I'm guilty of it too, the past few days I've been getting a little too wound up about the little things, and now I'm starting to notice this.
Over the past two weeks that I've been back on the server, I'm noticing a lot of people are harsh, rude, cruel, and just flat out mean. I don't mean In Character either, because that I can deal with, I'm talking OOC people. Misunderstandings happen, people make mistakes, after all we're human right? I've been noticing people taking this game for more than a game. Sure, he's a great place to hang out, and sure it takes some serious work to get credits and earn a reputation and everything...
But that's not everything.
Playing a game is about FUN, not IRRITATIONS and I've noticed a lot of people around here are at the verge of tearing their hair out of their scalps, something I would not advise, no one likes being bald. However, still, I urge everyone of you, if you start feeling that anger rising, creeping up and you're about to cut loose on someone, do what I do.
F1, Quit to Main Menu, Yes, Exit, and then Yes. That combination of buttons takes you to your desktop. Surf the net, talk to friends, even vent if you have to, and then when you have a cool head, and feel better, log back in. Don't take it out on people ingame, doing so only gets you in trouble.
Though I haven't been on the server for about 2 weeks, due to family visiting... so I haven't seen this behavior, but people certainly need to enjoy the game some more.
Iâll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because itâs flag that I love
And a flag that I trust
now 3 topics on the same thing... Proof that the situation related to tolerance and politeness is really bad.
Sometimes me thinks, I should play with similar cards. Report every single players that spam OOC with arrogant, harsh and cruel things directed at someone, who might not even know what he did. However, that would give more work to admins.
I think I should try to talk to the harsh and cruel ones and persuade them to get nicer, if it does not work me thinks I will simply blow them up because they are disrupting public peace (In-rp).
I now see why your post count is so high in so little time, Tenacity. Lets post when we have something to say that others wanna hear, mkay?:dry:
*Raises hand*
Yeah, been quite guilty of it too. Just ask Abbadon. But, to be honest, i don't believe we should turn into an Eutopia society. It's ok to get angry now and then, just don't take it out on others.
How is this different than normal? This is the reason I left Disco and the forums for an extended period of time. It's been this bad for as long as I've been around, and isn't likely to get better.
' Wrote:How is this different than normal? This is the reason I left Disco and the forums for an extended period of time. It's been this bad for as long as I've been around, and isn't likely to get better.
Heh, so true. Been like this for as long as i can remember. *Looks at join date*
Still, doesn't hurt discussing it? It might change a few people. Few's better than nothing.