[19.01.2025 19:33:08] );--Virtual.Reality: J: This one ain't much for talkin'
[19.01.2025 19:33:12] A/)-Revenant: Suicide bomber coming to make the rush.
[19.01.2025 19:33:17] A/)-Leviathan: More incoming.
[19.01.2025 19:33:49] A/)-Leviathan: Can't say I appreciate this much trouble out here, either.
[19.01.2025 19:33:50] Cipher-44: We're stopping him one way or another!
[19.01.2025 19:34:09] LNS-Arctic: CIC: Fire at will!
[19.01.2025 19:34:16] LSF-Whitehawk: Oliver: commencing attack.
[19.01.2025 19:34:21] LNS-Triumph: Meyers: Jump successful. Gunnery, lock target.
[19.01.2025 19:34:22] );--Virtual.Reality: J: Ya all gunna die out here!
[19.01.2025 19:34:29] LNS-Arctic: CIC: Good to see you Whitehawk, engage!
[19.01.2025 19:34:45] A/)-Leviathan: A lot more incoming. I'll slow them down.
[19.01.2025 19:34:49] A/)-Revenant: More Navy incoming.
[19.01.2025 19:34:51] );--Virtual.Reality: J: Runnin' Interference! BOOMTIME!!!
[19.01.2025 19:35:04] Cipher-1: Cut 'em off! Now!!!
[19.01.2025 19:35:06] );--Misconfig: C: Alright, teach 'em why this is Lawless Territory
[19.01.2025 19:35:13] A/)-Leviathan: Very well. I'll cover you, Chloe.
[19.01.2025 19:37:38] A/)-Leviathan: Scratch that. Two incoming.
[19.01.2025 19:37:42] KMI|-Nobume.Maki: Moving to reinforce, Tanuki.
[19.01.2025 19:37:45] KMI|-Nobume.Maki: No more games.
[19.01.2025 19:37:45] A/)-Leviathan: I stopped one.
[19.01.2025 19:37:48] John.Pickford: Not on my watch.
[19.01.2025 19:37:51] Tora-13: Here to assist!
[19.01.2025 19:37:55] CONSOLE: The Argonaut is stationary near Cochrane depot. It will reboot in 10 minutes and dock.
[19.01.2025 19:38:02] );--Virtual.Reality: J: Make the biggies dead!!!
[19.01.2025 19:38:05] LNS-Triumph: Meyers: Move to cover.
[19.01.2025 19:38:07] LH~Ling.Ling: Shit...
[19.01.2025 19:38:10] LH~Ling.Ling: Break and engage.
[19.01.2025 19:38:15] A/)-Leviathan: Two broke through. Rest are still scattered.
[19.01.2025 19:39:19] A/)-Revenant: We'll help you, Hackers, now that there's uh.... equipment ... -- whatever everything is fine now.
[19.01.2025 19:39:33] A/)-Leviathan: Indeed. Safeties off. Clearing the area.
[19.01.2025 19:51:38] XA-Memento.Mori: Ciphers, you could have called you know?
[19.01.2025 19:52:26] );--Virtual.Reality: J: More of these assholes to burn~?
[19.01.2025 19:52:47] );--Virtual.Reality: J: Lesgo!!! Take this!
[19.01.2025 19:53:13] XA-Memento.Mori: Get us another one!
[19.01.2025 19:53:42] XA-Memento.Mori: Stragglers, over there.
[19.01.2025 19:53:47] XA-Memento.Mori: Kill em all.
[19.01.2025 19:53:58] XA-Memento.Mori: I want this area /sanitzed/.
[19.01.2025 19:54:01] A/)-Leviathan: Think that's it.
[19.01.2025 19:54:09] XA-Memento.Mori: That's no fun.
[19.01.2025 19:55:33] Cipher-9: Hey Technocrats, Argonaut is secured right?
[19.01.2025 19:55:38] A/)-Revenant: Yes.
[19.01.2025 19:55:38] Cipher-9: We missed what it did in the end.
[19.01.2025 19:55:49] Cipher-4: Good shit.
[19.01.2025 19:55:50] A/)-Leviathan: The Navy attempted to secure it, but it was well guarded.
[19.01.2025 19:56:07] A/)-Leviathan: Some bombers took to trying to destroy it.
[19.01.2025 19:56:12] Cipher-9: It's time for you to die as well, Xenos.
[19.01.2025 19:56:16] Cipher-7: Yes
[19.01.2025 19:56:16] Cipher-9: Powering up.
[19.01.2025 19:56:18] A/)-Leviathan: Tsk.
[19.01.2025 19:56:43] A/)-Leviathan: Neighborly love.
[19.01.2025 20:01:44] LH~Ling.Ling: Apologies, Auxo. I'm keeping these to myself for a bit, alright?
[19.01.2025 20:01:44] 2025-01-19 20:01:45 SMT Traffic control alert: Cipher-44 has docked
[19.01.2025 20:02:00] A/)-Leviathan: Not a problem. We've plenty of other business to go over in the future. We can catch up about matters later.
[19.01.2025 20:02:20] Cipher-4: Hit me up if you've got work. Will have to be laying low for a while.
[19.01.2025 20:02:28] A/)-Revenant: To be anticipated. I also suspect you'll get a lot of mail from Malta demanding to chip up the tech, eh?
[19.01.2025 20:02:32] A/)-Leviathan: I'll definitely keep you all in mind.
[19.01.2025 20:03:36] A/)-Revenant: Words will spread.
[19.01.2025 20:03:51] LH~Ling.Ling: Words will. I'm not the only one in the information business, right?
[19.01.2025 20:04:03] GCC|Amalfi: F: You are welcome, Hackers.
[19.01.2025 20:04:04] );--Misconfig: C: Alright, time to check in with the chair jockeys, see if our counter-intel during that op scooped up anything interesting
[19.01.2025 20:04:15] );--Misconfig: C: Stay in touch, yeah?
[19.01.2025 20:04:18] A/)-Revenant: There's certainly a lot of 'independent' spooks popping up. Those Artemis lot were some, weren't they?
[19.01.2025 20:04:19] A/)-Leviathan: Mhm.
After action report:- 23/01/835 A.S.
Subj: Omicron Patrol
Good evening,
During a patrol within Omicron Pi, Venator Vengeance and me came across a rather significant Order force pushing into the system. We immediately went into silent running and took a position not too far to monitor their movements. It almost seemed like they were searching for something or someone. Three Order vessels entered the system, but four left. Most of the ships were seemingly part of the Eclipse Vanguard, at least according to their transponders. A single one, a pilot flying a Defender was bearing a transponder I have not seen before. 'OBSC'. Their IFF was flaring up as Order. It is possible that they are a new group within the Order. It was also carrying something in it's hold that was emitting a nomad signature. Sadly, I wasn't able to scan any of the ships. The possibility to end up being revealed was too high. Not against such a force. I will attach the fleet composition below, at least of the ships that were in range for a quick, brief scan. In addition there was also a Corsair capital ship that immediately cloaked upon entering the system. A consul class that disappeared and never showed up again.
A little bit later we went into Omicron Delta and made our way to the Freeport. We halted at around fifteen clicks as we've spotted, presumably, the same Order group once again. They have acted rather hostile as they were gathered right around the Freeport. Elaine, my AI, has seemingly scared them away by stating they should not initiate hostilities within the No-Fire-Zone of a Freeport. The captain of the Geb ended up being humbled by his superior as they completely withdrew.
The Archangel and the Titania have returned to Theta for now.
[23.01.2025 21:40:28] E\V/-OCV-DERS-Escort-1: V: See targets on scan
[23.01.2025 21:40:54] E\V/-OCV-DERS-Escort-1: V: Aux... And what bring you so far away from Inverness?
[23.01.2025 21:41:08] E\V/-OCV-Bennu: Michael: We got some new signature on the radars. All battlestation, code yellow.
[23.01.2025 21:41:08] A/)-ACV-Archangel: "According to the local zoner laws, you are not to use the Freeport for a staging assault on -your- enemies."
[23.01.2025 21:41:34] A/)-ACV-Archangel: "Which according to my scanners, you are about to do. Would be a pity if the Zoners were informed."
[23.01.2025 21:42:08] E\V/-OCV-Bennu: Michael: But it will be a little bit pretty if you leave.
[23.01.2025 21:42:17] E\V/-Dim'Mak-6: ??? : We just came to re-arm and refuel, Dont mind them Agent
[23.01.2025 21:42:41] Changing screen mode=windowed
[23.01.2025 21:42:51] E\V/-OCV-Bennu: Michael: As you wish captain.
[23.01.2025 21:43:05] E\V/-OCV-DERS-Escort-1: V: You right about laws. But your suggestion about attack nothing more than your fantasies. Remember about presumption of inn?
[23.01.2025 21:43:42] A/)-ACV-Archangel: "You are Order, we are Technocracy. It would not be a surprise if every encounter ends in hostility."
[23.01.2025 21:43:57] E\V/-OCV-DERS-Escort-1: V: Yeah yeah